Università degli Studi di Pavia

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

HomeDipartimentoDocenti › Gorrini Maria Elena

Gorrini Maria Elena

Professore associato
si prega di concordare un appuntamento via mail a mariaelena.gorrini@unipv.it
mariaelena.gorrini (at) unipv.it
0382 984425
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Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Sez. di Antichità

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Elenco corsi

ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA (I parte arte greca)
Archeologia classica - a (arte greca) c.p.
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
Greek and Roman Archaeology and Art

+ Altri anni accademici

ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA (I parte arte greca)
Archeologia classica - a (arte greca) c.p.
Greek and Roman Archaeology and Art
Greek Religion and Mythology
ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA (I parte arte greca)
Archeologia classica - a (arte greca) c.p.
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
Greek and Roman Archaeology and Art
ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA (I parte arte greca)
Archeologia classica - a (arte greca) c.p.
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
Greek and Roman Archaeology and Art
Greek religion and mythology
ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA (I parte arte greca)
Archeologia classica - a (arte greca) c.p.
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
Greek and Roman Archaeology and Art
Greek and Roman Archaeology and Art - I parte
ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA (I parte arte greca)
Archeologia classica - a (arte greca) c.p.
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA (I parte arte greca)
Archeologia classica - a (arte greca) c.p.
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA (I parte arte greca)
Archeologia classica - a (arte greca) c.p.
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
ARCHEOLOGIA CLASSICA (I parte arte greca)
Archeologia classica - a (arte greca) c.p.
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
Archeologia classica - a (arte greca) c.p.
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
Archeologia della Magna Grecia
Archeologia e storia dell'arte greca e romana –a
Archeologia e storia dell'arte greca e romana –a
Archeologia e storia dell'arte greca e romana –a

