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Ph.D. Program in Linguistics - University of Pavia
Pavia, September 10-21, 2012
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Silvia Luraghi, Department of Humanities, Linguistic Section, University of Pavia, email: silvia.luraghi@unipv.it
The course on Quantitative Methods and Corpora in Linguistic Research aims to equip students with skills that will enable them to choose and/or create the appropriate corpus for a given study, the appropriate tools to extract and analyze relevant data, and the appropriate notions for interpreting statistical data, based on theories underlying the distributional paradigm. It will have a strong hands-on flavor, and will feature the following units: (a) Statistical methods (R, ANOVA, multidimentional scaling) and their application to historical linguistics, linguistic typology and language acquisition research; (b) Different types of corpora and their different uses: corpora and annotations will be both discussed from a theoretical point of view, and dealt with practically, via the use of customizable tools for corpus annotation and processing; (c) Acquiring and representing distributional information: students will be presented with methods, techniques and measures used for the acquisition of semantic information from corpora; focus will then move to the problems that arise translating the acquired semantic information into linguistic representation; (d) Data extraction from corpora: course participants will learn to use software for data extraction and processing in user-friendly environments.
We need you feedback.
All participants (including instructors) are kindly requested to fill in the evaluation form and return it to silvia.luraghi@unipv.itThe evaluation form can be downloaded
hereWe'll have a small bye-bye party on Thursday, Sept. 20th, at 5.30 pm, right after the afternoon lesson. Everybody is invited!
Slides and other course material are being uploaded as they come in, so we advise you to check this webpage regularly.
- Michael Cysouw, Universität Marburg syllabus
Cysouw - Inducing semantic rolesWalsR-software
- Jan Hajic, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics syllabus
slides 1slides 2
- Olga Lyashevskaya, Moscow State University syllabus
- Magnus Sahlgren, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Stockholm syllabus
slides 1
slides 2
slides 3
slides 4
- Maria Freddi, University of Pavia syllabus
- Elisabetta Jezek, University of Pavia syllabus
Jezek - Data
- Malvina Nissim, University of Bologna syllabus
- Stefano Rastelli, University of Pavia syllabus
Course scheduleDOWNLOAD THE COURSE BROCHUREVenuePalazzo San Tommaso, Piazza del Lino (Pavia), Aula L3
**Only for the lecture on Saturday, Sept. 15: Aula 7 (Scienze Politiche), Main building of the University
MapCollegio Borromeo (location)
Mensa Fraccaro