Università degli Studi di Pavia

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

HomeDipartimentoDocenti › D'Alfonso Lorenzo

D'Alfonso Lorenzo

Professore associato
lunedì 16.00-17.30
lorenzo.dalfonso (at) unipv.it
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Sez. di Antichità

Elenco corsi

Archaeology and art history of ancient western Asi [...]
Archeologia e storia dell'arte dell'Asia occidenta [...]
Archeologia e storia dell'Asia occidentale in età [...]

+ Altri anni accademici

Archaeology and art history of ancient western Asi [...]
Archeologia e storia dell'arte dell'Asia occidenta [...]
Archeologia e storia dell'Asia occidentale in età [...]
Archaeology of Ancient Near East
Archeologia e storia dell'Asia occidentale in età [...]
Archaeology of Ancient Near East
Archeologia e storia dell'Asia occidentale in età [...]
Archaeology of Ancient Near East
Archeologia e storia dell'Asia occidentale in età [...]
Archeologia e storia dell'Asia occidentale in età [...]
Archeologia e storia dell'Asia occidentale in età [...]
Archeologia e storia dell'Asia occidentale in età [...]
Archeologia e storia dell'Asia occidentale in età [...]
Archeologia e storia dell'Asia occidentale in età [...]
Fonti scritte e cultura materiale nel Vicino Orien [...]
Fonti scritte e cultura materiale nel Vicino Orien [...]

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2020-, Full Professor of Ancient Western Asian Archaeology and History, at the Institute for the Studies of the Ancient World, New York University.

2019-, Associate Professor of Archaeology of Ancient Western Asia, Department of Humanities, University of Pavia

2018-2020, Vice-Director of the Institute for the Studies of the Ancient World, New York University.

2016-2017. Director of Graduate Studies, ISAW, New York University.

2015-2020, Associate Professor of Ancient Western Asian Archaeology and History, at the Institute for the Studies of the Ancient World, New York University.

2011-2015, Assistant Professor of Ancient Western Asian Archaeology and History at the Institute for the Studies of the Ancient World, New York University.

2008-2015, Adjunct Professor, University of Pavia, Department of Antiquities, then Humaniies, the Near Eastern Section.

2009-2010, Two-yrs postdoc at Pavia University, Department of Antiquities, the Near Eastern Section.

2003-08, Researcher, University of Konstanz, SFB 485: Norm und Symbol. Die kulturelle Dimension sozialer und politischer Integration. TP B9 (Principal Investigator: Prof. D. Sürenhagen).

2002, Research Assistant, University J. Gutenberg, Mainz, SFB 295: Kulturelle und sprachliche Kontakte, TPA9 (Principal Investigator: Prof. D. Prechel). 



2014, Habilitation to Associate Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies (10/N1), Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research

2006, Advanced Master, Graduate School for Ancient Law CEDANT (IUSS Pavia). 4th class: Cuneiform Laws. Lectio: Le fonti normative del secondo millennio a.C. Confronto tra le culture della Mesopotamia e l’Anatolia ittita. Supervisors: Prof. M. Liverani, Prof. G. del Monte, Prof. C. Mora.

2002, PhD, Ancient Anatolian and Aegean Studies, University of Florence. Thesis: I verdetti dell’amministrazione ittita in Siria (XIII sec a.C.). Supervisors: Prof. C. Zaccagnini, Prof. A. Archi.

1997, MA, Ancient Civilisations, University of Pavia. Thesis: La storia di Karkemiš nel Tardo Impero ittita. Supervisors: Prof. C. Mora, Prof. O. Carruba. Note: 110/110L (highest note). 



2011-, director of the archaeological excavations at Ni?de K?n?k Höyük (Turkey).

2006-2010, director of the survey in Northern Tyanitis (Turkey).

2004, One campaign at the excavations of Tell Ašara/Terqa (Syria).

