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I graduated in Classics at the University of Turin in 1982, and continued my study in the USA (Yale University) and Germany (Ruhr Universität Bochum). I earned my PhD from the University of Pavia in 1987, and later held temporary teaching appointments at the Universities of Bergamo and Milan IULM. I worked for two years as research associate at the Chicago Hittite Dictionary project (University of Chicago), before receiving tenure in 1992. My first tenured position was at the University of Rome 3, where I taught general and historical linguistics. Over the years, I have been visiting professor at the Universities of Madrid Complutense, Graz, UCLA, Vienna, Erfurt, Salzburg, and Moscow HSE. My research has brought me abroad on several occasions, most frequently to Germany, where I have been supported by an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship. I moved to Pavia in 1998, and since then I have been teaching several courses in general and historical linguistics, with a focus on Indo-European linguistics. I am currently the general editor of Benjamins' Journal of Historical Lingusitics, which I contributed to founding in 2010. My present research projects include transitivity patterns in the ancient Indo-European languages, partitives cross-linguistically, and the creation of resources for Indo-European languages, with a focus on Greek, Hittite and Indo-Aryan.
Master of Arts in Classics, University of Torino (1982)
Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Pavia (1987)
Visit my Academia web page for free downloads
General editor of:
Journal of Historical Linguistics
Building New Resources for Historical Linguistics
Pavia, 3 November 2020
Aula III, Palazzo Centrale
4-6 September 2019 13th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology
25-27 October 2018 The Shaping of Transitivity and Argument Structure: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives
Syntax of the World's Languages VI (SWL6) Pavia, 8-10 September 2014
Visit the conference webpage at: swl-6.wikidot.com/
Second Pavia International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics, September 9-14, 2013
Humboldt Kolleg - Historical-Comparative Linguistics in the 21st Century
ICHL 20 - Osaka July 2011 Workshop on the Diachrony of Null Arguments
Lectures on alignment systems/Lezioni sull'allineamento - Program Pavia, 19 and 20 May 2010
SLE 2010 - Vilnius - Workshop on Partitives
Visit the workshop web page at: partitives.wikidot.com/
International Workshop on Semantic Roles, Pavia April 2010
Research projects
2020-present. The Sanskrit WordNet - PI. In partnership with the University of Exeter.
2020-present. The Ancient Greek WordNet - Research team leader. In partnership with the University of Exeter.
2019-2022. What underlies linguistic classification? Member of research team. Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council) for the period 2020-2022 (VR 2019-02967). Project leader: Gerd Carling, Lund University.
2017-2019. PARTE - Partitivity in European Languages - Research team leader. Funded by Internationalisering in de Geesteswetenschappen - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek.
2016-2019. PRIN 2015 project Transitivity and argument structure in flux - Research team leader (University of Pavia - National coordinator: Michela Cennamo, University of Naples Federico II)
2016-2018 MSC Action TRIA - Transitivity in Indo-Aryan - Scientific supervisor
2011-2013, ARGUMENT STRUCTURE IN TEXTS. DIACHRONIC AND TYPOLOGICAL CORPUS RESEARCH - Project leader (Funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation - German partner: Ch. Lehmann, Universität Erfurt)
2012-2013. Minining Argument Structure from Texts - Project leader (Funded by Programma Vigoni, Ateneo Italo-Tedesco)
2008-2011. Member of the research team of the University of Rome for the PRIN project CONTACT AND CHANGE IN THE HISTORY OF MEDITERRANEAN LANGUAGES
2005-2007. Member of the research team of the University of Pavia for the PRIN project “Typology and change in the languages of Europe”.
2002-2005 Member of the research team of the University of Pavia for the FIRB project for constructing a typological data base of the languages of Europe.2001. Research team leader (University of Pavia) for CNR reaserch project on language change in the area of the Mediterranean (Agenzia 2000).
2001-2003, 2003-2005. Member of the research team of the University of Pavia for the COFIN project on the morphosyntax of the Indo-European languages
1997-2000. Research team leader (University of Roma 3) for CNR research project on the typology of the languages of the Mediterranean.
