Università degli Studi di Pavia

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

HomeDipartimentoDocenti › Cristofaro Sonia

Cristofaro Sonia

Professore associato
su appuntamento: sonia.cristofaro@unipv.it
sonia.cristofaro (at) unipv.it
+39 382 984687
Sito web:
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Sez. di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata

Info e materiale didattico

A.a. 2019-20

 Glottologia A /Linguistica generale A

NOTA: La valutazione per il moduli di Glottologia A/Linguistica generale A avviene attraverso tre prove in itinere. Il voto viene calcolato facendo la media dei voti delle due prove migliori, e fa poi media coi voti conseguiti nei moduli di Glottologia B o Linguistica Generale B al fine di calcolare il voto finale degli esami di Glottologia o Linguistica Generale.

Non e' possibile sostenere gli esami relativi ai moduli di Glottologia B o Linguistica Generale B se prima non si e' ottenuto il voto per il modulo di Glottologia A/Linguistica generale A attraverso le prove in itinere. E' necessario sostenere almeno due su tre delle prove in itinere. Le prove in itinere si svolgeranno secondo il seguente orario:


Venerdi' 11 ottobre 2019, ore 9-11, Aula 7 di Giurisprudenza

Mercoledi' 30 ottobre 2019, ore 11-13, Aula Magna Sotterranea

Giovedi' 7 novembre 2019, ore 14-16, Aula 7 di Giurisprudenza


Gli studenti che sostengono meno di due prove in itinere devono presentarsi alla prova di recupero che avranno luogo alla fine del modulo, venerdi' 7 novembre 2011, ore  9-11, in Aula 7 di Giurisprudenza, oppure ad una delle ulteriori prove di recupero che avranno luogo in coincidenza con il primo appello d'esame della sessione invernale e di quella estiva.

Se si deve sostenere la prova di recupero, o se si e' studenti Erasmus, si e' pregati di mettersi comunque in contatto con la docente all'indirizzo sonia.cristofaro@unipv.it.


E' previsto inoltre un servizio di tutorato, i cui orari sono comunicati attraverso annunci sul sito del dipartimento. Per informazioni rivolgersi alla tutor, Dott.ssa Ilaria Colucci (ilaria.colucci03@universitadipavia.it).



1 - Introduzione

2 - sintassi

3 - morfologia

4 - fonetica e fonologia

5 - semantica e pragmatica


esercizi 1

esercizi 2

esercizi 3

esercizi 4







 Glottologia B

1 - ricostruzione linguistica

2 - caso

3 - possesso

4 - modalita'

5 - contatto linguistico

6 - approcci esplicativi al mutamento linguistico

esercizi 1

esercizi 2


Language Typology


1 - background

2 language universals

3 - motivations

4 - grammatical relations

5 - parts of speech

exercises  1

exercises 2







A.a. 2018-19

Language Typology


1 -background

2 - language universals

3 -  motivations

4 - grammatical relations

5 - parts of speech

6 - word order

exercises 1

exercises 2

exercises 3


 Glottologia A /Linguistica generale A

NOTA: La valutazione per il moduli di Glottologia A/Linguistica generale A avviene attraverso tre prove in itinere. Il voto viene calcolato facendo la media dei voti delle due prove migliori, e fa poi media coi voti conseguiti nei moduli di Glottologia B o Linguistica Generale B al fine di calcolare il voto finale degli esami di Glottologia o Linguistica Generale.

Non e' possibile sostenere gli esami relativi ai moduli di Glottologia B o Linguistica Generale B se prima non si e' ottenuto il voto per il modulo di Glottologia A/Linguistica generale A attraverso le prove in itinere. E' necessario sostenere almeno due su tre delle prove in itinere. Gli studenti che ne sostengono meno, o che non ottengono un voto complessivo sufficiente, devono presentarsi alle prove di recupero che avranno luogo alla fine del modulo  o in coincidenza con il primo appello d'esame della sessione invernale e di quella estiva.

