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Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

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Piazza Tommaso

Professore associato
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tommaso.piazza (at) unipv.it
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Sez. di Filosofia

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Elenco corsi

Filosofia del linguaggio - a
Filosofia del linguaggio - b
Filosofia del linguaggio c.p.
Knowledge and rationality – mod1

+ Altri anni accademici

Filosofia del linguaggio - a
Filosofia del linguaggio - b
Filosofia del linguaggio c.p.
Filosofia del linguaggio (Filosofia)
Filosofia del linguaggio - a
Filosofia del linguaggio - b
Filosofia del linguaggio c.p.
Filosofia del linguaggio
Filosofia del linguaggio - a
Filosofia del linguaggio - b
Filosofia del linguaggio c.p.
Filosofia del linguaggio
Filosofia del linguaggio c.p.
Filosofia del linguaggio
Filosofia del linguaggio c.p.
Filosofia del linguaggio
Filosofia del linguaggio c.p.
Filosofia del linguaggio
Filosofia del linguaggio
Filosofia del linguaggio
Filosofia del linguaggio
Filosofia del linguaggio –a (mutuato da Filosof [...]
Filosofia del linguaggio –a

Elenco appelli e prove

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1999-2003   PhD in Philosophy, University of Florence (Italy).

                     Title thesis: Explanatory Theories of the A Priori. Supervisor Prof P. Parrini, Prof R. Lanfredini.

1991-1998  Laurea in Filosofia (BA Hons in Philosophy). University of Florence. (Summa cum laude).


Academic positions 

2013-           Lecturer of Philosophy of Language at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Pavia (Italy)

2013           Principal Researcher (investigador principal) at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Oporto (Portugal)

2012-13      Lecturer (in Epistemology) at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy of the University of Jyväskyla (Finland).

2010-12      Lecturer (“Docente”) of Philosophy of Science. Department of Philosophy, University of Oporto.

2009-10      Temporary Lecturer (“Docente Convidado”). Faculty of Engineering, University of Oporto.

2007-12      Researcher (“Investigador”).  Institute of Philosophy, University of Oporto.

2007-08      Temporary Lecturer (“Professore a contratto”). Department of Philosophy, University of Pavia (Italy).

2005-07      Postdoctoral Fellow (“Lise Meitner Stipendiat”). KGW Fakultät, Fachbereich Philosophie, University of Salzburg (Austria).

2003           Professor of Italian Culture and Literature. “Centro di Cultura per Stranieri”. University of Florence.

2000           Teaching Assistant. Faculty of Sociology. University of Milano Bicocca.


Academic habilitations

2015              French ‘qualification’ in Philosophy at the rank of Maître de conférences.

2015              French ‘qualification’in Epistemology at the rank of Maître de conférences.

2013              Italian ‘abilitazione scientifica nazionale’ in Philosophy of Language at the rank of Associate Professor.

2013              Italian ‘abilitazione scientifica nazionale’ in Theoretical Philosophy at the rank of Associate Professor.


Areas of specialization

Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics, Analytic Phenomenology


Courses Taught

Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Science, Epistemology, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Introduction to Philosophy. 


2017    Che cos'è la conoscenza, Carocci, Roma

2006    A Priori Knowledge. Toward a Phenomenological Explanation. Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt-Leicester. (On-line Reviews: http://ndpr.nd.edu/review.cfm?id=9943; http://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/pir/issue/view/41)

2001     Esperienza e sintesi passiva. La costituzione percettiva nella filosofia di Edmund Husserl. Guerini e Associati, Milano.

Edited volumes

2017    (with Luca Moretti) Defeaters in Contemporary Epistemology. Special issue of Synthese.   

2010    Segredo e memória. Ensaios sobre a Era da informaçãoAfrontamento. Porto.


Encyclopedia entries

2017    “Evidencialismo”. Compendio em linha. 

2013    (with Luca Moretti) “Transmission of Justification and Warrant”. Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.





2019    “The Epistemology of Fake News”, forthcoming in a special issue edited by B. Cepollaro and P. Labinaz on Social Media and Communication of Sistemi Itelligenti.

2019    “Credenza e Volontà”, forthcoming in a special issue edited by L. Fonnesu on Belief of Rivista di Filosofia.

2019    “A Dilemma for Evidentialism”, forthcoming in Paradigmi.