1994-1997. Research team leader (University of Roma 3) for CNR research project on Grammaticalization.
1993-1996. Project leader CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) research project finalized to the preparation of working materials for courses in general and historical linguistics.
1. Old Hittite Sentence Structure. London-New York, Routledge, 1990, pp. x + 188.
2. Studi su casi e preposizioni nel greco antico. Milano, F. Angeli, 1996, pp. 154.
3. Hittite. München - New Castle, Lincom Europa, 1997, pp. iv + 72.
4. Esercizi di linguistica. Raccolta di esercizi per corsi di glottologia e linguistica generale. Roma, Carocci, 2000 (with A. M. Thornton e M. Voghera).
5. On the Meaning of Prepositions and Cases. A Study of the Expression of Semantic Roles in Ancient Greek. Amsterdan/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 2003, pp. xii+363.
6. La linguistica generale: esercitazioni e autoverifica. Roma, Carocci, 2004 (with A. M. Thornton).
7. Ancient Greek. München - New Castle, Lincom Europa, 2004 (with Anna Pompei and Stavros Skopeteas), pp. 101.
8. Introduzione alla linguistica storica. Roma, Carocci 2006, pp. 300. Second edition, completely revised and extended 2016, pp. 308.
9. Il greco antico. Roma, Carocci 2008 (con M.L. Garabo), pp. 126.
10. Key Terms in Syntax and Syntactic Theory. London/New York, Continuum 2008 (with C. Parodi), pp. 256.
11. Esercizi di semantica e pragmatica. Roma, Carocci 2009 (con F. Venier).
12. Linguistique historique et indoeuropéenne. Louvaine-la-Neuve, Peeters 2010.
13. Introduzione alla Linguistica Cognitiva. Roma, Carocci, 2003 (with Livio Gaeta).
14. Linguaggio e genere. Roma, Carocci 2006 (with A. Olita).
15. Continuum Companion to Historical Linguistics. London/New York, Continuum, 2010 (with V. Bubenik).
16. The Bloomsbury Companion to Syntax. London/New York, Bloomsbury, 2013 (with C. Parodi).
17. Special issue of Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 44/2, 2012 (with Dag Haug)
18. The Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Leiden, Brill, 2014 (with G. Giannakis, V. Bubenik, Ch. Golston, E. Crespo, S. Matthaios, A. Lianeri).
19. Partitive Cases and Related Categories. Berlin/New York, Mouton De Gruyter, 2014 (with T. Huumo).
20. Perspectives on Semantic Roles. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, Benjamins, 2014 (with H. Narrog).
21. Space in Diachrony. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, Benjamins, forthcoming (with T. Nikitina and Ch. Zanchi).
22. Special issue on Diachronic treebanks - Diachronica 35/2, 2018 (with Hanne Eckhoff and Marco Passarotti
1. Proposte per lo studio sistematico di preposizioni e morfemi casuali. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata 11, 1982, 35-67.
2. Note sul sistema casuale dell’arcado-cipriota. Aevum 63,1984, 13-19.
3. Note in margine alla tipologia linguistica di Greenberg in ambito storico-ricostruttivo. Incontri Linguistici 9, 1984, 41-50.
4. I verbi gotici in -ino- e i loro derivati in -assu-. Lingua e Letteratura 5, 1985, 153-165.
5. Il sincretismo dei casi in germanico. Lingua e Letteratura 6, 1986, 153-164.
6. Der semantische und funktionelle Bau des althethitischen Kasussystems. Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung 99, 1986, 23-42.
7. On the distribution of instrumental and agent markers for human and non-human agents of passive verbs in some Indo-European languages. Indogermanische Forschungen 91, 1986, 48-66.
8. On the relational meaning of Russian instrumental. La Linguistique 22, 1986, 53-61.
9. Reconstructing Proto-Indo-European as an ergative language: A test. Journal of Indo-European Studies 15, 1987, 359-379.
10. Cause and Instrument expressions in Classical Greek. Mnemosyne 43, 1989, 294-308.
11. La modificazione nominale nelle lingue anatoliche. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 78/2, 1993, 144-166.