1999-2000, Two campaigns at the excavations of Tell Misherfa/Qatna (Syria).

1998, One campaign at the Proto-historic excavations of Poviglio Po (Italy).

1995-98, Four campaigns at the excavations of Tell Shioukh Fawqani (Syria).

1988-91, Four campaigns at the excavations of Ripafratta, Lucca (Italy). 

Temi di ricerca

Political arcaheology of the 2nd and 1st millennium BCE in Anatolia and norhtern Mesopotamia

The aftermnath of the Hittite Empire

The arcaheology of cults and cultic institutions in the 1st millennium BCE

Socio-political dimension of wine drinking between the East and the West (Mediterranean, 1st millennium BCE)

Progetti di ricerca

Archaeological Project in South Cappadocia: Excavations at Nigde Kinik Höyük

Writing images: paleography of Anatolian Hieroglyphic inscriptions


Web of Science ResearcherID: AAF-4889-2021.

Scopus Author ID: 26033876800


ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9163-3417


1.1. Le procedure giudiziarie dell’amministrazione ittita in Siria (XIII sec.a.C.), StMed 17, Pavia 2005.

1.2. A crossroad in Central Anatolia. Archaeological Survey in Southern Cappadocia. Chicago, Oriental Institute Publications, proposal accepted, forthcoming.



2.1. Die Historizität des Normativen. Normenkonflikte und Wertewandel im diachronen Vergleich (edited by the research group Normenkonflikte und Wertewandel, SFB 485), Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 61, Konstanz, August 2005.

2.2. Emar among the Late Bronze Age Empires. History, Landscape, and Society (together with Y. Cohen and D. Sürenhagen), AOAT 349, Münster 2008.

2.3. Geo-Archaeological Activities in Southern Cappadocia - Turkey (edited together with M.E. Balza and C. Mora), StMed 22, Pavia, 2010.

2.4. Città e parole, argilla e pietra. Studi offerti a Clelia Mora da allievi, colleghi e amici (together with M.E. Balza, P. Cotticelli-Kurras, M. Giorgieri, F. Giusfredi, A. Rizza), Biblioteca di Athenaeum 65, EdiPuglia, Bari 2020, ISBN 978-88-7228-908-2.

2.5. Borders in Archaeology: Changing Landscapes in Anatolia and the South Caucasus ca 3500-500 BCE (together with K. Rubinson), ANES Suppl. Series, Peeters, Leuven, in press.

2.6. KINIK HÖYÜK I: K?n?k Höyük and the archaeology of the Hellenistic kingdom of Cappadocia (together with M.E. Gorrini and B. Yolaçan), ISAW Monographs series, NYU press, proposal accepted, to be submitted to the reviewers.

2.7. Between the Age of Diplomacy and the First Great Empire in Ancient West Asia (1200-900 BC): Moving Beyond the Paradigm of Collapse and Regeneration. Proceedings of the Paris conference held in Paris, 04/17-18/2019, ISAW Monographs series, NYU press, proposal accepted, to be submitted to the reviewers.



3.1. The Emar Online Database: http://www.hethport.uni-wuerzburg.de/emarkonk/, January 2008 (together with Y. Cohen and D. Sürenhagen).



4.1. Tarhuntašša in einem Text aus Emar, Altorientalische Forschungen 26/2 (1999), 314-321.

4.2. Syro-Hittite Administration at Emar: New Considerations on the Basis of a Prosopographic Study, Altorientalische Forschungen 27/2 (2000), 269-295.

4.3. Further Studies on the Ini-Tešub Sealing. Part Two: A Prosopographic Approach, Altorientalische Forschungen 28/2 (2001), 267-275.

4.4. Gli Ittiti sul Medio Eufrate alle prese con la fonetica semitica (XIII sec. a.C.), Kaskal 1 (2004), 45-58.

4.5. From Custom to Law, in: AG Normenkonflikte und Wertewandel, SFB 485 (ed.), Die Historizität des Normativen. Normenkonflikte und Wertewandel im diachronen Vergleich, Konstanz 2005, 45-48.