Elenco appelli e prove

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Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli
2000-2003: Dottorato in Archeologia (PhD)
Title of PhD Thesis: Healing heroes in continental Greece. (Supervisors: Prof. E. Greco; I. Baldassarre) (defended: 21/03/2004).
Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene
1998-2000: Specializzazione in Archeologia (Final Grade: 50/50) Research MA in Archaeology
Three years PG program including courses in: Aegean Prehistory; Byzantine Archaeology; Excavation Techniques; Greek Archaeology and Art History; Greek Epigraphy; Greek Architecture; Monument Restoration and Conservation; Monumental Reliefs; Numismatics; Roman Archaeology and Art History; Roman Architecture; Topography.
Travels in Greece, Libya and Turkey, Excavations in Gortys, Crete
Final Dissertation: “Attic Healing Heroes” (Supervisors: Prof. F. Canciani; Prof.ssa M.L. Lazzarini; Prof.ssa C. Isler-Kerényi)
Università degli Studi di Pavia
1992-1997: Laurea in Lettere Classiche (Final Grade: 110/110 cum laude) BA in Classics
Courses included: Greek Literature and Language I & II (Archaic to Hellenistic); Greek History; Greek Archaeology and Art History; Etruscology I & II; Latin Language and Literature I &II (Pre-Republican to Late Empire); Latin Epigraphy; Roman History; Provincial Roman Archaeology; Roman Archaeology and Art History; Topography; History of Archaeology; History of the Ancient Near East;
Dissertation: “Representations of Architecture on Etruscan Mirrors.” (Supervisor: Prof. M. Harari)
Liceo Ginnasio S. Grattoni, Voghera (Pavia)
1987-1992: Maturità classica (Final Grade: 60/60). Awarded Prizes as Best Student in Greek and Latin of the High School in the 4th and in the 5th year.
• December 2016-ongoing Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art, Pavia University, Italy
• December 2013-December 2016 Senior Lecturer of Classical Archaeology and Art, Pavia University, Italy
• December 2010-November 2013 Junior Lecturer of Classical Archaeology, Pavia University, Italy
• 2008/2009 Contract Professor of Greek Archaeology and Art, Pavia University, Italy
• 2007/2008 Contract Professor of Greek Archaeology and Art, Pavia University, Italy
• 2006/2007 Contract Professor of Greek Archaeology and Art, Pavia University, Italy,
• July 2006-May 2010 Adjunct Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology (Greek and Roman, Archaeology and Archaeology of ancient Sicily), Arcadia University Sicily Centre Italy
• Sept. 2004-Aug. 2006 Full time Post-Doctoral Research fellowship (Assegno di Ricerca) Pavia University, Italy
• 1996-1997: Latin Tutor at the University of Pavia.
• 1995, Summer Semester Italian Language Lectrice at the J. Gütemberg Universität of Mainz am Rhein.
• December 2021: Grant of 22.000 Euros from Fondazione CRT for the Landscape Archaeology Project in Livorno Ferraris (VC)
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• September 2020 Grant of 3000 Euros from Fondazione CRV for the Landscape Archaeology Project in Livorno Ferraris (VC)
• December 2018-December 2020. Visiting Fellow in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Newcastle University (UK)
• February 2018: 1500 euro donated by the Municipality of Livorno Ferraris (VC) to carry out archaeological research in the area, within an Agreement signed in October 2017 (and renewed in October 2021) between the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (Pavia University), the Municipality of Livorno Ferraris (VC) and the Soprintendenza Archeologia e Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Novara, Vercelli, Biella, VCO
• December 2017: FFABR MIUR (3000 euro) for individual research awarded from the Italian Ministry of Culture and education
• 1 October 2015- 30 Sept 2018 Visiting Fellow in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Newcastle University (UK)
• June 2015: Fellowship Erasmus Docent for an exchange with the Dept. of Classics at Oxford University
• October 2014: awarded the title of Associate Professor after a national peer-reviewed concourse ( “abilitazione scientifica nazionale”) https://asn.cineca.it/ministero.php/public/esito/settore/10%252FA1/fascia/2
• June 2014: Grant of 5000 Euro to carry out archaeological researches in collaboration with the British School at Rome in Santa Sofia of Torre d’Isola (Pavia). Fondazione Comunitaria Provincia di Pavia ONLUS.
• May 2007-June 2007: Fondation Hardt, Switzerland. Residential fellowship (6 weeks)
• Sept. 2004-Aug. 2006: Università di Pavia. Post-Doctoral Research fellowship.
• Nov. 2000-Oct. 2003: Istituto Universitario Orientale (Naples). Full PhD scholarship.
• Jan. 2001-July 2001: Ghislieri College, Università di Pavia. Fellowship for research studies in Zurich
• April 1998- December 2000: Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene. Full Scholarship for graduate studies (3 years)
• April 1995-July 1995: Ghislieri College (Università di Pavia). Fellowship for research studies in Mainz.
• November 1992- January 1997: Ghislieri College (Università di Pavia). Full Undergraduate Scholarship.
• June 1992: Liceo Ginnasio Severino Grattoni, Voghera. Prize for Best Greek/Latin student.
Conferences, Lectures and Invited Presentations
1. May 2022. Polytheismus, 19 and 20 May 2022 at Sapienza University, Rome. The pantheon of Phlius.
2. September 2021, Pavia, Edifici rustici romani tra Po e Appennino: stato della ricerca Convegno di Studi Rivanazzano Terme/Casteggio 10-11 settembre 2021, paper with C. Giraudi, M.E. Gorrini, F. Garanzini, D. Anelli, E. Casarotti, Di uomini, di terre e di acque: trame di paesaggio nel Vercellese occidentale.
3. June 2021, Madrid, LAC2020+1, session SESSION 007: The Living Riverscape: Human Adaptive Strategies and Land-Use in Fluvial and Alluvial Environments Filippo Brandolini, Nika Shilobod, paper Living between rivers: the case of Western Vercellae area in the Roman period Maria Elena Gorrini, Francesca Garanzini, Carlo Giraudi, Eleonora Casarotti, Dario Anelli.
4. May 2021, Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, with Stefano Rocchi and Antonio Varone, Scrivere sulle pareti a Roma: seminar for Collegio Borromeo students 5. May 2020, Izmir, Cappadocia and Cappadocians in Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine periods” Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) in Izmir, Turkey. Invited to be a member of the Scientific Committee. Paper: Ariarathids abroad: the epigraphical and archaeological evidence in Greece and in the Aegean
6. April 2019, Wien. Ghezzi, A., Schettino, A., Pierantoni, P.P., Conyers, L., Tassi, L., Vigliotti, E., Schettino, E., Melfi, M., Gorrini, M.E., Reconstruction of a segment of the world’s heritage Hadrian’s Villa tunnels network by integrated GPR, magnetic-paleomagnetic, and electric resistivity prospections, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Vienna | AUSTRIA | 7 -12 April
7. February 2019, University of Bologna, M.E. Gorrini, Pavia, città d’Italia vicino a Ravenna. Seminario per gli allievi della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia.
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8. February 2019, Graz. M.E. Gorrini – M. Robino, Ticinum, city of Italy next to Ravenna, in Hergestellt und aufgestellt", Internationale Tagung an der Universität Graz, Institut für Archäologie 25. - 27. February2019.
9. September 2018, M.E. Gorrini, F. Garanzini, B. Peverelli, E. Smoquina, Surveying the Po valley plain: the case of Livorno Ferraris (Vercelli, Northern Italy), Landscape Archaeological Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne.
10. July 2018, M.E. Gorrini, M. Melfi: Plutonium e Inferi a Villa Adriana: nuove indagini e ipotesi di lavoro. Tivoli (Rome): Congress Adventus Hadriani.
11. 23.5.2018, Bonn-Cologne, AIAC Congress: Terracottas from Cappadocia. In Session 03.14 Craft economy and Terracotta Figurines. Approaching Systems of production through Coroplastic Studies.
12. 28-29/10/2017. M.E. Gorrini, M.T.A. Robino, “Manufatti in pietra di Candoglia a Ticinum romana: stato dell’arte e prospettive di ricerca”, in Le Vie della pietra. Estrazione e diffusione delle pietre da opera alpine dall’età romana all’età moderna. Convegno per i 10 anni di istituzione dell’Ecomuseo del Granito, 28-29 ottobre 2017. Mergozzo (Verbano Cusio Ossola).
13. 3-5/5/2017: M.E. Gorrini, “Pirro eroe fondatore a Dodona”, Colloque international «Héros fondateurs et identités communautaires dans l’Antiquité, entre mythe, rite et politique» Grenoble, MSH, 3-5 mai 2017.
14. 14-20/6/2017. Graz, Austria. Benefactors, Dedicants and Tomb Owners. 15th Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art. Intervento (con M. Robino): “E duobus unum: a rediscovered sarcophagus from Ticinum. Social, commercial and artistic remarks.”
15. 22/ 3/2017. Newcastle University, Archaeology Seminar Series in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology. Paper on “A necropolis without a settlement: the case of Livorno Ferraris, Piedmont”.
16. 7 -8/2/2017, Milan Statale University. Intervisualita’e letteratura tra Grecia e Roma. Invited by Prof. G. Zanetto and Dr. A. Capra as Discussant of Lucia Athanassaki (University of Crete), “Visualizing Athenian Monumental Architecture, Iconography and Topography in Plutarch's de gloria Atheniensium”
17. 13/10/2015: Cantieri d’Autunno, Pavia. “Il cratere di Partenopeo del Museo Archeologico di Milano”. Seminar. 18. 18/6/2015: “Southern Cappadocia in Achaemenid and Hellenistic times: an overview from Kinik Hoyuk.” Seminar at the Greek Archaeology Group, Oxford University, Lecture Room. Institute of Archaeology. Invited by Milena Melfi as Erasmus Docent (official exchange program between Pavia and Oxford Universities, Depts. Of Humanities and Classical Studies)
19. 22/9/2014. Opening lecture of the International Summer School Imagining the Ideal City. Architectural and urban hypotheses on the ancient ideal cities (Pavia University, http://www 5.unipv.it/carlista/workshop/cittaideale/programma.htm)
20. 04/2014: “Healing heroes between cult and politics”, Invited talk at the PhD Seminar at the University of Padua (Organisers: Alessandra Coppola and Jacopo Bonetto. Speakers included also Gunnel Ekroth, Uppsala University).
21. 10/2013: “I culti di Ticinum romana”, Casteggio (Pavia), Archaeological Museum.
22. 3-8 October 2013 Workshop on the Management of survey data for the construction of three dimensional models from point clouds. Invited by Dr. Sandro Parrinello. “The topography of ancient Ticinum”.
23. 28/5/2013. Invited talk at Lubjana University, Sarcophagi from Ticinum and its territory http://wff1.ff.uni-lj.si/fakulteta/Aktualno/AktualnoMaj13/Arhiv.html
24. 5/ 2013: with S. Maggi e M.T.A. Robino, XIII Congreso Internacional de Arqueologia clasica, Merida, Spain. Paper: Images of Imperial power in context. Julio-Claudian propaganda in the capitals an main urban centres of the Western provinces.
25. 19/4/2013. La città greca, in Workshop. Azioni Urbane Pavia 2013 (with the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Carlo Berizzi http://www.azioniurbane.it/azioni/azioni-pavia/incontro.pdf)
26. 10/2012: “Sarcophagi from Ticinum and its territory”, International Congress on Roman Sarcophagi, Archaeological Museum of Graz, Austria.
27. 04/2009: “Le necropoli urbane di Ticinum: nuovi dati” (with M. Robino), Ferrara, Museo Archeologico.
28. 04/2007: “Statues of Aphrodite from the Gonzaga collection of classical antiquities in Mantua” (Oxford, invited by Dr. Milena Melfi).
29. 02/2006: “Non – Asclepiean Cults in Greece and Magna Graecia”, Healing Rituals. The Warburg Institute, (London).
30. 11/2005: “Aristeo o Dedalo? Nuove considerazioni su alcuni documenti greci ed etruschi”, Icone. Primo Seminario Pavese di Iconografia e Storia delle Immagini, (Pavia).
31. 11/2005. “Cult practice of a pompé in the imperial age: SEG XI.923”, (with E. Calandra), The festival in its diachronical and sociological aspects, University of Thrace, Kommotini 2005.
32. 09/2005: “L’Afrodite-Ninfa di Mantova”, La scultura romana in Cisalpina, (Pavia).
33. 02/2003: “Healing heroes in Thessaly: the predecessors of Asklepios”, 1st International Thessalian Congress (Volos).
34. 07/2002: “The Hippocratic Impact on healing Cults: the Archaeological Evidence in Attica” 11th International Hippocratic Congress (Newcastle).
35. 06/2002: “Some notes on the Siphnean pantheon”, 2nd International Siphnean Symposium (Siphnos)
36. 05/2001: “Museo in Etruria”, Il Greco, il barbaro, la ceramica attica (Catania).
37. 05/2001: (joint paper with M. Melfi) “Réligion et pensée rationelle en Grèce ancienne”, CIERGA (Rhodes)
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Activities