12. Il concetto di prototipicità in linguistica. Lingua e Stile 28/4, 1993, 511-530.
13. Greek Linguistics in Italy. Syntaktika 6, 1994, 21-27.
14. Suffix copying and related phenomena: A prototype approach. Linguistics 32, 1994, 1095-1108.
15. Dativo o en piú dativo: una questione di sintassi poetica. Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 33, 1994, 148-159.
16. Processi di grammaticalizzazione in ittita. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 81/1, 1996, 45-75.
17. Omission of the direct object in Classical Latin. Indogermanische Forschungen 102, 1997, 239-257.
18. On the directionality of grammaticalization. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 51/4, 1998, 355-365.
19. Gapping in Classical Greek. Studies in Language 25/1, 2001, 89-113 (with L. Gaeta).
20. The development of local particles and adverbs in Anatolian as a grammaticalization process. Diachronica 28/1, 2001, 31-58.
21. Syncretism and the classification of semantic roles. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 54/1, 2001, 35-51.
22. Some remarks on Instrument, Comitative, and Agent in Indo-European. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 54/4, 2001, 385-401.
23. Definite referential null objects in Ancient Greek. In Indogermanische Forschungen 108, 2003, 169-196.
24. Sottotitoli per l’opera. In Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata 33/1, 2004, 7-29.
25. The evolution of the Greek nominal paradigms: economy and case syncretism from Mycenean to Modern Greek. In Classica et Mediaevalia 55, 2004, 361-379.
26. Prepositions in Cause expressions. In Papers on Grammar 12/2, 2005, 609-619
27. The history of the Greek preposition metá: from polysemy to the creation of homonyms. Glotta 81, 2005, 130-159.
28. Does a theory of language change need unidirectionality?. Logos and Language 6, 2005, 9-17.
29. Transitivity, intransitivity and diathesis in Hittite. In ??????????????? ??????????? ? ???????????? ????????? (Indo-European linguistics and classical philology) 16/2 (2010), 133-154.
30. The extension of the passive construction in Ancient Greek. In Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 42/1, 2010, 60-74.
31. The origin of the Proto-Indo-European gender system: Typological considerationn Folia Linguistica 45/2, 2011, 435–464.
32. The spatial meaning of diá with the accusative in Homeric Greek. In Mnemosyne 65/3, 2012, 357–386.
33. Basic valency orientation in Hittite. In Studies in Language. 36/1, 2012, 1-32.
34. Definite referential null objects in Vedic Sanskrit and Ancient Greek. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 44/2, 2012, 116-128 (with Götz Keydana).
35. Introduction. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 44/2, 2012, 104-115 (with Dag Haug).
36. Partitivi nel latino biblico. In Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata 42/1, 2013, 41-60.
37. Instrument and Cause in the Indo-European languages and in Proto-Indo-European. In ??????????????? ??????????? ? ???????????? ????????? (Indo-European linguistics and classical philology) 19 (2015), 603-618.
38. The dative of agent in Indo-European languages. In STUF - Language typology and Universals 69/1 (2016), 15–47 (Special Issue on Non-Central Usages of Datives).
39. The mapping of space onto the domain of benefaction and some unpredicted trends in semantic change. Linguistics 54/2 (2016), 339-379.
40. New Testament Greek meets linguistics. In Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata 45/1 (2016), 123-143 (with E. Sausa).
41. Double accusative constructions and ditransitives in Ancient Greek. Forthcoming in Folia Linguistics - Special issue on ditransitives (with Chiara Zanchi)
42. Funzioni sintattiche e sviluppo del sistema casuale indoeuropeo. Il contributo dell’ittita. Actes du xi colloque de linguistiqe fonctionnelle, Bologna, CLESP, 1985, 214-218.
43. Patterns of case syncretism in Indo-European languages. In A. Giacalone Ramat et al., eds., Papers from the viith International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1987, 355-371.