4.6. The Iron Age Cremation Cemetery (together with Kh. Al-Bahloul and A. Barro), in L. Bachelot – F.M. Fales (eds.), Excavations at Tell Shioukh Fawqani 1994-1998, Padova 2005, 999-1048.

4.7. Free, Servant and Servant of the King: Conflict and Change in the Social Organisation at Emar after the Hittite Conquest, in D. Prechel (ed.), Motivation und Mechanismen des Kulturkontaktes in der späten Bronzezeit, Firenze 2005, 19-37.

4.8. Note preliminari sulla formulazione degli ordini e dei divieti diretti ai funzionari dello Stato ittita, in C. Mora – P. Piacentini (eds.), L’ufficio e il documento. I luoghi, i modi, gli strumenti dell’amministrazione in Egitto e nel Vicino Oriente antico, Milano 2006, 331-347.

4.9. Die hethitische Vertragstradition in Syrien (14.-12. Jh. v.Chr), in M. Witte et al. (eds.), Die deuteronomischen Geschichtswerke. Redaktions- und religionsgeschichtliche Perspektiven zur „Deuteronomismus“-Diskussion in Tora und Vorderen Propheten, Berlin – New York 2006, 309-336.

4.10. The Treaty between Talmi-teššub, King of Karkemiš and Suppiluliyama, Great King of Hatti, in M. Zorman – D. Groddeck (eds.), Tabularia hethaeorum. Fs Silvin Košak, Wiesbaden 2007, 203-220.

4.11. «Viaggi anatolici» dell’Università di Pavia. Rapporto preliminare della prima campagna di ricognizione archeologica nella Tyanide settentrionale (together with C. Mora), Athenaeum 95 (2007), 819-836.

4.12. Archaeological Survey in Northern Tyanis: Preliminary Report of the First Campaign (2006) of the University of Pavia, in 25. Ara?t?rma Sonuçlar? Toplant?s?, 3rd Vol., Ankara 2008, 1-12.

4.13. Talmi-šarruma Judge? Some Thoughts on the Jurisdiction of the Kings of Aleppo during the Hittite Empire, in: A. Archi – R. Francia (eds.), Atti del VI. congresso di Ittitologia, Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici 49 (2008), 159-169.

4.14. Urban Environment at 13th Century Emar: New Thoughts about the Area A Building Complex, in H. Kühne – R.M. Czichon – J. Kreppner (eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Wiesbaden 2008, 65-76.

4.15. «Viaggi anatolici» dell’Università di Pavia. Rapporto preliminare della seconda ricognizione archeologica nella Tyanide settentrionale (insieme a C. Mora), Athenaeum 96 (2008), 825-41.

4.16. The Absolute and Relative Chronology of the Emar Texts (together with Y. Coehen), in: L. d’Alfonso – Y. Cohen – D. Sürenhagen (eds.), The city of Emar among the Late Bronze Age Empires. History, Landscape, and Society, AOAT 349, Münster 2008, 3-25.

4.17. Le fonti normative del secondo millennio a.C. Confronto tra le culture della Mesopotamia e l’Anatolia ittita, in M. Liverani – C. Mora (eds.), I diritti del mondo cuneiforme (Mesopotamia e regioni adiacenti, ca. 2500-500 a.C.), Pavia 2008, 325-359.

4.18. Notiziario: I diritti del mondo cuneiforme. Mesopotamia e regioni adiacenti, ca. 2500-500 a.C. IV collegio del CEDANT (Pavia 10-27 gennaio 2006), IVRA 56 (2008), 373-380.

4.19. Archaeological Survey in Northern Tyanis: Preliminary Report of the Second Campaign, in 26. Ara?t?rma Sonuçlar? Toplant?s?, 3rd Vol., Ankara 2009, 161-72.