Strategic and leadership roles


October 2021-: Vice President of the MA programme “The Ancient Mediterranean World”, Pavia University


April 2022-:      Organizer of Fieldtrips to Greece for Pavia Students of Classics.

2012-2018:       Member of the Committee for the Claudia Maccabruni laurea Prize (best BA Thesis in Classical Archaeology)

2006-2014:       Member of the Scientific Committee of CRIDACT Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale per la Didattica dell’Antichità classica

2004-2010:       Cultrice della Materia at University of Pavia, Dept. of Scienze dell’Antichità




2006-:               Università di Pavia (University of Pavia)

My teaching at Pavia started in 1996-1997, when I was appointed as a Latin Tutor (Beginners Latin). I now have a full-time teaching load at Pavia (UG and Masters levels, 180 contact hours per year) and I supervise up to 10 to 15 theses (BA and Masters) per year.

Module teaching and leadership:

2006-:               Greek Archaeology for Undergraduates (36 hours, 6 credits)

2006-2012:       Contributed several lectures to courses in Roman Archaeology, Etruscology, Greek Myth and Religion and History of Archaeology from.

2012-:               Archaeology of Magna Graecia for Masters (in Italian) (36 hours, 6 credits)

2015-:               Greek Archaeology for Masters (in Italian) (36 hours, 6 credits)

2020-:               Greek Archaeology for Masters (in English, 36 hours, 6 credits)

Greek Religion and Myth for Masters (in English, 36 hours, 6 Credits)

These modules are within our International Master Program launched in 2020 “The Ancient Mediterranean World” (an English medium programme at Pavia).


2005-2010:       Arcadia University, College of Global Studies, Sicily Study Abroad Centre (Syracuse, Italy)

As an Adjunct Professor of Historical Archaeology & Classical Languages I designed and taught a number of UG modules (all 45 hours/3 US credits taught over 15-week semesters or 5- week summer sessions) for incoming US Study Abroad university Students. All classes taught in English:

2007-2010:       Greek Archaeology and Art

2007-2010:       Roman Archaeology and Art

2007-2010:       Uses and Abuses of Antiquity

Postgraduate Research Teaching Activities


Strategic and leadership roles


Sept. 2023-:      Vice-Coordinator of the PhD School in History and Coordinator of the Ancient Studies Curriculum, Pavia University

Sept. 2018-:      Coordinator of the Teaching and Training programme for PhD Students, Pavia University


2013-:               Member of the Collegio Docenti (PhD Committee) for the PhD programme in the History area – Mediterranean Civilisation in the Pre-classical, classical and medieval periods (Civiltà del Mediterraneo in Età Preclassica, Classica e Medievale)

URL. http://phdscm.unipv.eu/site/home/collegio-dei- docenti/scheda750003839.html.

Our International Doctoral Programme in History aims at developing and supporting students to adapt to research work. I have been the Co-organiser of the Teaching and Training programme for PhD Students since 2018 and have given the following seminars:

February 2022: PhD in History. Seminar for PhD Students on Cretan Laws in Context

February 2020: PhD in History. Seminar for PhD Students on Hadrian’s villa excavations: preliminary results of the first 2 years campaigns.