2017    “Problems for Mainstream Evidentialism”. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (1).

2016    “Zalabardo on Pritchard and the Evidential Problem”. International Journal for the Study of Skepticism

2016    “Counterfeiting Perceptual Experience. Scepticism, Internalism and the Disjunctive Conception of Experience”. Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (7-8).

2016    “Ayer’s Notion of Analyticity”, Rivista di Filosofia, 107 (1).

2015    (with Luca Moretti) “Phenomenal Conservatism and Bergmann’s Dilemma”, Erkenntnis. 80 (6): 2071-2090.

2014    “Mizrahi and Moretti on Seemings and Trustworthiness”, The Reasoner, 8 (6).

2013    (With Luca Moretti) “When Warrant Transmits and When it doesn’t. Towards a General Framework”. Synthese Vol. 190 (13): 2481-2503.

2013   (With Nicola Ciprotti) “Alethic Determinism. Or: How to Make Free Will Inconsistent with Timeless Truth.Logique & Analyse, 56 (221).

2013    “The evidence of the senses is no Evidence from the senses”. Logical Analysis and the History of Philosophy, Vol. 16.

2010    “An epistemology for the Platonist? Platonism, Field’s Dilemma, and Judgment-Dependent Truth”. Grazer Philosophische Studien, 83: 67-92.

2010    “Expert Knowledge, Evidence, and Information”. Veritas55: 42-59

2010  (With F. Piazza) “On inconsistent entities. A Reply to Colyvan”, Philosophical  Studies 150: 301-11.

2010    “Perceptual Evidence, and Information”. Knowledge, Technology, and Society(special issue edited by H. Demir), 23: 75–95.

2009    “Evidentialism and the Problem of Stored Beliefs”. Philosophical Studies 145: 311-324.

2009    “Platonism, and Mind-Independent Existence”.  Grazer Philosophische Studien 78: 159-183.

2008    “Truth and Warranted Assertibility”. In R. Pouivet, M. Rebuschi (eds.), (Anti)Realisms: The Metaphysical IssuePhilosophia Scientiae, 12/1: 125-141.

2005    “Trivializing Cognitive Command”.European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 2: 51-66.

2002    “Is Husserl a Theorist of Non-Conceptual Content? Some Remarks on Erfahrung und Urteil Leitmotive”, 3.


Book chapters

2019    “Weak Non-Evidentialism”, forthcoming in J. Pedersen and L. Moretti (eds), Non-Evidential Epstemology, Brill.

2018    “The Many Ways of the Basing Relation”, forthcoming in A. Carter & P. Bondy (eds), Well Founded Belief: New Essays on the Epistemic Basing Relation, Routledge

2018    “La conoscenza è credenza vera giustificata?” in C. Gabbani, P. Tripodi, G. Binino (eds), Biblioteca Analítica, Carocci, Roma.

2010    “Comentário a Quassim Cassam”, in S. Miguens & M. Teles (eds), Aparência e Realidade, Colibrí Edições: 167-182.

2010    “Hume’s Argument Against Miracles”in M. Bruce & S. Barbone (eds), Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy, Wiley-Blackwell: 44-48.

2010    “(Again) of Conspiracy Theories”. in Piazza (ed.) 2010: 141-175.

2003    “The Quest for the Synthetic A Priori. The Husserl-Schlick debate revisited”. In C. Arkadiusz and H. Wolfgang (eds), Phenomenology and AnalysisOntos Verlag, Frankfurt-Leicester: 233-256.

2002    “Fenomenologia nell’Aufbau? Carnap, Husserl e la costituzione del mondo” in R. Lanfredini (ed.), Forma e Contenuto. LED, Milano: 83-114.



2014            S. Critchely, Come smettere di vivere e iniziare a preoccuparsi, Mondadoru (Italian translation of How to Stop Living and Start Worrying, 2010).



Working papers

“No Evidence for Evidentialism”

 (With Nicola Ciprotti) “Fatalism and Atemporal Truth: An Unseemly Marriage?”


Editorial Assistance and Reviews 

Member of the Editorial Committee of Dialectica.  

Referee for the following journals: Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Mind, Theoria, Synthese, Dialectica, Logique et Analyse, Philosophical Papers, Erkenntnis, Philosophical Quarterly, Acta Analytica, Veritas. Paradigmi, Philosophical Inquiries.


