Università degli Studi di Pavia

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

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Ilaria Fiorentini (Ph.D. Student)


General Info

Born in Ivrea (TO), 1985.



November 2011 – present

Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Pavia and Free University of Bozen. Thesis in preparation on the code-mixing phenomena in the Ladin varieties of Dolomites valleys. Supervising Committee: Silvia Dal Negro (Free University of Bozen), Rita Franceschini (Free University of Bozen),Gabriele Iannàccaro (University of Milano Bicocca), Cecilia Andorno (University of Turin), Marina Chini (University of Pavia).

 February 2011
University of Torino, MA cum laude in Linguistics. Thesis: “Pedalata, carrambata, spaghettata. -ATA Nominalizations in Contemporary Italian"

February 2008

University of Torino, BA in Comparative literature. Thesis: "Language of emotions from letters to e-mails".



Grants and Awards


November 2011 – present
University of Pavia and Free University of Bozen. Ph.D. scholarship in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.



Fiorentini, I. (2013), ZOMG! Dis iz a new language: the case of Lolspeak. In Roberts, N.S. & Childs, C. (eds.), Selected papers from Sociolinguistics Summer School 4. Newcastle Working Papers in Linguistics 19.1, pp. 90-108.


Fiorentini, I. (2012), Review of Weinreich, U. (2011), Languages in Contact French,German and Romansh in twentieth-century Switzerland, (edited by Ronald I. Kim and William Labov), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, LinguistList (vol. 23.3396)

Fiorentini, I. (2013a), Review of Weber, J-J. & Horner, K. (2012), Introducing Multilingualism. A social approach, Abingdon/New York: Routledge, LinguistList (vol. 24.271).

Fiorentini, I. (2013b), Review of Bullock, B. E. & Almeida, J. T. (2012 [2009]), The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Code-switching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, LinguistList (to appear).

Papers, posters, lectures

19.06.2012: Dis iz a new language: the case of Lolspeak – paper presented at SSS4 - Sociolinguistics Summer School 4 – Newcastle University (UK).

08.10.2012:  La scuola alla sfida del plurilinguismo: dieci anni di indagine (co-authored with Gabriele Baratto, Nicola Duberti, Chiara Meluzzi e Silvia Sordella)– paper presented at the workshop "Insegnare le Varietà Alte di Lingue Europee: Studi linguistici e strumenti glottodidattici".

22.02.2013:  Alla fine l'é nosc esser. Atteggiamenti nei confronti della trasmissione del ladino in Val di Fassa (TN) - poster presented at XIII Congresso AItLA "Varietà dei contesti di apprendimento - Università di Palermo (Italy)

05.03.2013. L'é nosc esser. Ladino e altre lingue di minoranza - Lecture for the seminar "Linguistica & Linguistiche" (organized by Marina Castagneto and Chiara Meluzzi) - Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale - Vercelli (Italy)

September 2013 (accepted, co-authored with Silvia Dal Negro) - Self-repair markers in bilingual speech - Paper to be presented at the13thInternational Pragmatics Conference- New Delhi, (India)

September 2013 (accepted) - Italian discourse markers in Ladin bilingual speech - Paper to be presented at SLE 2013 - Split (Croatia)

October 2013 (accepted, co-authored with Michela Giovannini) - Lenguas minoritarias que innovan: neologismos con recursos - paper to be presented at  XXVIII Congreso Internacional de la AJL - Universidad de Navarra (Spain)

Participation at projects

"Kontatto. Italiano-Tedesco: aree storiche di contatto tra Sudtirolo e Trentino" (Free University of Bozen; coordinator prof. Silvia Dal Negro; website: http://www.unibz.it/en/public/research/languagestudies/projects KontattoSDalNegro.html)

"Le lingue degli immigrati stranieri in Italia" (University of Pavia, coordinators prof. Marina Chini and prof. Cecilia Andorno)

Research interests

Sociolinguistics; pragmatics; language acquisition; multilingualism; language contact.

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Università degli Studi di Pavia
Segreteria amministrativa: Piazza Botta, 6 - 27100 Pavia
Segreteria didattica: Corso Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia
Sezioni del Dipartimento
Email: webmaster.lettere (at) unipv.it