April 2016:       PhD in History. Seminar for PhD Students on Stones and sarcophagi: a new discovery from Ticinum.

March 2014:     PhD in History XXIX cycle. Seminar for PhD students on Problemi di confine tra Argolide, Corinzia e Sicionia: i casi di Titane ed Eua.

March 2013:     I segni del potere nella quarta coppia di Tolemei, delivered three PhD seminars within the course Places, Instruments and Symbols of Power (Diritto e Storia delle Civiltà), Pavia University.

June 2012:        PhD in Diritto e Storia delle civiltà dell'Università di Pavia. Giornata interdisciplinare di studi (mandatory for the PhD students of all the curricula): Le parole sono (su) pietre. Maria Elena Gorrini & Marta Saporiti: Due culti e un calendario: una lettura archeologica di un'iscrizione dall'agora di Atene.

April 2012:       M. E. Gorrini C. Zizza, L'ultimo sogno di Pirro: una storia poco nota. Ovvero: come si legge Pausania (PhD seminar of the PhD course in Civiltà del Mediterraneo antico dell'Università degli Studi di Pavia


PhD Thesis supervision


PhD Dissertations as Supervisor:

1.     Isabella Bossolino, PhD in History, Pavia University, The archaic necropolises of Kamiros, Rhodes: italian excavations 1928-1933 (2016-2020). I established a co-Tutelle with Paris I Sorbonne (Co-Tutor: Anne Coulié). Thesis defended in October 2020 with evaluation: Excellent (ndr: Dr. Bossolino has just been hired as a Post-Doc at Bruxelles University)

2.     Nadia Aleotti, PhD in History, Pavia University, Corfu in Archaic period: evidence from pottery in contexts. (2017- 2022). I established a general Protocol of Agreement with the Ionian University of Kerkyra (Prof. Kapetanios). Thesis defended in July 2022 with evaluation: Very good.

3.     Dario Anelli, PhD in History, Pavia University, Il reimpiego ad Atene dal III secolo D.C. alla fine del XI sec. Thesis defended in June 2023, with evaluation: Excellent.

4.     Francesco Sorbello, PhD in History, Pavia University, I culti demici dellttica da Teseo alla battaglia di Cheronea (2020-ongoing) in co-diréction with Delphine Ackermann, Université de Poitiers

5.     Federico Prandoni, PhD in History, Pavia University, Il deposito votivo di Fondo Giovinazzi di Taranto (2021- ongoing), within a protocol of agreement with the MARTA (Museo Archeologico di Taranto)

6.     Alyssa Schrag,  PhD in History, Pavia University, A Systematic and Comparative Analysis of the Necropoleis of Vercelli and Crescentino to Understand the Evolution of the Society of Vercellae in the Roman Age (2023-ongoing) (within a protocol of agreement with the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Novara, Verbano Cusio Ossola, Biella and Vercelli and the Museum of Avenches).



Essential Services, Citizenship and Professional Contributions


Professional Memberships & Activities


2023-cont.        Member of the Association To Hellenikon

2023-cont.        Member of the Scientific Committee for the study and the valorisation of the Roman amphitheatre of Vercellae (together with Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio, Prof. Furio Sacchi, Prof. Stefano Maggi; Prof. Eleonora Destefanis)

2022-cont.        Elected member of the Scientific Committee of the Consortium UNIVER (Universities and Enterprise, for the promotion and the study of the province of Vercelli)

2022-cont.:       Elected Member of the Board of Directors of Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia

May 2021:        Member of the Scientific Committee Festival del Merito, Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia

Sept. 2016-:      Co-organizer with Maurizio Harari of the Seminars of Archaeology in Ghislieri College (Seminari Ghisleriani di Archeologia)

2019-cont.:       Member of ASMOSIA, since December 2019 I have been included in the MIBAC List of national experts (Esperti di Beni Culturali)

2019:                Member of the Scientific Committee to recruit, after a national exam, 6 Researchers for the CNR (Bando 368.48)

2016-cont.        Member of the Consulta Universitaria del Mondo Classico, Rome based association of Classical Archaeologists working in Italian Universities.

2017-cont.        Member of the Società Pavese di Storia Patria

1997-cont.        Associazione Ghislieri ex Alumni


Journal Peer Review & Editorial Contributions


Reviewer of submitted articles for the following journals:            Thiasos;




Materia e arte;


I am a member of the Board of Biblioteca Classica Biblion (with Massimo Gioseffi -Milano Statale-, David Paniagua -University of Salamanca-, Isabelle Cogitore -University of Grenoble and Anne Grondeux -University of Paris VIII.) and a member of the Scientific Board of the Series “The Seeds of Triptolemos Studies on the Ancient Mediterranean World” (Pavia-Cyprus)


Citizenship contribution


Oct. 2021-2024:            Member of the Giunta of the Department of Humanities, University of Pavia. The senior decision-making body of the department.

Sept. 2023-:                  Vice-Coordinator of the PhD School in History and Coordinator of the Ancient Studies Curriculum, Pavia University

October 2021-:              Vice President of the MA programme “The Ancient Mediterranean World”, Pavia University

Sept. 2018-:                  Coordinator of the Teaching and Training programme for PhD Students, Pavia University

2012-2018:                   Member of the Committee for the Claudia Maccabruni laurea Prize (best BA Thesis in Classical Archaeology)

2006-2014:                   Member of the Scientific Committee of CRIDACT Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale per la Didattica dell’Antichità classica


Oct 2011-Oct. 2021:      Cantieri d’Autunno- interdisciplinary seminar series

Co-organizer (with Cesare Zizza, Lecturer of Greek History, Pavia, of Cantieri d’Autunno- interdisciplinary seminar series. The Seminars were included in the academic Celebrations for the 650th anniversary of the foundation of the University Pavia. The purpose of this seminar series is to increase academic collaboration between scholars at Pavia, who, for various reasons and with different methodologies, are working on the ancient world (from the third millennium BC to the Middle Ages . The Cantieri represented an occasion for participants to present and discuss their ongoing work as a prelude to further collaborations. The project included the organization of an annual series of seminars open to an audience of lecturers, researchers, PhD students and UG students. From year-to-year Cantieri d’Autunno presented preliminary (in press or in progress) contributions and well as the final results of research collaborations.


