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Lingua inglese 2
- Docenti:
- Pavesi Maria Gabriella
- Anno accademico:
- 2004/2005
- Decreto Ministeriale:
- 509/99
- Descrizione:
- Variazione e lessico nell’inglese contemporaneo: un’introduzione
Il corso è articolato in lezioni della docente e in esercitazioni dei collaboratori ed esperti linguistici.
Il corso della docente prenderà l’avvio da una presentazione delle principali dimensioni della variazione nell’uso
dell’inglese contemporaneo - variazione sociale, variazione situazionale, variazione geografica – facendo
particolare riferimento alle nozioni di inglese standard, di registro e delle varietà del British English e
dell’American English. Tale presentazione servirà da sfondo per un’analisi più dettagliata di alcune tra le
principali categorie descrittive del lessico inglese. Partendo dal lessico comune e dal lessico settoriale, si
illustreranno i rapporti strutturali che intercorrono nella lingua tra parole (sinonimia, antonimia, ecc) e i principali
meccanismi di arricchimento lessicale tramite processi di formazione di parola (per es.affissazione,
composizione). Si descriverà poi la tendenza nell’inglese a combinare più parole in unità di senso (phrasal verbs,
idioms, collocazioni). Durante il corso, la descrizione dei fenomeni verrà accompagnata da analisi e traduzioni di
Nelle esercitazioni gli studenti approfondiranno la conoscenza pratica degli aspetti fonologici, grammaticali e
lessicali della lingua inglese, sviluppando le quattro abilità con speciale attenzione agli aspetti della comunicazione
orale. Le esercitazioni hanno durata annuale e sono tenute da Collaboratori ed Esperti Linguistici (CEL) di
madre lingua. Ulteriori informazioni riguardanti i libri di testo e gli orari delle esercitazioni sono disponibili presso
il Centro Linguistico (Uffici).
Bibliografia del corso-docente
Studenti frequentanti
Stockwell, Peter, 2002. Sociolinguistics. A resource book for students. London: Routledge. Introduction: Key
concepts in sociolinguistics, pp.1-25;
The changing prestige of RP, The reality of genderlects, pp. 38-43 (solo studenti di prima lingua)
Jackson, Howard, Amvela, Etienne Z., 2000. Words, meaning and vocabulary. An introduction to modern
English lexicology. London/New York: Cassell. Capitoli 3, 4, 5, 6 (pp. 48-143)
Capitolo 2 (solo studenti prima lingua)
Gramley, Stephan, Pätzold, Kurt-Michael, 2004 (second edition). A survey of modern English. London:
Routledge. Capitolo 3 (pp. 48-65).
Studenti non frequentanti
Stockwell, Peter, 2002. Sociolinguistics. A resource book for students. London: Routledge.
Introduction: Key concepts in sociolinguistics, pp.1-25;
The changing prestige of RP, The reality of genderlects, pp. 38-43 (solo studenti di prima lingua)
Jackson, Howard, Amvela, Etienne Z., 2000. Words, meaning and vocabulary. An introduction to modern
English lexicology. London/New York: Cassell. Cap. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Capitolo 2 (solo studenti prima lingua)
Gramley, Stephan, Pätzold, Kurt-Michael, 1992. A survey of modern English. London: Routledge. Capitolo 3
(pp. 48-65).
Per la grammatica di riferimento e i dizionari bilingue e monolingue, si veda il programma del 1° anno.
Modalità d’esame
La valutazione dell’esame finale assomma il risultato dell’esame relativo al corso della docente con quello delle
prove in itinere o della prova propedeutica di lingua II. Gli studenti dovranno aver superato tali prove prima di
presentarsi all’esame finale. Gli studenti frequentanti potranno sostenere la parte relativa al corso della docente
come esame scritto alla fine del primo semestre.
Per le esercitazioni gli studenti che frequentano con regolarità verranno valutati progressivamente durante l’anno
accademico; gli studenti non frequentanti, invece, verranno valutati con una prova complessiva, propedeutica.
The course covers the grammar, language functions and lexical syllabus found in units 8 to 14 of Inside Out
Upper-Intermediate, supplemented by relevant sections of the Oxford Practice Grammar (Eastwood). The
following grammar topics will be covered and practised: subordination, passives, causative verbs, modal verbs,
phrasal and prepositional verbs, and prepositions. The four skills will be developed through a range of activities
and materials as outlined below.
The overall aim of the second year Skills for English course is to provide ample practise in all four skills at B2
level, as well as to develop appropriate language-oriented skills in the areas of phonetics and vocabulary. More
specifically, the objectives of esercitazioni are:
• to develop listening skills; some of the lessons will be taught in a multimedia classroom, in conjunction with a
programme of guided self-study activities
• to develop written skills, with a special emphasis on writing summaries, reports, articles and formal and
informal letters.
• to develop speaking skills; this will involve frequent classroom activities, such as pair work, class
discussions, and recounting narratives.
• to expand students' vocabulary and apply notions pertaining to the lexicon.
• to present and practise the International Phonetic Alphabet, so that by the end of the course students will be
able to transcribe familiar and unfamiliar words with reasonable accuracy.
Furthermore, students will be asked:
• to read at least two books chosen from a reading list of contemporary titles, which includes works of both
fiction and non-fiction. These books will form one of the topics of conversation in the oral test; in addition,
students will be invited to provide a lexical analysis of a selected passage from the student's reading as part of
the final English Language exam. The list of books will be available on the website of the Centro Linguistico by
the end of September.
• to watch a series of eight films during the year. These films will also form one of the topics of conversation in
the oral test, where students will be expected to discuss plot, characters and related social issues..
Assessments and the unified preliminary language test
The second year English preliminary exam consists of three papers:
Paper 1: Reading Comprehension and Grammar (Assessment 1)
Paper 2: Oral Test (Assessment 2)
In pairs, students will be asked to:
§ discuss the set films and books
§ students who have been unable to prepare the set books and films will be asked questions about current
Paper 3: Listening, Phonetics and Composition (Assessment 3)
Students will be asked to complete the following exercises in the language laboratory:
§ Listen to a song and complete the text either through a gap-fill exercise or a reordering exercise
§ Listen to two texts on audio cassette and complete corresponding B2-level exercises (true/false questions,
multiple choice, information gap-fill exercise)
§ Complete a short phonetic dictation.
§ Students are also expected to rewrite one of the listening texts in different genres (e.g. newspaper article or
letter – approx. 300 words)
Students who attend a minimum of 70% of the lessons will have the option of taking the three parts of the exam
in the form of three assessments, the first to be held in the spring, the other two to be held in May.Students who
fail the first assessment will be permitted to resit the corresponding part of the test in June. However, students
who have taken and failed the assessments must wait until the following September to resit the unified test.
Students not attending a minimum of 70% of the lessons may take the unified test in June.
Student's attainment on the course will be assessed with a grade A-F* for each assessment or exam paper.
Students following the course will be awarded an additional fourth grade to reflect their on-going performance
during lessons, including oral contributions, homework and individual progress.
* These grades correspond to alternative marking systems as follows:
A 28, 29, 30 excellent
B 26, 27 good
C 23, 24, 25, average
D 20, 21, 22, weak
E 18, 19, pity pass
F 17 or less fail
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