Università degli Studi di Pavia
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This module aims to familiarise students with perceptions and ideas which shape the way British history and culture are represented in recent films; it offers the opportunity to develop powers of critical thinking about diverse issues such as history, politics, religion and national identity.
1) Films on DVD
King Arthur, directed by Antoine Fuqua, Touchstone Home Entertainment, 2004
Elizabeth. The Golden Age, directed by Shekhar Kapur, Universal Studios, 2007
V for Vendetta, directed by James McTeigue, Warner Home Video, 2006
2) Bibliography
a) E. Hobsbawm, Introduction: Inventing Traditions, in E. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger (eds), The Invention of Tradition, C.U.P., 1983, pp. 1-14
b) D. Cannadine, The Context, Performance and Meaning of Ritual: The British Monarchy and the ‘Invention of Tradition’, c. 1820-1977, ibid, pp. 101-164
c) L. De Michelis, L’isola e il mondo. Intersezioni culturali nella Gran Bretagna d’oggi, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005
d) D. Miles, The Tribes of Britain. Who are we? And where do we come from?, Orion Books, London, 2006, pp. 120-227
e) S. Brigden, New Worlds, Lost Worlds. The Rule of the Tudors, Penguin, London, 2000, pp.101-139; pp. 179-294
f) D. Cressy, The Fifth of November Remembered, in R. Porter (ed), Myths of the English, Polity Press, Cambridge, 1992, pp. 68-90
Suggested additional reading (compulsory for non-attending students)
J. Oakland, British Civilization. An Introduction, Routledge, 2002
K. Kumar, The Making of English National Identity, C.U.P., 2003
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Università degli Studi di Pavia
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