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Eleonora Sausa (Ph.D. Student)
Born in Venice (VE), 09/08/1985
Nationality: Italian
Professional address: Section of Linguistics, Department of Humanities, University of Pavia Corso Strada Nuova 65, I-27100, Pavia, Italy. e-mail: eleonorasausa@gmail.com
November 2011-present
Enrolled in the Ph.D. programme in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (three years) at the University of Pavia. Title: “Argument Realizations and Verbal Classes in Ancient Greek. A research on bivalent verbs in Homer” Research area: Theoretical Linguistics, Syntax-semantics, Corpus Linguistics and Ancient Greek. Main advisor: Silvia Luraghi. Other advisors: Pierluigi Cuzzolin, Emanuele Banfi, Vito Pirrelli.
October 2013-March 2014
Research activity (5 months) as visiting Ph.D. student at the Department of Classical Philology of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain). Supervisor Professor Jesus de la Villa.
March - July 2013
Research activity (5 months) as visiting Ph.D student at Philipps-University of Marburg (Germany). Supervisor Professor Micheal Cysouw.
September 2009 - September 2011
Master (II level) degree in in “Theoretical and applied linguistics” (2 years’ program), 110/110 with honors at the University of Pavia. Main Areas of studies: general and historical linguistics, Indo-European linguistics, linguistic typology, Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Hebrew. Master thesis in Indo-European Linguistics, title “L’orientamento della valenza in Greco omerico” (“Basic valence orientation in Homeric Greek”). Advisor: Prof. Dr. Silvia Luraghi (University of Pavia), co-advisor Prof. Dr. Bertolini (University of Pavia).
September 2010 - February 2011
One semester (5 months) as Erasmus Student at the Leiden Universiteit (The Netherlands). Attended advanced courses (18 ECTS) of the Research Master in Linguistics.
September 2004 – July 2009
Bachelor (I level) degree in Classics, 110/110 with honors at University of Palermo. Bachelor thesis in Indo-European Linguistics about actionality and telicity in Homeric Greek, title “Il ruolo della telicità nel sistema verbale omerico” (“The role of telicity in the Homeric verbal system”). Advisor Bartolotta Anna Maria (Università di Palermo).
October 2013-March 2014
Erasmus Placement scholarship (5 months) for research activity and teaching assistant activity at the Universidad Autonoma Madrid.
March 2013 - July 2013
DAAD (Deutsche Akademischer Austausch Dienst) Fellowship (B1) (5 months) for research activity at the Marburg Universität (Germany).
July - August 2012
NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities Institute) grant (three weeks) for the participation at the Perseus Institute “Working with texts in a digital age”, at the Tufts University, Boston (Medford, MA, USA).
September 2011 - February 2012
Erasmus Studium scholarship (5 months) for a period of study at the Leiden Universiteit (Netherlands).
(with Silvia Luraghi) “Hate and anger, love and desire: the construal of emotions in Homeric Greek” submitted.
(with Silvia Luraghi) “New Testament meets Linguistics”. In T. Biro and F. Tappenden (eds.). Language, Cognition and Biblical Studies. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
“Basic Valence Orientation in Homeric Greek” submitted.
Conference papers:
Realización de los argumentos y grupos semánticos de los verbos bivalentes en Homero y Herodoto. To be presented at the 2nd “Congreso Nacional Ganimedes” 13-15 March 2014, Sevilla (Spain).
La città come luogo, meta o origine: le relazioni spaziali in Erodoto. Paper presented at “Cantieri d’autunno” (3rd edition), workshop on ancient world, 16 October 2013, University of Pavia.
(with Silvia Luraghi) Two ways to conceptualize emotions: two competing constructions in Ancient Greek. Paper presented at the “21st International Conference of Historical linguistics”, 5-9 August 2013, Oslo.
(with Alessandra Caviglia) Un’indagine linguistica sull’espressione dell’agentività in greco antico e in indoario. Paper presented at “Cantieri d’autunno” (2nd edition), workshop on ancient world. University of Pavia, 18 October 2012.
(with Silvia Luraghi) Verbal valency and classes of verbs in Ancient Greek. Bivalent verbs in Homer. Paper presented at the Workshop “Contrastive studies of verbal valency in European languages”, at the 45a Conferenza SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea), Stockholm, 27 August-2 September 2012.
Toward an Ancient Greek WordNet. Paper presented at the “International workshop on WordNet and SketchEngine”, University of Pavia, 9 March 2012.
Internal seminars:
Realizaciones argumentales y grupos semánticos de los verbos en griego antiguo. Un estudio de los verbos bivalentes en diacronía. Reunion of the project “Rección y complementación en griego antiguo y latín”, 17 January 2014, Universidad Autónoma Madrid, Madrid.
Verb argument realizations and verbal classes in Ancient Greek. A preliminary analysis on bivalent verbs. “Graduierten-Kolloquiums der Germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft der Philipps-Universität“, 24 April 2013, Philipps Universität Marburg, Marburg.
Verb argument realization in a diachronic Ancient Greek corpus. NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities Institute) Perseus Institute “Working with texts in a digital age”, 8 August 2012, Tufts University, Boston (Medford, MA, USA).
October 2013-March 2014
Teaching assistant for the academic course “Italiano 3” and “Italiano 2” at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Prof. Lorenzo Bartoli.
February 2011 - April 2014
Teaching assistant for the academic course “Historical Linguistics”, “General linguistics” and “Indo-European Linguistics”. Prof. Silvia Luraghi (University of Pavia). Supporting students during the course, following them in bibliographical research and in writing assignment about a historical linguistics topic (course requirement).
9-14 September 2013
2nd Pavia International Summer School of Indo-European Linguistics. Intensive classes of Albanian, Armenian, Mycenean, Avestan and evolutionary approach in historical languages. (Pavia, Italy).
10-21 September 2012
Quantitative methods and corpora in linguistic research Summer school. (Pavia, Italy).
23 July-10 August 2012
Summer School: “Working with text in a digital age” at Tufts University, Medford, Boston (MA, USA). National Endowment for the Humanities Institute (NEH) and Perseus Project.
19-25 September 2011
1st Pavia International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics. Intensive classes of Vedic Sanskrit, Celtic, Baltic, Tocharian (Pavia, Italy).
Co-organizer of the “International workshop on WordNet and SketchEngine”, University of Pavia, 9 March 2012.
Co-organizer of the “2nd International Pavia Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics” and organizer of the poster session. University of Pavia, 9-14 September 2013.
2012 - present
SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea)
2011 - 2013
Research project “Argumentstruktur in Texten. Typologische und diachrone Korpusuntersuchungen” Funded by the Friz Thyssen Stiftung, international partnership: Universität Erfurt.