44. The opposition total/partitive and the use of cases with prepositions in Ancient Greek. In A. Rijksbaron et al., eds., In the footsteps of Raphael Kühner, Amsterdam: Gieben, 1988, 177-192.
45. The relation between prepositions and cases within Latin prepositional phrases. In G. Calboli, ed., Subordination and Other Topics in Latin. Proceedings of the Third Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1989, 253-271.
46. Osservazione sulla Legge di Wackernagel e la posizione del verbo nelle lingue indoeuropee. In P. Ramat, M. E. Conte e A. Giacalone (a cura di) Dimensioni della Linguistica, Milano, Franco Angeli, 1990, 31-60.
47. The structure and development of possessive noun phrases in Hittite. In H. Andersen & K. Koerner, eds., Historical Linguistics 1987, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1989, 309-325.
48. Paradigm size, possible syncretism, and the use of cases with adpositions in inflectional languages. In F. Plank, ed., Paradigms: The Economy of Inflection, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 1991, 57-74.
49. Verb serialization and word order. Evidence from Hittite. In H. Aertsen & R. Jeffers, eds., Historical Linguistics 1989, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1993, 267-281.
50. I verbi in -nu- e il loro valore causativo. In O. Carruba, a cura di, Per una grammatica ittita, Pavia, Iuculano, 1993, 153-180.
51. L’anatolico. In P. Ramat e A. Giacalone Ramat, a cura di, Le lingue indoeuropee, Bologna, il Mulino, 1993, 197-223.
52. Animate nouns in Cause expressions. In B. Jaquinod, éd., Cas et prépositions en grec ancien, Saint-Etienne, Publications de l’Université, 1994, 227-237.
53. The function of verb initial sentences in some ancient Indo-European languages. In M. Noonan & P. Downing, eds., Word Order in Discourse, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1995, 355-386.
54. Prototypicality and agenthood in Indo-European. In H. Andersen, ed., Historical Linguistics 1993, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1995, 254-268.
55. Caso semplice o sintagma prepositionale. In P. Cuzzolin, a cura di, Studi di linguistica greca, Milano, F. Angeli, 1995, 173-192.
56. Anatolian. In P. Ramat & A. Giacalone Ramat, eds., The Indo-European Languages, London - New York, Routledge, 1997, 169-196 (revised translation of 20).
57. Omissione dell’oggetto diretto in frasi coordinate: dal latino all’italiano. In P. Ramat, a cura di, Sintassi storica. Atti del xxx Congresso SLI, Roma, Bulzoni, 1998, 183-196.
58. I verbi ausiliari in ittita. In G. Bernini, P. Cuzzolin e P. Molinelli, a cura di, Ars Linguistica. Studi in onore di Paolo Ramat, Roma, Bulzoni, 1998, 299-322.
59. The grammaticalization of the left sentence boundary in Hittite. In A. Giacalone Ramat & P. Hopper, eds., The Limits of Grammaticalization, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1998, 189-210.
60. Participant tracking in Tacitus. In B. García-Hernandez, ed., Estudios de Lingüística Latina, Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas, 1998, 467-485.
61. Presentazione dell’edizione italiana. In W. P. Lehmann, Linguistica Storica, Bologna, il Mulino, 1998, pp. 11-16.
62. The subject of complement clauses with the infinitive. In B. Jaquinod, ed., Les complétives en grec ancien, St. Etienne, Publications de l’Université, 1999, 199-213.
63. Il suffisso -ante/-ente in italiano: fra flessione e derivazione. In A. Mioni e L. Vanelli, a cura di, Atti del xxxi Congresso SLI, Roma, Bulzoni, 1999, 261-272.
64. Spatial metaphors and agenthood in Ancient Greek. In Ch. Zinko & M. Offisch, Hrsg., 125 Jahre Indogermanistik in Graz. Graz, Leykam, 2000, 283-298.
65. Synkretismus. In J. Koij, Ch. Lehmann u. H. Mugdan, Hrsg., Handbuch der Morphologie, Berlin, Mouton - de Gruyter, 2000, 638-648.