Community Engagement


Sept. 2012-:      Member of the “Tavolo del Classico” delle Università Lombarde presso l’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale (outreach activities for High School Teachers of Licei Classici in Lombardy). Since 2012, I have participated in fieldtrips for regional High School Teachers, in several locations in Greece, together with Prof. G. Zanetto, M. Gioseffi, M. Novelli (Statale University Milan), M.P. Pattoni (Catholic University of Brescia) and F. Gasti (Pavia)

2006-:               Given presentations and classes in Middle and High Schools in the provinces of Pavia, Milan and Vercelli and organised the involvement of school students in our walking surveys and cleaning operations.


2023-:               Member of the Committee Anfiteatro romano di Vercelli (appointed by dr. Francesca Garanzini, Funzionario responsabile del territorio per la Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Novara, Verbano Cusio Ossola, Biella and Vercelli), whose aim is to provide a scientific study and the creation of panels for the site, in order to open it to the public-

2023-:               Member of the Committee Industria. Un santuario romano sacro a Iside a Monteu da Po (Torino): appointed by Dr. Alessandro Quercia, Funzionario responsabile del territorio per la Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Torino.


Landscape Archaeology project

2016-:               Community engagement activities in Livorno Ferraris: My team and I have actively contributed to the opening of the Museo archeologico del Vercellese Occidentale and recently (June 2023) introduced the site to HSH Prince Albert of Monaco during the occasion of a State visit.


May 2011:        Curator of the Exhibition "Asclepio sul Ticino", Pavia, 3-31 maggio 2012

May 2013:        Curator of the Exhibition: Storia di città tra cielo e terra. Pavia, 27 maggio-30 giugno 2015. Exhibition on the aerial photos of Pavia and its territory from the Archive of Prof. Emeritus P. Tozzi


1998-2006:       Tour Leader in Archaeological travels in Libya, Turkey, Greece, USA, organised by Viaggi di cultura, Bologna.

• Italian native speaker
• English fluent
• French very good
• Modern Greek good
• German read
• Spanish read
• Able to teach Ancient Greek and Latin at all levels (qualified after a National Exam, in 2001).
Knowledge and Use of Windows Office Package.
Use of Web resources to teach Greek, Latin and Archaeology.
Knowledge and use of editing and photography programs (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign)
Knowledge and Use of GoogleEarthPro
Basic knowledge and Use of GIS (Q-GIS)


Temi di ricerca

- culti e santuari del mondo greco

- archeologia del paesaggio

- Villa Adriana

Progetti di ricerca

1. Prima delle risaie: per una analisi del paesaggio del Vercellese occidentale

2. Villa Adriana, Plutonium




Eroi salutari dell’Attica, Roma: Edizioni Quasar, 2013.

Edited Books and Book Chapters

1. Gorrini, M.E. & S. Maggi (eds.), 25 anni di studi e ricerche archeologici a Casteggio (Pavia), Flos Italiae 12, 2014.

2. Gorrini, M.E. (ed.) (2012). Asclepio sul Ticino. Un percorso per immagini nella storia della medicina greca antica. Catalogo della mostra (3-31 maggio 2012, Residenza Universitaria Biomedica,Pavia).. Di -. Novara:Interlinea srl edizioni per Edizioni Santa Caterina, Pavia, ISBN: 9788896120118

3. Gorrini, M.E. (2012). L'organizzazione spaziale di santuari salutari. In: Gorrini, M.E.. Asclepio sul Ticino. Un percorso per immagini nella storia della medicina greca antica. p. 31-35, Novara:Edizioni Santa Caterina –Interlinea.

4. Gorrini, M.E. (2012). Introduzione. In: Gorrini, M.E.. Asclepio sul Ticino. Un percorso per immagini nella storia della medicina greca antica. p. 9-18, Novara:Edizioni Santa Caterina – Interlinea.

5. Gorrini Maria Elena (2007). Introduzione storica. In: S. Maggi, C. Troso. Guida Archeologica d'Italia. p. 11-62, Casale Monferrato.


1. 2020. Gorrini, M.E., ““e vedi a cui/ s’aperse a li occhi d’i Teban la terra;/ per ch’ei gridavan tutti: "Dove rui,/ Anfïarao? perché lasci la guerra?" (Dante, If. XX, 31-34): una nota sul culto tebano di Anfiarao”, Studi in onore di Giorgio Bejor, Milano 2020, 205-210.

2. 2020. Gorrini, M.E., Paltineri, S., Peverelli, B., Smoquina, E., Garanzini, F., Panero, E., “Livorno Ferraris (VC): ricerche archeologiche di superficie per la ricostruzione del paesaggio in età antica e medievale”, Athenaeum 108-1-, 2020, 181-224. 3. 2020, D’Alfonso, L., Gorrini, M.E., Trameri, A., NI?DE KINIK HÖYÜK: New evidence on Central Anatolia during the first millennium BCE, in Near Eastern Archaeology 83.1., 2020, 16-29. 4. 2020. Gorrini, M.E., Garanzini, F., Giraudi, C., et al. Livorno Ferraris (VC). Individuazione di una fornace tardo rinascimentale, in Quaderni di Archeologia del Piemonte 4, 334-339. 5. 2020. Gorrini, M.E., Melfi, M., Montali, G., TIVOLI, HADRIAN'S VILLA: The PLUTONIUM PROJECT (COMUNE DI TIVOLI, PROVINCIA DI ROMA, REGIONE LAZIO), Papers of the British School at Rome 88, 362-364.