Fellowships, grants and funded projects

2016                    Erasmus Mobility Grant. University of Oporto. 

2015                    Erasmus Mobility Grant. University of Edinburgh. 

2010                    Social Responsibility. Drinking as an esthetic experience. One-year project financed by Reitoria da Universidade do Porto and UNICER. Principal investigator: Tommaso Piazza

2010                     Bounds of Judgment. Five-year project financed by Fundação para a a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Partner investigator. Principal investigators: Sofia Miguens (Porto), Charles Travis (Kings College London), Quassim Cassam (Warwick).

2009                     Five-year Postdoctoral Fellowship. Kyung Hee University, Seoul. (Declined).

2007                    Segredo e Memória na Era da Investigação. Five-year project financed by Fundação para a a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Principal investigator: Tommaso Piazza.

2005                    The Synthetic A priori. Two-year project financed by Förederung für wissenschaftliche Forschung (FWF) Pprincipal investigator: Tommaso Piazza.

2002                    Visiting Scholarship at the Husserl Achieves in Leuven.

1999-2003           Doctoral Fellowship from Florence University.

1998                    Visiting Grant by Florence University (declined).


Workshop and seminar organization

2013           Scepticism, Immediate Justification and Direct Seeing, University of Jyväskylä, 14th May (speakers: Luca Moretti, University of Aberdeen; Markus Lanmenranta, University of Helsinki; Tommaso Piazza, University of Jyväskylä)

2012           Seminar series on Drinking as an aesthetic experience. Institute of Philosophy, University of Oporto (speakers: Dale Jacquette, University of Bern; Andrea Borghini, College of the Holy Cross; Teresa Louro, University of Oporto; Tommaso Piazza, University of Oporto)

2010           (With Prof José Meirinhos) seminar series on Filosofia medieval: perspectivas históricas e contemporâneas”. Department of Philosophy, University of Oporto.

2008           “Secret and Memory in the Information Era”. Two-day International conference. University of Oporto.

2004-2005           Seminar series on “Laboratorio di Epistemologia e Metafisica”, Department of philosophy on Epistemology and Metaphysics (organization share with others)


 Invited talks and seminars

2015     ‘In difesa del proposizionalismo sull'evidenza’. Pavia, IUSS, 15th December.

2015     ‘Problems with Mainstream Evidentialism’. Epistemology Research Group, University of Edinburgh, 23rd September.

2015     ‘Scetticismo e trasmissione della garanzia’. Pavia, Cantieri ancora aperti, 6th May.

2015       ‘Introspective Access, Scepticism, and Epistemological Disjunctivism’, Second Porto Workshop on Hallucinations, 9-10 March.

2014       ‘Proprietà del gusto e proprietà estetiche: il caso del vino’, Seminario del Dipartimento di Filosofia dell’Università di Pavia, 4th February.

2013       ‘Che cosa conosciamo di un vino quando lo assaggiamo?’, Naturalizzazione del vivente e naturalizzazione dell’estetico, Dipartimento di Filosofia dell’Università di Firenze, 4th June.

2013       ‘Introspective Accessibility, and Epistemological Disjunctivism’, Scepticism, Immediate Justification and Direct Seeing, University of Jyväskylä, 14th May.

2013       ‘Non c’è evidenza per l’evidenzialismo’, Seminario di Logica e filosofia della scienza, Dipartimento di Filosofia dell’Università di Firenze, 8th March.

2011       Comment on Felipe Carvalho’s Are there olfactory objects?. Latin Meeting in Analytic Philosophy, University of Lisbon, 2nd-4th November.

2011       When Warrant Transmits and When it Doesn’t”. Research(es) in Epistemology. University of Lisbon, 24th May.

2010        Internal versus External Memory: Knowledge in the Dome of Information”. University of Porto, 18th February.

2009       Discussion of C. Cassam’s Knowing, Seeing, and Stroud’s Dilemma. Conferências de Junho, Universidade do Porto, 25th June.

2009       “Evidence, good evidence, and Fit”. Eleventh Symposium: Perspectives on Contemporary Philosophy, University of Rijeka (Croatia), 29th-30th May.