Se si deve sostenere la prova di recupero, o se si e' studenti Erasmus, si e' pregati di mettersi comunque in contatto con la docente all'indirizzo sonia.cristofaro@unipv.it.

E' previsto inoltre un servizio di tutorato, i cui orari sono comunicati attraverso annunci sul sito del dipartimento.



1 -background

2 - sintassi

3 - morfologia

4 - fonetica e fonologia

5 - semantica e pragmatica

esercizi 1

esercizi 2

esercizi 3




Elenco corsi


+ Altri anni accademici

Glottologia -a
Language Typology
Linguistica generale -a
Glottologia -a
Glottologia -b
Language Typology
Linguistica generale -a
Glottologia -a
Language Typology
Linguistica generale -a
Glottologia -a
Glottologia -b
Language Typology
Glottologia -a
Glottologia -b
Language Typology
Linguistica generale -a
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Glottologia -a
Glottologia -b
Linguistica generale -a
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Glottologia -a
Glottologia -b
Linguistica generale -a
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Glottologia –a mutuato da 1 parte di Glottologi [...]
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.) mutuato da DM 270
Glottologia –a
Glottologia –b
Linguistica storica mutuato da: Glottologia –b
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Glottologia –a
Glottologia –b
Linguistica storica mutuato da: Glottologia –b
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Glottologia –a
Linguistica generale per le discipline psicologich [...]
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Glottologia - a
Linguistica generale per le discipline psicologich [...]
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)
Glottologia - a
Linguistica generale per le discipline psicologich [...]
Linguistica tipologica (c.p.)

Elenco appelli e prove

Per visualizzare l'elenco degli appelli, andare alla pagina dedicata.


Sonia Cristofaro is a professor of linguistics at the University of Pavia and director of the joint Ph.D. program in `Language Sciences' at the Universities of Pavia and Bergamo.  Her research interests focus on language typology and historical linguistics. Her publications incude two books, `Subordination' (Oxford University Press, 2003) and `Aspetti sintattici e semantici delle frasi completive in greco antico' (La Nuova Italia, 1996), as well as several scholarly articles published in international journals and edited volumes. She is often an invited speaker at linguistics conferences and workshops worldwide. She has acted as an evaluator for a number of national research agencies in several countries, as well as for the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grants). She is a member of the editorial boards of several international linguistics journals and series.



2001-present Associate professor (General Linguistics, Linguistic Typology), Department of Humanities (Linguistics section),
University of Pavia

1999-2001 Researcher, Department of Germanic and Slavic languages, University of Verona

1998-1999 CNR postdoctorala positon, Department of Linguistics, University of Pavia


2018 Visiting scholar, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon

2018 Guest scientist, ERC research group `Grammatical universals', Leipzig University

2017 Summer School of ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, Canberra, Australia

2017 Summer school Academia Grammaticorum Salensis Tertia Decima, University of Vilnius, Lithuania

2017 Invited Professor, Chaire Internationale Labex, LLACAN, Paris

2016 European Summer School in Linguistic Typology, organized by the Federation CNRS Typologie et Universaux, France (FR2559 CNRS) and the universities of Koeln and Amsterdam - Porquerolles, France

2014 Visiting scholar, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima

2004 Visiting scholar, University of Erfurt

2002 Guest scientist, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig

2000 Guest scientist, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig

1999 Guest scientist, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig


1998 Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Pavia

1995 European Master's degree in Linguistics, Universities of Berlin and Manchester

1993 BA in Linguistics, University of Pavia



ERC Panel member (Starting Grants, ERC SH4, 2012)

ERC Remote referee (Starting Grants, ERC SH4, 2016)

Reviewer for chair selection committees, University of Freiburg (2019)

Reviewer for the Research Foundation Flanders - FWO (2017, 2016)

Reviewer for the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (2014)

Reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation (2016)

Reviewer for the Agence d’evaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement superieur, France (2013),

Reviewer for Italian Ministry for University and Scientific Research (2012)

Reviewer for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Council for the Humanities (2011).

