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Curriculum vitae et studiorum
Luigi V. Majocchi was born in
During the academic year 1962-63, thanks to a Fulbright scholarship, he was a special student at Harvard University where he did graduate level work at the Dept. of Government with professors A. Sutherland, R. Mc Closky, R. Bowie, C. Friedrich (all of them former members of the Comité d’Etudes pour
From June 12th 1961 he worked with Professor B. Leoni as Assistant Professor of Theory of the State in the Faculty of Political Science at
From 1963-64 till 1971-72 he taught at the
Before the beginning of the academic year 1978-79 Giulio Guderzo, Head of the History Dept., asked him to come back to
In the academic year 1989-90 he was named to the first Jean Monnet Chair for historical studies set up in
In the academic years 1991/92, 1992/93 and 1993/94 he has been lecturing at LIUC (Libero Istituto Universitario C. Cattaneo) in Castellanza (Milan) where, in a seminar on History of Economic Theory, he taught Luigi Einaudi’s and Lionel Robbins’ contributions to the study of the relationship between “laissez faire, laisser passer theories” and federal government.
In 1996 he was visiting professor at the Faculty of European Studies of Babes Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca (
Since the beginning of the academic year 1998-99 he has been teaching a seminar on “Current political problems of European Unification” at
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In 1971 Majocchi founded CESFER (Centro Studi sul federalismo, il regionalismo e l’unità europea), a study centre dealing with problems of federalism, regionalism and European unity, and directed it until 1987. This Centre published a collection of booklets entitled “I problemi della lotta politica per il federalismo”. He directed this collection.
He was Director of the European Federalist Movement from 1980 to 1987 and Director of the International European Movement from 1984 to
Since1990 he has been a member of the Scientific Committee of Asda Bocconi (
In 1995 he was appointed member of a Study Conference for European Citizenship. This Conference of scholars, one from each EU country, produced a book entitled De les citoyennetés des Européens à la citoyenneté européenne, published by Hachette (Paris).
In 1999 he founded and is president of the Centro di studi storici sul federalismo e l’unità europea “Altiero Spinelli”, whose task is both collecting archives of either federalist militants or actors of the European unification and promoting researches in the history of federalism and European unification.
His contributions to national and international scientific reviews are relevant, though not as frequent as those to journals and reviews dealing with the problems related to the construction of a united federal
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His contribution to knowing and understanding the process of European unification in the framework of an increasing worldwide globalisation of economic, social and political issues is strictly connected (and openly declared as such, consistently with Max Weber’s epistemology) with his experience as a federalist “militant”, wherefrom he derived his “point of view”, which, as says Weber, both determines the selection of the object to be investigated and affects the historical recognition of facts and their interpretation. Thus the main object of his studies has constantly been what Albertini names “the initiative factor” acting in the European struggle for federalism, a factor which stands outside the normal political decision making process and is clearly illustrated by Monnet’s and Spinelli’s action, The analyses he did and promoted among his students aimed at illustrating this factor, mostly through the biographical studies of early federalists during the Resistance, their ideas and actions. Such a point of view proved to be profitable in spelling out hypotheses and interpretative keys on behalf of students, forced to deal with documents particularly obscure as they refer to deeds and actors still unstudied and placed in a context undefined due to the fact that European unification is a process whose accomplishment is just a matter of conjecture, whether it is a new state - a federation -, as Majocchi assumes, or a free trade area based on merely international co-operation, as the large majority of historians, political scientists and politicians in Europe believe.
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Majocchi spends part of his spare time in listening to music and practising sports such as biking, swimming, skiing and jogging. His knowledge of Italian, English and French is excellent, of Spanish sufficient, of German and Rumanian poor. He married in 1968 Silvana Repossi (59 years old, psychiatrist). She is still his wife. From this marriage he has one daughter Livia (36, engineer) and three sons: Piero (31, PhD in Medieval History, researcher at
biographies of leading actors in European unification
Most significant publications
– MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. ed., La violenza neo-fascista in Lombardia, Milan 1973, pp. 1-831.
– MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. – ROSSOLILLO FRANCESCO, Il Parlamento europeo. Significato storico di una ele-zione, Naples 1979, pp. 1-238.
– MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. – VITALE MARCO eds., Europa ‘92. Dall’Atto Unico al Governo europeo, Milan 1990, pp 1-283.
– MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. – VITALE MARCO eds., Verso il 2000, il mondo che cambia.
– MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. – VITALE MARCO eds., Quale progetto per la città, Milan 1993, pp. 1-287.
– MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. – VITALE MARCO eds., Per una nuova cultura di mercato, Milan 1994, pp. 1-186.
– MAJOCCHI LUIGI V., La difficile costruzione dell’unità europea, Milan 1995, pp. 1-339.
- MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. ed., Messina quarant’anni dopo. Il rilancio europeo e l’attualità del metodo in vista della Conferenza intergovernativa del 1996, Bari 1996, pp. 1-303.
– MAJOCCHI LUIGI V., L’informazione europea. Aspetti politico-valoriali e aspetti economico-amministrativi, Milan 2001, pp. 1-67.
©¤ MAJOCCHI LUIGI V., Unità europea: ieri, oggi e domani, forthcoming
– LORD LOTHIAN, Il pacifismo non basta, Bologna 1986.
– CRISTINA MERLINI, Il Collegio “Robecchi-Bricchetti” di Pavia, Pavia, 1988.
– DANIELA PREDA, Storia di una speranza. La battaglia per
– LUCIANO BOLIS, Il mio filo di Arianna. Diario di dieci mesi dal 29 settembre 1986 al 29 luglio 1987. Annotazioni – Pensieri – Ricordi, Rome 1991.
– GIULIO GUDERZO ed., Lord Lothian. Una vita per la pace, Florence 1996.
– MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. – VITALE MARCO eds., Verso il 2000, il mondo che cambia.
©¤ MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. ed., Messina quarant’anni dopo. Il rilancio europeo e l’attualità del metodo in vista della Conferenza intergovernativa del 1996, Bari 1996, pp. 9-14.
©¤ ROGNONI VERCELLI CINZIA, Luciano Bolis. Dall’Italia all’Europa, Bologna 2006, pp. 6-12
©¤ BRAGA ANTONELLA, Un federalista giacobino. Ernesto Rossi pioniere degli Stati Uniti d’Europa, Bologna 2007, pp. 11-17.
©¤ DALLOU ANTONELLA, Federico Chabod: l’idea di nazione e la storia d’Europa. Aosta 2008, pp. 3-10
Selected Essays
– Sulla Francia, a proposito di Challe e Duverger, in “Il Federalista” 1961, 3, pp. 164-8.
– Opinione pubblica in “Nuovissimo digesto italiano”, Turin 1964, pp. 3-6
– A propos des rapports franco-allemands, in “Le Fédéraliste” 1964, 2, pp. 96-111
– Europeismo in “Grande Dizionario Enciclopedico”, vol. VII, 1968, pp. 431-2.
– Considérations au sujet du livre de Henry A. Kissinger, American Foreign Policy, in “Le Fédéraliste” 1971, 3-4, pp. 157-67.
– Elections du Parlement européen et irréversibilité de l’unification européenne, in “Le Fédéraliste 1973, 3-4, pp. 122-33.
– Le radici internazionali del neofascismo, in MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. ed., La violenza neo-fascista in Lombardia, Milan 1973, pp. XXV-LII.
– Intervista sul federalismo, in ALFASSIO GRIMALDI UGOBERTO - ROVATI LUCIO eds.,
– Il Parlamento europeo nella lotta politica per l’Europa, in “Il Federalista” 1981, 2, pp. 13-26.
– La riforma istituzionale della Comunità, in LOTTI ANGELO ed., L’Europa di fronte alle sfide dell’avvenire, Milan 1985, pp. 213-38.
– Federalism in the History of Thought: Clarence K. Streit, in “The Federalist” 1987, 1, pp. 72-87.