2009       The Synthetic A Priori”. C-MLAG III, University of Porto,  25th March.

2009       Evidence and Information”. Department of Philosophy, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 23rd January.

2008       “Again of Conspiracy”. Seminário Internacional Segredo e Memória, Porto, 14th-15th December.

2008       “Abductive Reasoning and the Concept of Epistemic Justification”. Tenth Symposium: Truth, Justice and Beauty, University of Rijeka, 29th-30th May.

2007       “The Synthetic a Priori: Inflationism vs Deflationism”. Ninth Symposium: Contemporary Philosophical Issues, University of Rijeka,  14th-15th June.

2007       “Verità e asseribilità garantita”. Department of Philosophy, University of Parma (Italy) 25th May.

2007       “Theories of Truth”, lecture at the Department of Philosophy, University of Florence, 22nd May.

2007       Discussion of Andrea Iacona’s The natural concept of logical consequence. Laboratorio di Epistemologia e Ontologia, Florence, 19th April.

2007       “Mathematical Knowledge as Analytic”. Philosophisches Kolloquium, University of Salzburg, 22nd March.

2007       “The A Priori. Toward a Phenomenological Explanation”. Philosophisches Kolloquium, Salzburg, 25th January.

2007       “Kinds of Platonism. Mind-dependent Existence, Judgment Dependent Truth, and Field’s Dilemma”. University of Rijeka, 17th January.  

2006 “Is A Priori Knowledge just Knowledge of Analytic Propositions?” Philosophisches Kolloquium, Salzburg, 6th April.

2004            “An informativeness-based account of synthetic a priori Knowledge”. German-Italian Colloquium in Analytic Philosophy, Heidelberg 18th-20th December.

2003       “Rule Circular Arguments: Do They Rule Out a Priori Insight Concerning Logic?”. University of Erfurt, 18th December.

2002         “Wright’s Cognitive Command: a Trivializing Strategy”. University of Düsseldorf, 20th July.


Contributed talks

2014      ‘Phenomenal Conservatism and Bergmann’s Dilemma’, Philosophy, Analysis and Public Engagement (Eleventh National Congress of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy), L’Aquila, September 3-5.

2012      “No Evidence for Evidentialism”. SIFA Meeting (Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy), Alghero, 13-15 September.

2012      (with Andrea Borghini) “What it is that we know of a wine when we drink it?”. SIFA Meeting (Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy), Alghero, 13-15 September.

2011      “Expert Knowledge and Evidence”. ECAP 7 (Conference of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy), Milan, 1st-6th September.

2009         “On Evidence”. ENFA (Conference of the Portuguese Society for Analytic Philosophy), Universidade de Évora, 17th-19th September.

2008          “Meaning and Manifestation”. OFA (Oficina de Filosofia Analítica), Lisbon, 20th-21st February.   

2008        “Antirealist Meaning, and the Manifestation Challenge”. SIFA (Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy), Bergamo,  19st-22nd September.

2008        “What is Wrong with Conspiracy Theories?” ECAP 6 (Conference of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy). Krakow (Poland),  21st-26th August.

2006      “The Problem of Stored Evidence”. Meeting of The Canadian Society for Epistemology, Sherbrooke University, 29th-30th  September.

2006      “Dispositional Knowledge and Stored Beliefs”. GAP Meeting (Conference of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy), Berlin, 11th-14th September.

2006    “The analytic Theory of the A priori. Ayer’s Argument“. Wittgenstein Colloquium, Kirchberg am Wechsel (Austria), 7th-11th August.

2006       “Truth and Warranted Assertibility”. (Anti) realism, Logic and Metaphysics, Nancy (France), 28th June-1st July.

2005       “Truth, Warranted Assertibility, and Normative Force”. ECAP 5, Lisbon, 27th-31st  August.

2005       “The synthetic a priori”. Graduate Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, 18th-19t May.

2004       “Alston’s Criticism of Wright’s Platitude about Truth”. SIFA Meeting, Genova, 23rd-25th September.


Summer school (attended)

2003           Florence Summer School on ‘The A Priori’. University of Bologna and Parma and New York University (NYU).

2000            Bertinoro Summer School on ‘Objectivity and Truth’. University of Bologna and Parma.



2015. Belief, Justification, Knowledge (Department of Philosophy, University of Pavia)

Introductory course in analytic epistemology (epistemic justification, knowledge, scepticism) and the ethics of belief for undergraduates and master students. 40 students ca. Language: Italian. The course consists of 36 hours, three 2-hour lectures per week. Students are requested to sit a final oral exam. 