66. The discourse function of cum with the subjunctive in narrative texts. In C. Moussy, ed., Actes du ix Colloque de linguistique latine. Louvain, Editions Peeters, 2001, 409-426.
67. Noun phrase structure in the languages of the Mediterranean. In P. Ramat & Th. Stolz (eds.) Mediterranean Languages, Bochum, Brockmeyer, 2002, 133-149 (with L. Gaeta).
68. Introduzione, with L. Gaeta, in Luraghi & Gaeta 2003, 17-35. (n. 1 edited volumes).
69. L’origine delle espressioni di Agente. In Luraghi & Gaeta 2003, 159-180. (n. 1 edited volumes).
70. The container schema in Homeric Greek. In A. Soares de Silva, A. Torres, M. Gonçalves, Linguagem, cultura e cognição: Estudos de Linguística Cognitiva, Braga, Almedina, 2004, 25-41.
71. Null Objects in Latin and Greek and the Relevance of Linguistic Typology for Language Reconstruction. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, JIES Monograph 49, 2004, 234-256.
72. Paths of Semantic Extension - From Cause to Beneficiary and Purpose. In M. Fortescue, E. Skafte Jensen, J. E. Mogensen, L. Schøsler, Historical Linguistics 2003. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 2005, 141-157.
73. Greek prepositions: patterns of polysemization and semantic bleaching. In E. Crespo, J. de la Villa, A. R. Revuelta, eds., Word Classes and Related Topics, Peeters, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2006, 487-499.
74. Introduzione. In Luraghi & Olita (2006), pp. 15-27 (n. 2 edited volumes).
75. La nascita del genere femminile in indoeuropeo. In Luraghi, Olita 2006, 89-106 (n. 2 edited volumes).
76. Mediating culture through language. Contact-induced phenomena in the early translations of the Gospels. In P. Ramat & E. Roma, eds., Europe and the Mediterranean as linguistic areas: convergencies from a historical and typological perspective, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, Benjamins 2007, 133-158 (con Pierluigi Cuzzolin).
77. Possessive constructions in Anatolian, Hurrian, Urartean, and Armenian as evidence for language contact. In B. J. Collins, M. R. Bachvarova, I. C. Rutherford , eds., Anatolian Interfaces, Oxford, Oxbow Press, 2008, 147-155.
78. Case in Cognitive Linguistics. In A. Malchukov & A. Spencer, eds., The Handbook of Case, Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter, 2008, 136-150.
79. The evolution of local cases and their grammatical equivalent in Greek and Latin. In J. Barðdal & S. Celliah, eds., The Role of Semantics and Pragmatics in the Development of Case, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 2009, 283-305.
80. The origin of the feminine gender in Indo-European. An old problem in a new perspective. In V. Bubenik, J. Hewson & S. Rose, eds., Grammatical Change in Indo-European Languages, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 2009, 3-13.
81. The internal structure of adpositional phrases. In J. Helmbrecht Y. Nishina, Y.M. Shin, S. Skopeteas, E. Verhoeven, eds., Form and Function in Language Research: Papers in honour of Christian Lehmann. Berlin/ New York, Mouton de Gruyter, 2009, 231-254.
82. A model for representing polysemy: The Italian preposition da. In Jacques François, Eric Gilbert, Claude Guimier, Maxi Krause, éds. Actes du Colloque Autour de la préposition, Caen, Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2009, 167-178.
83. Indo-European nominal classification: From abstract to feminine. In S. W. Jamison, H. C. Melchert, B. Vine, eds., Proceedings of the 20th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, Bremen, Hempen, 2009, 115-131.
84. Adverbial Phrases. In Ph. Baldi & P. Cuzzolin, eds., A New Historical Syntax of Latin. Berlin/ New York, Mouton de Gruyter, 2010, 19-107.
85. Editors’ Foreword. In Luraghi & Bubenik 2010, xiii-xix (cf. edited books n. 3, with V. Bubenik).
86. History and sources of historical linguistics. In Luraghi & Bubenik 2010, pp. 1-35 (cf. edited books n. 3, with V. Bubenik).