4.20. «Viaggi anatolici» dell’Università di Pavia. Rapporto preliminare della terza ricognizione archeologica nella Tyanitide settentrionale (together with C. Mora), Athenaeum 97 (2009), 645-55.

4.21. Ein neues hethitisches Stempelsiegel aus Anatolien, Altorientalische Forschungen 36/2 (2009), 319-23.

4.22. Archaeological Survey in Northern Tyanitis: preliminary report of the third campaign (2008), (together with E. Basso), in 27. Ara?t?rma Sonuçlar? Toplant?s?, 1st vol., Ankara 2010, 1-21.

4.23. ‘Servant of the King, Son of Ugarit, and Servant of the Servant of the King’: RS 17.238 and the Hittites, in Y. Cohen – A. Gilan – J. Miller (eds.). Pax Hethitica. Fs Itamar Singer, Wiesbaden, 2010, 67-86.

4.24. Geo-Archaeological Survey in Northern Tyanitis and the Ancient History of Southern Cappadocia, in: 2.3., 27-52.

4.25. Archaeological Survey in Northern Tyanitis (together with C. Mora), in: P. Matthiae et al. (eds.), 6th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Rome 2010, vol 2, 121-137.

4.26. A Hittite Seal from Kavu?an Höyük, Anatolian Studies 60 (2010), London, 1-6.

4.27. «Viaggi anatolici» dell’Università di Pavia. Rapporto preliminare della quarta campagna di ricognizione archeologica nella Tyanitide settentrionale (with C. Mora), Athenaeum 98/2 (2010), 659-580.

4.28. Archaeological Survey in Northern Tyanitis: Final Report, in 28. AST, Ankara 2011, vol. 3.

4.29 A New Luwian Seal Impression from Da??lbaz Höyük, Turkey (together with A. Killebrew), Near Eastern Archaeology 74/2 (2011), 113-115.

4.30. Il passaggio dall’età del Tardo Bronzo all’età del Ferro in Cappadocia meridionale (with C. Mora and B. Tomassini Pieri), in S. Mazzoni, F. Pecchioli Daddi, and G. Torri (eds.), Ricerche archeologiche italiane in Anatolia: risultati delle attività sul campo per le età del Bronzo e del Ferro, Rome 2011, 69-103.

4.31. Missione archeologica in Cappadocia meridionale, 2010 (with C. Mora), Athenaeum 99/2 (2011), 549-564.

4.32. Tabal, an ‘Out-Group Definition’ in the 1st Millennium BC, Tabal, an ‘Out-Group Definition’ in the 1st Millennium BC, in G.B. Lanfranchi et al. (eds.), Leggo! Festschrift F.M. Fales, Wiesbaden 2012, 173-194.

4.33 Seeking a political space. Some Thoughts on the Formative Stage of the Hittite Administration in Syria, Altorientalische Forschungen 38/2 (2012), 167-185.

4.34 Il progetto ‘K?n?k Höyük’. Missione archeologica e ricerche storiche in Cappadocia meridionale (Turchia), (with C. Mora) Athenaeum 100 (2012), 529-546.

4.35 Ricerche storico-archeologiche in Cappadocia meridionale, (with C. Mora), Bollettino della società pavese di storia patria 112 (2012), 47-58.

4.36 K?n?k Höyük, Kapadokya’da bir yeni kaz? (together with M. I??kl?), Arkeoloj ve Sanat 2012, 15-26.

4.37 Notes on Anatolian Hieroglyphic Paleography: An investigation of the sign *439 wa/i, in: P. Cotticelli Kurras, M. Giorgieri, C. Mora, and A. Rizza (eds.), Interferenze linguistiche e contatti culturali in Anatolia tra II e I millennio a.C. (Fs O. Carruba), Pavia 2012, 87-105.