6. 2019. Ghezzi, Annalisa; Schettino, Antonio; Pierantoni, Pietro P.; Conyers, Lawrence; Tassi, Luca; Vigliotti, Luigi; Schettino, Erwin; Melfi, Milena; Gorrini, Maria E.; Boila, Paolo. 2019. "Reconstruction of a Segment of the UNESCO World Heritage Hadrian’s Villa Tunnel Network by Integrated GPR, Magnetic–Paleomagnetic, and Electric Resistivity Prospections." Remote Sens. 11, no. 15: 1739. 7. 2019. Gorrini, M.E., Livorno Ferraris. Quarta campagna di ricognizione archeologica di superficie. pp.326-329. In Quaderni di Archeologia del Piemonte 3, 326-329. 8. 2019. Gorrini, M.E., Melfi.M., Plutonium, Villa Adriana 2018, http://www.fastionline.org/excavation/micro_view.php?fst_cd=AIAC_4782&curcol=main_column 9. 2019. Gorrini, M.E., Melfi.M., Plutonium, Tivoli, Hadrian's villa: the Plutonium project, Papers of the British School at Rome 87, 2019, 326-329 10. 2018. D’Alfonso, L., Mora, C., Gorrini, M.E., “A golden foil pendant from K?n?k Höyük: new evidence from the sanctuary of Nigde-K?n?k Hüyük, South Cappadocia”, in Athenaeum 2.2018, 491-515. 11. 2018. Crop marks detection through optical and multispectral imagery acquired by UAV. DOI:10.1109/MetroArchaeo43810.2018.13615. pp.173-177. In 2018 Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (MetroArchaeo) - ISBN:978-1-5386-5276-3 Casella, Vittorio; Franzini, Marica; Gorrini, Maria Elena Conference date:22-24 ottobre 2018 12. 2018. Garanzini, F. – Gorrini, M.E. – Smoquina, E. – Peverelli, B., Livorno Ferraris. Terza campagna di ricognizione archeologica di superficie, in Quaderni di Archeologia del Piemonte 2, 2018, pp. 296-299.

13. 2018 Gorrini, M.E., Robino, M.T.A. et alii, “Papia vegia project. Santa Sofia di Torre d’Isola (PV): terza campagna di ricognizione archeologica di superficie”, in Athenaeum 1.2018, 243-250.

14. 2017. Gorrini M.E., “Il cratere di Partenopeo del Museo Archeologico di Milano: appunti per una lettura iconologica”, in AION 2014-2015 [2017], pp. 85-103 15. 2017. Garanzini, F. – Gorrini, M.E. – Maggi, S. – Smoquina, E. – Peverelli, B., Livorno Ferraris. Ricognizioni archeologiche di superficie, in Quaderni di Archeologia del Piemonte 1, 2017, pp. 298-300.

16. 2016. L. D’ Alfonso, M.E. Gorrini, C. Mora, “The Early Iron Age and the Hellenistic Period at Kinik Höyük, South Central Anatolia. Report of the 5th Campaign (2015)”, in Athenaeum 2016, pp. 98-612.

17. 2016. M.E. Gorrini- V. Casella - E. Dellu’ – M. Franzini – M. Robino – M. Zanon, “Papia Vegia Project: Santa Sofia di Torre d’Isola (PV). Seconda campagna di indagini archeologiche”, pp. 613-620.

18. 2016. Calandra, E., Gorrini, M.E., Saporiti, M., “Da Adriano a Erode Attico. Exempla a Corinto”, in Dromoi. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dai suoi allievi, Paestum-Atene, pp. 393-418. 19. 2015. Gorrini, M.E. “Fonti antiche per il giardino del Rinascimento”, Viglevanum 2015, 12-19. 20. 2015. Gorrini, M.E., Parrinello, S., Robino, M.T.R. et al., “Papia vegia Project. Santa Sofia di Torre d’Isola. Prima campagna di ricognizione di superficie”, in Athenaeum 103.2, 641-654.

21. 2015. L. D’ Alfonso, M.E. Gorrini, C. Mora, “Archaeological Excavations at K?n?k Hüyük”, in Athenaeum 103.2: 619-640.

22. 2014, Gorrini, M.E., “Il Polemokrateion di Eua: alcune note”, in Quaderni Ticinesi di Numismatica e Antichità classiche 43: 127-146.

23. 2014, Gorrini, M.E., “I culti di Ticinum romana”, in Gorrini, M.E. & S. Maggi (eds.), 25 anni di studi e ricerche archeologici a Casteggio (Pavia), Flos Italiae 12, pp. 67-81

24. 2014. L. D’ Alfonso, M.E. Gorrini, C. Mora, “Archaeological Excavations at K?n?k Hüyük, in Athenaeum 102.2: 565-577.

25. 2013. L. d'Alfonso - C. Mora, “Missione archeologica a K?n?k Hüyük. Uno sguardo d’insieme a conclusione della seconda campagna di scavo (2012)”. Appendice (di M.E. Gorrini), “Una testina femminile di terracotta da K?n?k Hüyük, ricognizione di superficie 2011”, Athenaeum 101. 2: 693-708.

26. 2008. Familiengruppe con Arsinoe III Philopator. In Quaderni Ticinesi di Numismatica e antichita‘ classiche, vol. 37, pp. 163-190.

27. 2008 Calandra Elena, Gorrini Maria Elena, Cult Practice of a Pompe in the Imperial Sparta. Sparta, vol. 4, pp. 3-22.

28. 2006. Un ritratto di Arsinoe III a Palazzo Te a Mantova: alcune considerazioni. Quaderni Ticinesi di Numismatica e antichità classiche, vol. 35, p. 221-237.

29. 2005. Eroi salutari della Grecia Continentale. AnnIstOrNap, vol. N.S. 9-10, pp. 163-196.

30. 2003. Eroi salutari dell'Attica. In ASAtene, pp. 299-315.

31. 2003. Toxaris, o xenos iatros. Athenaeum , pp. 431-439.

32. 2002. Gorrini, M.E., Melfi, M. (2002). Encore sur le mythe de naissance et de mort d'Asclépios: réflexions archéologiques. Kernos, vol. Suppl. 15, pp. 247-265.