87. The rise (and possible downfall) of configurationality. In Luraghi & Bubenik 2010, 212-229 (cf. edited books n. 3).
88. Causes of language change. In Luraghi & Bubenik 2010, 354-366 (cf. edited books n. 3).
89. Experiencer predicates in Hittite. In R. I. Kim, E. Rieken, N. Oettinger, M. J. Weiss, eds., Ex Anatolia Lux. Beech Stave Press, Ann Arbor, 2010, 249-264.
90. Introduzione, in W. Croft e D. A. Cruse, Linguistica cognitiva, edizione italiana a cura di S. Luraghi. Roma, Carocci, 2010, 15-27.
91. Where do beneficiaries come from and how do they come about? In K. Allan, H. Tissari, M. Winters (eds) Historical Cognitive Linguistics, Berlin/New York, Mouton-De Gruyter, 2010, 93-131.
92. Two theoretical approaches to cases in comparison. In Th. Krisch, Th. Lindner (Hgg.) Akten der 13.Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2011, 331-341.
93. Titling for the opera house: a test case for universals of translation? In L. Incalcaterra McLoughlin, ed., Audiovisual Translation, Bern/Berlin/New York: Peter Lang, 2011, 55-85 (with Maria Freddi).
94. Human landmarks in spatial expressions: from Latin to Romance. In S. Kittilä, K. Västi and J. Ylikoski eds., Case, Animacy, and Semantic Roles, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 2011, 209-234.
95. Clitics. In Luraghi & Parodi 2013 (see edited vols. n.4), pp. 165-193.
96. Gender and word formation: The PIE gender system in cross-linguistic perspective. In S. Neri, R. Schuhmann, eds., Kollektivum und Femininum: Flexion oder Wortbildung? Zum Andenken an Johannes Schmidt, Leiden: Brill, 2014, pp. 199-231.
97. Plotting diachronic semantic maps: the role of metaphors. In Luraghi & Narrog 2014 (see edited vols. n. 20), pp. 99-150.
98. Perspectives on semantic roles. An introduction. In Luraghi & Narrog 2014 (see edited vols. n. 20); (con Heiko Narrog).
99. The Ancient Greek partitive genitive in typological perspective. In Luraghi & Huumo 2014, pp. 443-476 (see edited vols. n. 19); (with Luz Conti)
100. The typology and diachrony of partitives. In Luraghi & Huumo 2014, pp. 17-62 (see edited vols. n. 19); (with Seppo Kittilä)
101. Introduction. In Luraghi & Huumo 2014, pp. 1-13 (see edited vols. n. 19); (with Tuomas Huumo)
102. Asymmetries in Italian temperature terminology. In M. Koptjevskaja-Tamm, ed., Linguistics of temperature, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins 2015, 334-353.
103. Hate and anger, love and desire: The construal of emotions in Homeric Greek. In D. Haug (ed.) Historical Linguistics 2013, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins 2015, 233-255 (with E. Sausa).
104. From non-canonical to canonical agreement. In Fuzzy Boundaries. Festschrift für Antonio Loprieno, H. Amstutz, A. Dorn, M. Ronsdorf, M. Müller, S. Uljas (eds.). Hamburg: Widmaier 2015, Bd. I, 71-88.
105. Typology and historical linguistics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology, A. Y. Aikhenvald and R. M. W. Dixon (eds), Cambridge, CUP 2016, 95-123.
106. External possessor constructions in Indo-European. Forthc. in: Reconstructing Syntax, ed. by Jóhanna Barðdal, Spike Gildea & Eugenio R. Lujan Martines. Leiden: Brill.
107. The decay of cases in Molisean Croatian. Forthc. in: Jasmina Grkovi?, Barbara Sonnenhauser & Bioern Hansen, ed., Diachronic Slavonic syntax: the interplay between internal development, language contact and metalinguistic factors. Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter.
108. The position of weak pronouns in Classical Latin prose. In P. Poccetti, ed., Latinitatis Rationes. Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter 2017, 246-261.
109. The syntax of Anatolian. In J. Klein, B. Joseph & M. Fritz, Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics, Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter 2016, 80-97.