4.38 Anatolia after the End of the Hittite Empire. New Evidence from Southern Cappadocia (together with C. Mora), Origini 34 (2012), 383-399.

4.39 Missione archeologica a K?n?k Höyük. Uno sguardo d’insieme a conclusione della seconda campagna di scavo (2012), (with C. Mora) Athenaeum 101/2 (2013), 693-708.

4.40 Excavations at K?n?k Höyük: A Preliminary Report on the First Campaing (Aug.-Oct. 2011), Kaz? Sonuçlar? Toplpant?s? 34 (2013), 387-397.

4.41 The Kingdom of Tarhuntassa: A Reassessment of its Timeline and Political Significance, in P. Taracha, M. Kapelu? (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Hittitology, Warsaw 2011, Warsaw 2014,216-235.

4.42 2011-2012 Archaeological Excavations at K?n?k Höyük / K?n?k Höyük 2011-2012 Y?l? Kaz?lar?, (together with H. Ergürer), , Kaz? Sonuçlar? Toplpant?s? 35 (2014), vol. 3, 36-52.

4.43 Ninfee in Cappadocia, in G. Bordi et al. (eds.), L’officina dello sguardo. Fs Maria Andaloro. Vol I. I luoghi dell’arte, Roma 2014, 611-618.

4.44 Archaeological Excavations at K?n?k Höyük. Preliminary Report of the third Campaign (2013) (together with M.E. Gorrini and C. Mora), Athenaeum 102/2 (2014), 565-285.

4.45 Building Techniques of Fortified Structures at K?n?k Höyük in Southern Cappadocia (Turkey) (together with V. Cinieri and M. Morandotti), in E. Peña, M. Chávez (eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Confderence on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Mexico City, Mexico, 14–17 October 2014, http://www.hms.civil.uminho.pt/sahc/2014/topic13-fullpaper032.pdf.

4.46 Güney Kapadokya’da Demir ça??na ?s?k tutacak bir arkeolojikyerleimin ke?fi: K?n?k Höyük (together with H. Ergürer), in H. Kasapo?lu & M.A. Y?lmaz, ANADOLU’NUN Z?RVES?NDE TÜRK ARKEOLOJ?S?N?N 40 YILI, Ankara 2014, 325-337.

4.47 Archaeological Excavations at K?n?k Höyük, 2013 / K?n?k Höyük 2013 Y?l? Kaz?lar? (together with N. Highcock, A. Lanaro, A. Matessi, B. Tomassini Pieri, Murat Teksas & A. Trameri), Kaz? Sonuçlar? Toplpant?s? 36 (2015), 489-516.

4.48 Archaeological excavations at K?n?k Höyük, Ni?de. Preliminary report of the fourth campaign (2014) (together with M. Gorrini and C. Mora), Athenaeum 103/2 (2015), 619-640.

4.49 K?n?k Höyük, Ni?de. A New Archaeological Project in Southern Cappadocia (together with N. Highcock, P. Crabtree, D.V. Campana, M. Capardoni, A. Lanaro, A. Matessi, N. Miller, Ph. Strosdahl, A. Trameri), in Sh.R. Steadman – G. McMahon (Eds.), The Archaeology of Anatolia – : Recent Discoveries (2011-14), Newcastle, 2015, 98-127.

4.50 Pratiche di culto a K?n?k Höyük e dintorni / K?n?k Höyük ve kendi ülkesinde kült uygulamalar? (together with A. Lanaro and A. Trameri), Arkeoloji ve Sanat 148 (2015), 63-74.

4.51 The Early Iron Age and the Hellenistic Period at K?n?k Höyük, South Central Anatolia. Report of the 5th Campaign (2015), (together with M. Gorrini and C. Mora), Athenaeum 104/2 (2016), 598-612.

4.52 The Palaeography of Anatolian Hieroglyphic: new perspectives (together with A. Payne), Journal of Cuneiform Studies 68 (2016), 107-127.

