Saggi in riviste e contributi in volume
“Parole per costruire: i sonetti di Richard Murphy”, in Scrivere e leggere poesia nel XXI secolo, Supplemento al n.80 de Il Confronto Letterario, II, 2023, pp.33-46.
“History, Memory and Poetry: Richard Murphy's The Battle of Aughrim” in Letteratura e Letterature, 17, 2023, pp.123-135.
“Yeats and The Wild Swans at Coole, 1917, 1919: from tempest to comfort” in Il Confronto Letterario, n.76, Dicembre 2021, pp.235-252.
“Generic instability: Gothic fiction from an Irish perspective in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century”, in Rocco Coronato, Marilena Parlati and Alessandra Petrina, eds., Thinking Out of the Box in Literary and Cultural Studies – Proceedings of the XXIX AIA Conference, Padova, Padova University Press, 2021, pp.37-50.
“Irish Gothic: How the Canon Intersects History”, in Textus - English Studies in Italy, volume XXXII (2019), No. 3 (September-December), pp.57-71.
“Maria Edgeworth and her legacy: the case of Elizabeth Bowen”, in “Still Blundering into Sense” Maria Edgeworth, her context, her legacy, eds. Fiorenzo Fantaccini and Raffaella Leproni, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2019, pp.109-123.
“Elizabeth Bowen’s Idiosyncratic Style”, in Worlds of words: complexity, creativity, and conventionality in English language, literature and culture. Volume II: Literature and culture / edited by Fausto Ciompi, Roberta Ferrari, Laura Giovannelli, Sara Soncini, Pisa: Pisa university press, 2019, pp.51-59.
“Ted Hughes, la traduzione, i classici, l’Alcesti” in Il Confronto Letterario, n.71, I, 2019, pp.117-130.
“The Kick and the Genre of Anglo-Irish Autobiography”, in Benjamin Keatinge, ed., Making Integral: Critical Essays on Richard Murphy, Cork, Cork University Press, 2019, pp.265-276.
“Elizabeth Bowen’s Gothic”, in Ilaria Natali e Annalisa Volpone, eds., “The common darkness where the dreams abide:” Perspectives on Irish Gothic and Beyond, Perugia, Aguaplano Libri, 2018, pp.239-256.
“Yeats’s Other Countries: Italy”. In Chiara Sciarrino, ed., Irish-Italian Studies- New perspectives on Cultural Mobility and Permeability, Palermo, Palermo University Press, 2018, pp.127-140.
“Nell’officina di un poeta: Seamus Heaney e la lettura”, in Della lettura: riflessioni d'autore, a cura di Vittorio Fortunati, Alessandra Preda, Eleonora Sparvoli, Supplemento al n.67 del Confronto Letterario, 2017, pp.129-141.
“Neil Jordan’s The Past: A Journey in Time and Memory”, in Seán Crosson and Werner Huber (eds.), Towards 2016: 1916 and Irish Literature, Culture & Society, Irish Studies in Europe Volume 6, Trier,WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2015, pp.145-153.
“The Wartime Short Stories of Elizabeth Bowen”, in Short Tales in Western European Literatures, Supplemento al n.60 del Confronto Letterario, 2013 - II, pp.135-148.
“Yeats’s Autobiographies and the Making of the Self’ in Studi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 2:2, 2012, pp.41-54.
“A Few Notes on The History Man”, in Romanzo e Storia del '900, a cura di Leonardo Terzo, Milano, Arcipelago Edizioni, 2012, pp.133-146.
“Displacement, identity and language in Hugo Hamilton” in Linguae &, I / 2011, pp.9- 21,
“Bowen's Court”, in Saggi italiani su Elizabeth Bowen, a cura di Barbara Berri, Milano, Arcipelago Edizioni, 2010, pp.29-44.
“The Burial at Thebes: l'Antigone di Seamus Heaney”, in Testi classici nelle lingue moderne - Primo colloquio ‘Roberto Sanesi’ sulla traduzione letteraria, Supplemento al n.52 de Il Confronto Letterario, 2009 - II, pp.199-214.
“An ‘Imagined country’: W.B.Yeats, Ireland and Identity”, in M.J.Carrera, A.Carrera, E.Cámara, C.Dapía, eds., The Irish Knot – Essays on Imaginary/Real Ireland, Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid: Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial, 2008, pp.355-361.
“Virginia Woolf, Arnold Bennett, il personaggio e la realtà”, in Il Confronto Letterario, 48, 2007 - II, pp.393-407.
“Riflessioni su guerra e letteratura”, in Il Confronto Letterario, 45, 2006 - I, pp.133-146.
“William Butler Yeats and Lady Gregory”, in Roots and Beginnings, ed. by Pietro Deandrea and Viktoria Tchernikova, Cafoscarina, Venezia, 2003, pp.295-302 (Atti del II Convegno della Associazione Italiana di Studi sulle Letterature in Inglese).
“Roberto Sanesi e William Butler Yeats”, in “Roberto Sanesi e l’arte del tradurre”, Supplemento a Il Confronto Letterario, n.39, 2003-I.