110. Aspects of aural perception in Homeric Greek. Forthcoming in: E. Mocciaro & W. Short (eds.). The Embodied Basis of Constructions in Greek and Latin. Berlin & New York: Mouton De Gruyter (with Eleonora Sausa).
111. Pensare, sapere, ricordare. Forthcoming in: Papers from the International Conference on Greek Linguistics (with Eleonora Sausa).
112. Subordination and sentence connectives in Old Hittite: a quantitative analysis. Forthcoming in: E. Rieken (ed.) 100 Jahre Entzifferung des Hethitischen. Morphosyntaktische Kategorien in Sprachgeschichte und Forschung (with Guglielmo Inglese).
113. Differential Goal marking vs. differential Source marking in Ancient Greek. In S. Luraghi, T. Nikitina & Ch. Zanchi, forthcoming (see edited volumes n. 21)
114. Ancient Greek. In Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2 vols., ed. Philipp Strazny. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005, 58-62.
115. Hittite. In Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2 vols., ed. Philipp Strazny. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005, 467-470.
116. Jacob Grimm. In Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2 vols., ed. Philipp Strazny. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005, 418-419.
117. Jacob Wackernagel. In Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2 vols., ed. Philipp Strazny. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005, 1163-1164.
118. Panini. In Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2 vols., ed. Philipp Strazny. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005, 807-808.
119. Sanskrit. In Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2 vols., ed. Philipp Strazny. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005, 920-924.
120. Spanish and the Iberoromance languages. In Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2 vols., ed. Philipp Strazny. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005, 1007-1010.
121. Karl Brugmann. In Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2 vols., ed. Philipp Strazny. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005, 157-158.
122. Louis Hjelmslev. In Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2 vols., ed. Philipp Strazny. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005, 470-472.
123. Adpositional phrase. In Giannakis et al. 2014 (see edited vols. n. 18), Vol. 1, 33-40.
124. Agency and causation. In Giannakis et al. 2014 (see edited vols. n. 18), Vol. 1, 65-72.
125. Clitics. In Giannakis et al. 2014 (see edited vols. n. 18), Vol. 1, 300-307.
126. Conjunction reduction. In Giannakis et al. 2014 (see edited vols. n. 18), Vol. 1, 362-363.
127. Contact through translation. In Giannakis et al. 2014 (see edited vols. n. 18), Vol. 1, 379-382.
128. Typology of Greek. In Giannakis et al. 2014 (see edited vols. n. 18), Vol. 3, 450-453.
129. Case syncretism. In Giannakis et al. 2014 (see edited vols. n. 18), Vol. 1, 271-275.
130. Gender. In Giannakis et al. 2014 (see edited vols. n. 18), Vol. 2, 1-4.
131. Configurational language. Forthcoming in: WSK 13 Linguistic Typology. Berlin/New York, Mouton - De Gruyter.
132. Configurationality. Forthcoming in: WSK 13 Linguistic Typology. Berlin/New York, Mouton - De Gruyter.
133. Dative of interest. Forthcoming in: WSK 13 Linguistic Typology. Berlin/New York, Mouton - De Gruyter.
134. Genetic classification. Forthcoming in: WSK 13 Linguistic Typology. Berlin/New York, Mouton - De Gruyter.
135. Coordination reduction. Forthcoming in: WSK 13 Linguistic Typology. Berlin/New York, Mouton - De Gruyter.
136. Conjunction reduction. Forthcoming in: WSK 13 Linguistic Typology. Berlin/New York, Mouton - De Gruyter.
137. Review of G. Michelini, La linguistica testuale e l’indoeuropeo, Brescia, 1982. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 68, 1983, 130-134.
138. Review of G. Calboli, Problemi di linguistica latina, Berlin, 1983. Lingua e Stile 19, 1984, 642-644.
139. Review of P. Berrettoni, a cura di, Studi linguistici in memoria di A. Penna, Rimini, 1983. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata 13, 1984, 558-562.