4.53 Excavations at K?n?k Höyük, 2015 (together with other 5 authors), Kaz? Sonuçlar? Toplant?s? 38/3 (2017), 333-342.

4.54 East of Konya: Settlements, Routes and Environment in Southern Cappadocia, and the Political Landscape of South Central Anatolia during the Second Millennium BCE, in ? Maner (ed.), CROSSROADS. Konya Plain from Prehistory to the Byzantine Period, (together with A. Gürel, C. Kuzucuo?lu, and A. Matessi), Istanbul 2019, 131-160.

4.55 Forgetting an empire, creating a new order: trajectories of rock-carved monuments from Hittite into post-Hittite Anatolia, and the strange case of Mr. Hartapus (together with M. Pedrinazzi), in: F. Rojas and J. Ben Tov (eds.), Carvings in and out of Time— Afterlives of Rock-Cut Monuments in the Ancient Near East, Brill's Culture and History of the Ancient Near East series, in press.

4.56 K?n?k Höyük’teki Yeni Bulgular I????nda: Hitit Ça??’ndan Post-Hititlere Geçi?te Ekonomi ve Tar?msal Üretim / Economia e produzione agricola nel passaggio tra età ittita e post-ittita: nuove evidenze da K?n?k Höyük (together with L. Castellano), Arkeoloj ve Sanat 155 (2017), 57-70.

4.57 Ten Years of Research in Southern Cappadocia: History, Archaeological Investigations, and Ancient Landscapes (together with E. Balza and C. Mora), News from the Land of Hattusa 1 (2017), 15-32.

4.58 Palaeographic Database for the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Script 1.0 (together with L. Castellano, and A. Payne), in: F. Giusfredi, P. Cotticelli Kurras (eds.), Formal Representation and Digital Humanities, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle 2018, 1-12.

4.59 Holocene environmental variability and settlement distribution in a drought-sensitive region: The Bor plain in central Anatolia (together with C. Kuzucuo?lu, and A. Gürel), Quaternary International 2015, Special Issue QuickLakeH (N. Kazanc? & S. Leroy Eds.), in press.

4.60 Suvasa and the Open-Air, Non-Royal Cultic Monuments of Hittite and Post-Hittite Anatolia, in S. Özkan, H. Hüry?lmaz, and A. Türker (esd.), Samsat’tan Acemhöyük’e Eski Ygarliklarin Izinde Aliye Öztan’a Arma?an / From Samosata to Acemhöyük Trailing the Ancient Civilizations. Studies Presented to Honour of Aliye Öztan. Izmir 2017, 55-66.

4.61 Archaeological Excavations at K?n?k Höyük, Ni?de (campaign 2016). The 5th - 1st  Century BCE Levels, and the End of the Occupation of the Citadel (together with Maria Elena Gorrini and Andrew Meadows), Athenaeum 105/2 (2017), 742-751.

4.62 Excavations at Ni?de K?n?k Höyük 2016/ 2016 y?l? K?n?k Höyük kaz?lar?, (with H. Ergürer, R. Casagrande, L. Castellano, M. De Pietri, N. Highcock), Kaz? Sonuçlar? Toplant?s? 39/2 (2018), 132-156.

4.63 K?n?k Hoyük in south Cappadocia. Addendum to: A Comparative Stratigraphy of Cilicia, Altorientalische Forschungen 45/1 (2018), 84-93.

4.64 War in Anatolia in the post-Hittite period: the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Inscription of TOPADA revised, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 71 (2019), 133-152.

4.65The “sacred city” of K?n?k Höyük: continuity and change in Cappadocia (Turkey) between the Late Achaemenid and Late Hellenistic periods (together with A. Trameri), in W. Held (ed.), The transition from the Achaemenid to the Hellenistic period in the Levant, Cyprus and Cilicia: Cultural interruption vs Cultural Continuity?, Proceedings of the Marburg symposium 2017, Marburger Beiträge zur Archäologie 6 (2020), 65-81.