Entries in Exhibition catalogues:

1. E. Calandra – B. Adembri, Adriano e la Grecia. Villa Adriana tra classicità ed ellenismo, Catalogo della mostra, Villa Adriana, Tivoli, 9 Aprile- 2 Novembre 2014. Roma: Electa, 2014 entries: “Testa ritratto di Adriano” (20); “Testa ritratto di Erode Attico da Atene” (22-24); “Testa ritratto di Polydeukion” (24); “Testa ritratto femminile da Atene” (34); “Statua di Antinoo da Eleusi” (38-39); “Statua di Antinoo da Aidepsos” (39); “Busto ritratto maschile da Fliunte” (39-40); “Testa ritratto di Traiano dal Pireo” (41-42); “Torso loricato di Adriano dal Pireo” (42-43); “Statua colossale di Adriano loricato, da Hierapytna” (43-44), “Statua colossale di Adriano, loricato, da Taso” (44); “Statua colossale di satiro dal teatro di Dioniso” (52); “La villa di Loukou” (64-66); “Busto di Adriano loricato, da Loukou” (66-67); “Torso di Antinoo come Apollo o Dioniso” (67-68); “Gruppo di Achille e Pentesilea” (68-69); “Rilievo votivo” (69-70); “Tondo con Eracle e Auge” (70) (Italian and English).

2. E. Calandra - B. Adembri, Marguerite Yourcenar. Adriano, l'antichità immaginata, Catalogo della mostra, Villa Adriana, Tivoli, Roma, Electa, 2013. (Italian). Entries: “Cure per l'imperatore” (193-194); “Auguste sofferenze” (183-186); “ Misteri d'Oriente” (172); Riti segreti” (172). “Adriano a Eleusi” (171); “Adriano e Orfeo”(173).

3. “Le collezioni: le donazioni di privati al Comune di Casteggio” In: R. Invernizzi, L. Vecchi. Il Civico Museo Archeologico di Casteggio e dell'Oltrepo Pavese, Milano:ennerre, 2000, pp. 43-44.

Conference Proceedings

1. (2021) Gorrini, M.E., Terracottas from K?n?k Höyük, Southern Cappadocia: a Preliminary Overview, in Stephanie Huysecom-Haxhi – Antonella Pautasso, Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn, 22 – 26 May 2018. Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World, panel «Craft Economy» and Terracotta Figurines.Approaching Systems of Production through Coroplastic Studies. Panel 3.14, Heidelberg 2021, 125-144.

2. (2020). Gorrini, M.E., Melfi, M., Montali, G., Schettino, A., Il progetto Plutonium di Villa Adriana. Prime considerazioni a margine del nuovo rilievo e prospettive di ricerca, in G. Cinque (ed.), Adventus Hadriani 118-2018 (Atti del convegno, Rome- Tivoli, July 3-06, 2018), 571-590.

3. (2019) Gorrini, M.E.; Robino, M.T.A., “Manufatti in pietra di Candoglia a Ticinum romana: stato dell’arte e prospettive di ricerca”, in Proceedings of the Congress “Le Vie della pietra. Estrazione e diffusione delle pietre da opera alpine dall’età romana all’età moderna. Convegno per i 10 anni di istituzione dell’Ecomuseo del Granito, 28-29 ottobre 2017. Mergozzo (Verbano Cusio Ossola), Mergozzo 2019, 71-84. 4. (2019) Gorrini, M.E., “Nomina nuda tenemus? The epigraphical records of dedications in two healing sanctuaries in Athens and in Oropos”, in M. Bassani, M. Boos, U. Fusco (eds.), Rethinking the Concept of “Healing Settlements”: Cults, Constructions and Contexts in the Ancient World , Oxford 2019, 157-171.

5. (2019) Gorrini, M.E., Robino, M..T.A., “The rediscovery of a sarcophagus lid from Ticinum (Regio XI)”, in B. Porod (ed.), Benefactors, Dedicants and Tomb Owners. 15th Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art. Proceedings of the Congress, Graz 2017, Graz 2019, 182-191.

6. (2018) Gorrini, M.E., Zizza, C., “King Pyrrhus, warrior and healer in Dodona”, in M.P. Castiglioni et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the Congress “Héros fondateurs et identités communautaires dans l’Antiquité, entre mythe, rite et politique” (Grenoble, 3-5 maggio 2017), Milano-Perugia 2018, 201-231. 7. (2015). Gorrini M.E. e Robino, M.T.R., “The sarcophagi of Ticinum (Pavia). A preliminary report“, in B. Porod – G. Koiner, Römische Sarkophage, Akten des Internationalen Werkstattgesprächs 11. – 13. Oktober 2012 (Graz), Graz 2015, 112-125.

8. (2012). Healing Statues in The Greek and Roman World. In: I. Csepregi and C. Burnett. Ritual Healing. Magic, Ritual and Medical therapy from Antiquity until the Early Modern period. London, Warburg Institute, February 2006, vol. 48, Firenze, pp. 107-130.

9. (2010). Museo in Etruria. In: Giudice Filippo e Panvini Rosalba. Il Greco, il Barbaro e la ceramica attica. Catania, Caltanissetta, 14-19 maggio 2001, pp. 57-68, Roma:L'Erma di Bretschneider.

10. Gorrini, M.E., Robino, M.T.A. (2010). I monumenti funerari urbani di Ticinum: alcune considerazioni. In: Fede Berti - Vincenzo Scarano Ussani. Memoriam habeto. Dal sepolcreto dei Fadieni: stele figurate ed iscrizioni in Cisalpina. OSTRAKA, vol. 19. n. 1-2, pp. 253-276, Loffredo Editore Napoli.

11. (2009). Aristeo o Dedalo? Nuove considerazioni su alcuni documenti greci ed etruschi. In: M. Harari. Icone. Atti del Primo Seminario Pavese di Iconografia . Pavia, novembre 2005, pp. 89-110, Roma: Erma di Bretschenider.

12. (2008). L'Afrodite-Ninfa di Mantova. In: S. Maggi, F. Slavazzi. Scultura romana in Cisalpina. Pavia, 2005, pp. 183-194, Borgo San Lorenzo (FI):Edigiglio.