140. Review of G. Lakoff, Women, Fire and Dangerous Things, Chicago, 1987. Lingua e Stile 27/4, 1992, 566-569.
141. Review of Th. V. Gamkrelidze & V.V. Ivanov, Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans, Berlin - New York, 1995. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata. 26, 1997, 228-235.
142. Review of J. Ch. Smith & D. Bentley (eds.), Historical Linguistics 1995, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, Benjamins, 2000, in Archivio Glottologico Italiano 1/2002.
143. Review of Winfried Boeder & Gerd Hentschel (eds.), Variierende Markierung von Nominalgruppen in Sprachen unterschiedlichen Typs, Oldenburg, Biblioteks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg 2001. In Linguistic Typology 8/1, 2004, 133-140.
144. Review of E. Palancar, The Origin of Agent Markers, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2002. In Linguistic Typology 8/1, 2004, 140-143.
145. Review of R. M. W. Dixon and Alexandra Y. Aichenwald, eds.: Word. A Cross-Linguistic Typology. Cambridges, CUP, 2002. In General Linguistics 43, 2004.
146. Review of Z. Frajzyngier nd E. Ahay, eds.: Explaining Language Structure through System Interaction, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins. In Language 82/1, 2006, 197-198.
147. Review of Th. Stolz, C. Stroh, A. Urdze, On Comitative and Related Categories. A Typological Study with Special Focus on the Languages of Europe. Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter, 2006. In Linguistic Typology 13/2, 2009, 343-347.
148. Review of J. Barðdal, Productivity: Evidence from Case and Argument Structure in Icelandic, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins 2008. In Linguistics 48/4, 2010, 955-960.
149. Review of J. Good, Linguistic universals and language change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. In Studies in Language 34/2, 2010, 453-461.
150. Review of Idan Landau, The Locative Syntax of Experiencers. Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 53, The MIT Press, Cambridge (Ma) 2010. In Linguistic Typology 15/1, 2011, 119-126.
151. Review of Pietro Bortone, Greek Prepositions. From Antiquity to the Present. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010 p. xvi + 345. In Journal of Greek Linguistics 11, 2011, 109-116.
152. Review of Eirik Welo (ed.). 2011. Indo-European syntax and pragmatics: contrastive
approaches, in Oslo Studies in Language Vol 3, No 3. In Studies in Language 36/2, 2012, 449-453.
153. Review of Sanita Balode, Verbs of Motion with directional prepositions and prefixes in Xenophon's Anabasis, In Mnemosyne 66, 2013, 326-329.
154. Note al testo in H. Pinkster, Sintassi e Semantica del latino, Torino, Rosenberg e Sellier, 1991, 345-350.
155. Revision of Indo-Aryan languages, by G. Cardona, in B. Comrie, ed. The World’s Major Languages, 2nd edn. London/New York, Routledge, 2009, 373-379.
156. Revision of Sanskrit, by G. Cardona, in B. Comrie, ed. The World’s Major Languages, 2nd edn. London/New York, Routledge, 2009, 380-398.
157. My memories of Carol Justus. In V. Bubenik, J. Hewson & S. Rose, eds., Grammatical Change in Indo-European Languages, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 2009, xix-xx.
158. The Editors’ Corner (with J. Barðdal and E. Lujan). Journal of Historical Linguistics 1/1, 2011, 1.
159. The Editors’ Corner (with J. Barðdal and E. Lujan). Journal of Historical Linguistics 1/2, 2011, 145.
160. The Editors’ Corner (with J. Barðdal and E. Lujan). Journal of Historical Linguistics 2/1, 2012, 1.
161. Reply to Pietro Bortone. Journal of Greek Linguistics 12, 2012, 1-4.
162. The Editors’ Corner (with J. Barðdal and E. Lujan). Journal of Historical Linguistics 3/2, 2013, 153-154.
163. La sintassi delle lingue del mondo a Pavia (with S. Cristofaro and C. Mauri). Il Giornale di Socrate al Caffè, 98, 2014, 6.
164. The Editors’ Corner (with J. Barðdal and E. Lujan). Journal of Historical Linguistics 4/2, 2014, 159-160.
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