4.66 A golden pendant for a goddess. New evidence from the sanctuary of Ni?de K?n?k Höyük, south Cappadocia (7th campaign of excavations, 2017), (together with M.E. Gorrini and C. Mora), Athenaeum 106/2 (2018), 491-515.

4.67 Origine e sviluppo dei monumenti rupestri a gradini (step monuments) d’Asia Minore: considerazioni sulla base dei monumenti dell’Anatolia centro meridionale, in M.E. Balza et al. (Eds.), Città e parole, argilla e pietra. Studi offerti a Clelia Mora da allievi, colleghi e amici, Bari 2020, 177-194.

4.68 South-Central Anatolia during the Iron Ages: a diachronic view from K?n?k Höyük (Ni?de) (together with A. Lanaro, L. Castellano, N. Highcock, and A. Mantovan). in A. Otto et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th ICAANE, vo. 2, Wiesbaden 2020, 215-228.

4.69 Settlement patterns, ancient routes and environmental change In south Cappadocia (TR), during the Holocene, (together with A. Matessi and E. Dalk?l?ç), in Proceedings of the 1st International Cappadocia Geo-science Symposium, Omer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences 7/3, 1107-1112 .

4.70 Subsistence and ritual: a note on the Achaemenid faunal remains from the site of Kinik Höyük, Southern Cappadocia, Turkey (together with P. Crabtree, D. Campana, A. Trameri and N. Highcock), in C. Çak?rlar et al. (Eds.), Archaeozoology of the Near East 12, Groningen 2018, 185-190.

4.71 Archaeological excavations at Ni?de K?n?k Höyük: excavations report 2017 (together with H. Ergurer, A. Trameri, K. Justement, A. MAntovan, N. Lovejoy, M. De Pietri, A Matessi, L. Castellano, E. Dalk?l?ç, R. Casagrande, E. Zamperini, V. Cinieri, M. Morandotti), Kaz? Sonuçlar? Toplant?s? 40/2 (2019), 569-590.

4.72 Ni?de K?n?k Höyük’te Geç Akhamenid ve Hellenistik Dönem’de kült pratikleri: Bir kültürel etkile?im vakas? / Le istituzioni cultuali di Ni?de K?n?k Höyük nell’età tardo achemenide ed ellenistica: un caso di interazione culturale (together with B. Yolaçan), Arkeoloj ve Sanat 160 (2019), 1-10.

4.73 Borders in the archaeology of the Hittite empire, in L. d’Alfonso and K. Rubinson (eds.),  Borders in Archaeology: Political Landscapes in Anatolia and the South Caucasus ca 3500-500 BCE, ANES Suppl. Series, Peeters, Leuven, in press.

4.74 Le fortificationi di K?n?k Höyük di Bronzo Tardo: nota relativa agli scavi del settore A-walls (together with A. Mantovan), in M.E. Balza et al. (Eds.), Città e parole, argilla e pietra. Studi offerti a Clelia Mora da allievi, colleghi e amici, Bari 2020, 325-341.

4.75 Reorganization vs. Resilience in Early Iron Age Monumental Art of Central Anatolia, in M. Cammarosano et al (eds.) talugaeš witteš: Studies in honor of Stefano De Martino for his 65th birthday, Munster 2020, 81-101.

4.76 An Age of Experimentation: New thoughts on the multiple outcomes following the fall of the Hittite empire after the results of the excavations at Ni?de­K?n?k Höyük (south Cappadocia), in S. De Martino, E. Devecchi (eds.) Anatolia between the 13th and the 12th Century B.C.E., Proceedings of the International conference held in Turin 01/22-23/2019, Firenze 2020, 95-116.

