Università degli Studi di Pavia

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

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Civiltà inglese

Canavesi Angelo
Anno accademico:
Decreto Ministeriale:
Englishness and Britishness: questions of synchronic and diachronic identity.


The module aims to develop some key-concepts such as: nation, state, identity. Topics arising will include the study and the discussion of geography, history, politics, and other societal issues regarding the British-Irish Isles.


1) K. Kumar, The Making of English National Identity, Cambridge University Press, 2003 - chapters 1 to 6 2) J. Oakland, British Civilization. An Introduction, Routledge, 5th edition, 2002 - chapters 1-2-3-5-10 3) G.M. Trevelyan, A shortened History of England, Penguin, pp. 276-314; pp. 327-362 (on the English Revolution) 4) S. Schama, A History of Britain. 1776-2000, BBC, 2003 - pp.147-193 (Feminist issues)

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Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Università degli Studi di Pavia
Segreteria amministrativa: Piazza Botta, 6 - 27100 Pavia
Segreteria didattica: Corso Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia
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Email: webmaster.lettere (at) unipv.it