– Federalism in the History of Thought: Ludwig Dehio, in “The Federalist” 1988, 2, pp. 129-55.
– Ideal Man in Classical Sociology. The views of Compte, Durkheim, Pareto and Weber, in
“International Journal of Comparative Sociology” 1987, 1-2, pp. 105-26.
– On the Jenninger case, in “The Federalist” 1989, 1, pp. 47-60.
– Schuldfrage, unità tedesca e unità europea, in “Comuni d’Europa”, 1989, 6, pp. 7-23.
– Dalla fondazione della Comunità all’Atto Unico, in. MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. – VITALE MARCO eds., Europa ‘92. Dall’Atto Unico al Governo europeo, Milan 1990, pp 37-57.
– Dall’Atto unico al governo europeo, in MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. – VITALE MARCO eds., Europa ‘92. Dall’Atto Unico al Governo europeo, Milan 1990, pp. 255-83.
– A historical Precedent of great Importance, in “The Federalist” 1989, 2, pp. 115-20.
– La rivoluzione dell’Ottantanove nell’Est europeo. Un approccio storico, in MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. – VITALE MARCO eds., Verso il 2000, il mondo che cambia.
– Nationalism and Federalism in 19th Century
– Actualité de l’analyse kantienne a propos de la paix, ibid, pp. 21-7.
– Federalism in the History of Thought: Edward H. Carr, in “The Federalist” 1991, 1, pp. 53-82
– Federalism in the History of Thought: Kenneth C. Wheare, in “The Federalist” 1991, 3, pp. 73-90.
– L’azione per il riconoscimento del diritto di voto europeo, in PISTONE SERGIO ed., I movimenti per l’unità europea. 1954-1969, Milan 1992, 421-441.
– Diritti dell’uomo e democrazia europea, in FADDA ANTONIO ed., Per una formazione europea degli insegnanti, Cagliari 1993, pp. 51-60.
– La città nella sua relazione con la storia e la politica, in MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. – VITALE MARCO eds., Quale progetto per la città, Milan 1994, pp. 13-78.
– Il Trattato di Maastricht. Sviluppi e limiti dell’integrazione europea, in CITTERIO FERDINANDO – VACCARO LUCIANO, Quale federalismo per quale Europa. Il contributo della tradizione cristiana, Brescia 1996, pp. 323-46.
– Le condizioni politiche per affermare in Italia una nuova cultura di mercato, in MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. – VITALE MARCO eds., Per una nuova cultura di mercato, Milan 1995, pp. 13-40.
– Il rilancio europeo di Messina nella storia dell’unificazione europea, in MAJOCCHI LUIGI V. ed., Messina quarant’anni dopo. Il rilancio europeo e l’attualità del metodo in vista della Conferenza intergovernativa del 1996, Bari 1996, pp. 25-60.
– Federalismo interno e federalismo europeo, in JACOBELLI JADER ed., Quale federalismo per l’Italia, Bari 1997, pp. 46-71..
– Le integrazioni verticali.
– De la citoyenneté des Européens à la citoyenneté européenne, in FRANÇOISE PARISOT BARATIER ed., Citayennetés nationales et citoyenneté européenne, Paris 1999, pp. 78-93.
– Voto europeo, rilancio del Piano Werner e progetto costituente in PREDA DANIELA ed., I movimenti per l’unità europea. 1969-1985, Bologna 1999, pp. 247-291.
– Fédération d’Etats-nation? Fédération de régions ? Fédération de quoi ? in “L’Europe en formation”, 2001, 2, pp. 176-89.
þu L’opposizione antifascista e le battaglie per gli Stati Uniti d’Europa, in ANTONELLA BRAGA– SIMONETTA MICHELOTTI eds, Ernesto Rossi. Un democratico europeo, Soveria Mannelli 2009, pp. 37-45.
þu El federalismo: instrumento de análisis y meta de actión politica, in "Puento@Europa", Buenos Aires, año VII, Número especial, Diciembre 2009, pp. 8-14.
– L’identità europea, forthcoming
Università degli Studi di Pavia
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