4.77 NI?DE KINIK HÖYÜK: New evidence on Central Anatolia during the first millennium BCE (together with B.Yolaçan, R. Casagrande-Kim, L. Castellano, M.E. Gorrini, N. Highcock, A. Trameri), Near Eastern Archaeology 83/1 (2020), 16-29.

4.78 Archaeological excavations at Ni?de K?n?k Höyük (TR): Excavations report 2018 (together with B. Yolaçan, R. Casagrande-Kim, L. Castellano, E. Dalk?l?ç, M. Derada, N. Highcock, N. Lovejoy, Ph. Stroshal, A. Trameri), Kaz? Sonuçlar? Toplant?s? 41/3 (2020), 463-485.

4.79 Extracting Cohesion: Fiscal Strategies in Hittite Staple Economy (together with A. Matessi), in J. Valk et al. (eds.), The Mechanics of Extraction: Comparing Principles of Taxation and Tax Compliance in the Ancient World, ISAW Monographs series, New York, in press.

4.80 Dynamism and Scale in Western Asian Bronze Age Trade Networks (together with N. Highcock), in A. Hausleiter (ed.), Material Worlds: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contacts and Exchange in the Ancient Near East, Proceedings of the Workshop held on 7th March 2016 at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, Archaeopress Publishers, Oxford, in press.

4.81 Archaeological excavations at K?n?k Höyük-Ni?de: Report of the fourth campaign (2014), Kaz? Sonuçlar? Toplant?s? 37/2 (2016), 301-330.

4.82 Mazi-Kar?u?a, King of Karkemiš and Hittite Syria at the End of 13th Century (together with Y. Cohen), Journal of Cuneiform Studies submitted.

4.83 A Possible Late Iron Age Ritual Deposit from Ni?de-K?n?k Höyük, Cappadocia, Turkey: A First

Look (together with P. Crabtree, D. Campana, and N. Lovejoy), ASWA publications

4.84 Borders in Archaeology (together with K.Rubinson), in L. d’Alfonso and K. Rubinson (eds.), Borders in Archaeology: Changing Landscapes in Anatolia and the South Caucasus ca 3500-500 BCE, Leuven, in press.


5.1 J. Goodnick Westenholz, Cuneiform Inscriptions in the Collection of the Bible Land Museum, Jerusalem: The Emar Tablets, Groningen 2000: A Review, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 97 (2002), 519-27.

5.2 Y. Cohen, Taboos and Prohibitions in Hittite Society, Heidelberg 2002: Besprechung, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 99 (2004), 56-62.

5.3 R. Pruzsinszky, Die Personennamen der Texte aus Emar, Bethesda Maryland, 2003. Review, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 106 (2011), 24-26.

5.4 T. Bryce, The World of the neo-Hittite Kingdoms, Oxford 2012: review, http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2013/2013-06-14.html (2013)

5.5 A. Schachner, Hattuscha: auf der Suche nach der sagenhaften Grossreich der Hethiter, München 2011: review, KLIO (2015), 295-299.

5.6 K. Strobel, Empires after the Empire. Anatolia, Syria and Assyria after Suppiluliuma II (ca. 1200 – 800/700 B.C.). Eothern 17, Firenze 2011: review, Bibliotheca Orientalis 72.1/2 (2015), 125-130.

5.7 M. Pallavidini, Diplomazia e propaganda in epoca imperiale ittita: Forma e prassi / Diplomatie und Propaganda in hethitischer Grossreichszeit: Form und Praxis. Dresdner Beiträge zur Hethitologie.) xix, 390 pp. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016, review for the Bullettin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 80/2 (2017), 367-369.



6.1 Hittite Archaeology, culture, and arts, Encyclopaedia of the Bible and its Reception, De Gruyter (2015).


7. Videos of Academic Lectures Published Online


7.1 Gordion, Phrygia, and the ties with post-Hittite central Anatolia, in Penn Museum Channel, The World of Phrygian Gordion, Royal City of Midas: Session 4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuBByGx1EIE

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