2015. The Ethics of Belief (Department of Philosophy, University of Pavia)
Course (two 2-hours lectires) for PhD students on the ethics of belief. 


2014. Epistemology (Department of Philosophy, University of Pavia)

Introductory course in analytic epistemology (truth, knowledge, and epistemic justification) for undergraduates and master students. 40 students ca. Language: Italian. The course consists of 36 hours, three 2-hour lectures per week. Students are requested to sit a final oral exam.


2013. Philosophy of Language (Department of Philosophy, University of Pavia)

Course on the notion of truth, the semantic realism/antirealism debate, and alethic relativism for undergraduates and master students. 40 students ca. Language: Italian. The course consists of 36 hours, three 2-hour lectures per week. Students are requested to sit a final oral exam.


2013. Conceivability and (Metaphysical) Possibility (Department of Philosophy, University of Pavia). Short Course (two 2-hours lectures) on the Epistemology of Modality for PhD students. 25 students ca. Language: English.


2013. Scepticism, Epistemic Transmission and the Epistemology of Perception (Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä)

Advanced course of Epistemology for undergraduates. 10 students ca. Language: English. The course consists of 24 hours, three 2-hour lectures per week. Lectures are based on Powerpoint slides. Students are requested to sit a final written exam.


2013. Introduction to Epistemology (Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä)

Introductory course of Epistemology for second year undergraduates. 25 students ca. Language: English. The course consists of 24 hours, three 2-hour lectures per week. Lectures are based on Powerpoint slides. Students are requested to sit a final written exam.


2012. Philosophy of Science I (Philosophy Department, University of Porto)

Course on “Scientific Methodology” for second year undergraduates. 77 students ca. Language: Portuguese. The course consists of 56 hours, two 3-hour lectures plus one 1-hour tutorial per week. Lectures are based on Powerpoint slides. Students are requested to sit a final written exam.


2011. Philosophy of Science I (Philosophy Department, University of Porto)

Course on “Scientific Methodology” for second year undergraduates. 77 students ca. Language: Portuguese. The course consists of 56 hours, two 3-hour lectures plus one 1-hour tutorial per week. Lectures are based on Powerpoint slides. Students are requested to write one short essay, and to sit a final written exam.


2011. Philosophy of Science II (Philosophy Department, University of Porto)

Course on “Metaphysics of Science” for second year undergraduates. 80 students ca. Language: Portuguese. The course consists of 56 hours, two 3-hour lectures plus one 1-hour tutorial per week. Lectures are based on Powerpoint slides. Students are requested to write two short essays, and to sit a final written exam. 


2010/11. Philosophy of Science I (Philosophy Department, University of Porto)

Course on “Scientific Methodology” for second year undergraduates. 80 students ca. Language: Portuguese. The course consists of 56 hours, two 3-hour lectures plus one 1-hour tutorial per week. Lectures are based on Powerpoint slides. Students are requested to write two short essays, and to sit a final written exam.


2009/10. Science and Philosophy (Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto)

Introductory Course to “Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Technology, and Epistemology”, for postgraduates. The course consists of 42 hours, one 3-hour lecture per week. Lectures are based on Powerpoint slides. Students are requested to write and present two essays. 


2007/08. Philosophy of Language (Philosophy Department, University of Pavia)

Course on “Theories of Truth” for second year undergraduates. 25 students ca. Language: Italian. The course consists of 30 hours, three 2-hour lectures per week. Students are requested to do a final oral examination.


2000/01. Philosophy of the Social Sciences (Faculty of Sociology, University of Milano Bicocca)

Course on “Philosophy of the social sciences”. 100 students. Language: Italian. 24 hours tutorials (2 hours per week). Students are requested to sit a final written examination.


Seminar Organization and Direction

2012/13            Philosophy doctoral seminar of the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä



Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), Portuguese (fluent), German (sufficient).





Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Università degli Studi di Pavia
Segreteria amministrativa: Piazza Botta, 6 - 27100 Pavia
Segreteria didattica: Corso Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia
Sezioni del Dipartimento
Email: webmaster.lettere (at) unipv.it