13. (2008). L'Afrodite di Mantova: nuove osservazioni. In: Pepa Castillo, Silke Knippschild, Marta García Morcillo, Carmen Herreros . Imagines. Antiquity in the performing and visual arts. Logrono, Spain, 22-24Ottobre 2007, pp. 333-350, Logrono, Spain: Universidad de La Rioja

14. (2006). Healing heroes in Thessaly: the predecessors of Asclepius. In: A. Mazarakis-Ainian. Proceedings of the 1st Archaeological Meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece . Volos, Greece, February -March 2003, pp. 297-309, Volos: University of Thessaly, Ministry of Culture Volos 2006.

15. (2005). The Hippocratic impact on healing cults. In: van der Ejik. Hippocrates in context. Newcastle, August 2002, pp. 135-156, Brill.

16. Gorrini Maria Elena, M. Melfi (2005). Some notes on the Siphnean Pantheon. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Siphnean Symposium, pp. 217-228.

17. (2000). Le collezioni: le donazioni di privati al Comune di Casteggio. In: R. Invernizzi, L. Vecchi. Il Civico Museo Archeologico di Casteggio e dell'Oltrepo Pavese. pp. 43-44, Milano.


1. (2020) Review of E. Galbois, Images du pouvoir et pouvoir de l’image: les médillons-portraits miniatures des Lagides, Scripta antiqua 113, Bordeaux 2018, https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2020/2020.01.29

2. (2011). Recensione a Alessandra Coppola, L'eroe ritrovato: il mito del corpo nella Grecia classica. Elementi. Venezia: Marsilio, 2008. pp. 173. BMCR, vol. 21.09.2011.

3. (2010). Review of G. De Sensi Sestito (ed.), L'arte di Asclepio, Rubbettino 2008. BMCR, vol. 15.3.2010.

4. (2010). M. Giuman, Melissa: archeologia delle api e del miele nella Grecia antica, Roma 2008. BMCR vol. 27.10.2010.

5. (2008). Review of Pierre Sineux, Amphiaraos. Guerrier, devin et guérisseur, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007. BMCR. Vol. 28.02.2006.

6. (2008). Review of M.L. Nava-M. Osanna, Lo spazio del rito. Santuari e culti in Italia meridionale tra indigeni e greci. Atti delle giornate di studio (Matera 28-29 giugno 2002), Bari 2005. Athenaeum, pp. 880-884.

7. (2007). Review of F. Kolb (ed.), Chora und Polis, Schriften des Historischen Kollegs Kolloquien 54, Monaco 2004. Athenaeum, pp. 919-922.

8. (2007). Review of J. Riethmueller, Asklepios. Heiligtuemer und Kulte, Heidelberg 2005. Ostraka, pp. 493-500.

9. (2006). Review of: M. Cantucci, L. Jannelli, L. Sanesi Mastrocinque, Il deposito votivo dall'acropoli di Cuma, Roma 2002. Athenaeum, pp. 339-340.

10. (2006). Review of : G. F. La Torre, Un tempio arcaico nel territorio dell'antica Temesa. L'edificio sacro in località Imbelli di Campora S. Giovanni, Roma 2002. Athenaeum, pp. 766-770.

11. (2005). Review of: A. Comella, Il santuario di Punta della Vipera. Santa Marinella - Comune di Civitavecchia - I. I materiali votivi, Roma 2001. Athenaeum, pp. 356-357.

12. (2005). Review of: M.P. Guidobaldi, I materiali votivi della Grotta del colle di Rapino Roma 2002. Athenaeum, pp. 358-9.

13. (2003). Review of: Gab es das Griechische Wunder?, Griechenland zwischen dem Ende des 6. Und der Mitte des 5. Jahrunderts v. Chr., Tagungsbeiträge des 16. Fachsymposiums der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, 5-9 aprile 1999, Friburgo, ed. D. Papenfuss e V.M. Strocka, Mainz 2001. Ostraka, pp. 257-259.

14. (2002). Review of J. Larson, Greek Nymphs, Oxford 2001. ASAtene, pp. 599-605.

15. (2002). Review of M.C. Monaco, Ergasteria, Roma 2001. Athenaeum, pp. 450-451.

16. (2001). Review of CSE Italia 5. Viterbo. Museo Archeologico Nazionale, (ed.) G. Barbieri, Roma 1999. Athenaeum, pp. 691-692.

17. (2001). Review of C. Ingoglia, Le kotylai corinzie figurate a Gela, Roma 1999. Athenaeum, pp. 692-693.

18. (2000). Review of F. Serra Ridgway- Lo scavo del fondo Scataglini a Tarquinia, Fondazione Lerici, Milano 1997. Athenaeum, pp. 354-355.

19. (2000). Review of G. Camporeale, L'abitato etrusco dell'Accesa. Il quartiere B, Roma 1997. Athenaeum, pp. 615-616.

20. (2000). Review of CSE New York, (ed.) Larissa Bonfante. Roma 1997. Athenaeum, pp. 617-618.

21. (2000). Review of CSE Louvre 3, (ed.) D. Rebuffat-Emmanuel, Roma 1997. Athenaeum, pp. 618-619.

22. (1998). Review of M. Menichetti, Quoius forma virtutei parisuma fuit...Ciste prenestine e cultura di Roma mediorepubblicana, Rome 1995. Athenaeum, pp. 567-569.

23. (1997). Review of CSE Italia 3. Volterra, Museo Guarnacci, a cura di Gabriele Cateni, Roma 1995. Athenaeum, pp. 690-691.

24. (1997). Review of Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum Italia 2. Perugia. Museo Archeologico Nazionale, a cura di Alba Frascarelli, Roma 1995. Athenaeum, pp. 689-690.

Forthcoming articles 1. Gorrini, M.E. – Robino, M., Dynamics of Production of Roman sarcophagi between Mediolanum, Ticinum and Ravenna, in Produced and displayed. Dynamics of Production and Contexts of Roman Sculptures in the Ancient Mediterranean Region. Proceedings of the International Congress from 25–27 February 2019 at the University of Graz


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