President of the evaluation committee for the Joseph Greenberg Award, Association for Linguistic Typology (http://www.linguistic-typology.org/awards.html#Gabelentz) (2016-2017)

Member of the evaluation committee for the Joseph Greenberg Award, Association for Linguistic Typology (http://www.linguistic-typology.org/awards.html#Gabelentz) (2015)

Member of the evaluation committee for the Panini Award, Association for Linguistic Typology, 2015 (http://www.linguistic-typology.org/awards.html#Gabelentz) (2015)

Member of the evaluation committee for the Georg von der Gabelentz Award, Association for Linguistic Typology (http://www.linguistic-typology.org/awards.html#Gabelentz) (2013, 2008-9)

PhD external evaluator, University of Helsinki (2016)

PhD external evaluator, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (2016)

PhD external evaluator, University of Amsterdam (2009)


Editor, ‘Language and Linguistics Compass’, Wiley

Editor, Oxford Studies in Typology and Linguistic Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press

Member of the editorial board: Studies in Diversity Linguistics, Berlin, Language Science Press

Member of the editorial board: Folia Linguistica

Member of the editorial board: Acta Linguistica Hafniensia

Member of the editorial board: Italian Journal of Linguistics

Member of the editorial board: Materiali linguistici, Milano, Franco Angeli


Acta Linguistica Hafniensia

Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ciências Humanas (Brazil)

Cognitive Linguistics

Folia Linguistica, Folia Linguistica Historica

Functions of Language

International Journal of American Linguistics

John Benjamins

Journal of Linguistics

Journal of Pragmatics

Language and Linguistics

Language Documentation & Conservation (University of Hawai‘i Press)

Language Sciences

Language Science Press

Lingua, Linguistic Typology


Lingue e Linguaggio

Mouton de Gruyter

Oxford University Press


Studies in Language

The Linguistic Review


2019 `Source-oriented typology: Implicational universals in diachronic perspective', Universitaet Zurich

2018 `From synchronically-oriented typology to source-oriented typology: Typological universals in diachronic perspective’, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon

2018 `From result-oriented typology to source-oriented typology: Implicational universals in diachronic perspective’, Universitaet Jena

2018 `From result-oriented typology to source-oriented typology: Implicational universals in diachronic perspective,’ Diversity Linguistics Seminar, ERC project `Grammatical Universals’, Leipzig

2018 `Typological universals in diachronic perspective’, Universita’ di Bologna;

2017 Typological universals in diachronic perspective’, Symposium du Labex EFL, Paris

2017 `Unrealized states of affairs and `irrealis'’, LLACAN, Paris

2017 `The origins of insubordination cross-linguistically’, LLACAN, Paris

2017 `The origins of nominalizations cross-linguistically’, LLACAN, Paris

2017 `Complementation hierarchies and the development of complement constructions’, LLACAN, Paris;

2017 `Typological universals in diachronic perspective', University of Manchester

2016 Plenary talk, `From synchronically oriented typology to source oriented typology: Implicational universals in diachronic perspective', European Summer School of Linguistic Typology, Porquerolles, France

2016 `Grammatical change and the emergence of recurrent cross-linguistic patterns: A source-oriented view', Workshop `Mechanisms of Grammatical Change', Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin

2016 `Subordination in cross-linguistic perspective’, Workshop `La syntaxe de la phrase complexe dans les langues créoles', LLACAN/SeDyl, Paris

2015 Plenary talk, `Towards a source oriented typology', Workshop `Historical linguistics and typology: Assessing a Partnership', University of Texas at Austin

2014 Plenary talk `Nominalization in cross-linguistic diachronic perspective, Workshop `Nominalization in the languages of America', Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima

2014 `Dependency and explanations of implicational universals', Workshop `Dependencies Meeting' organizzato dal Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Njimegen

2014 Plenary talk `Usage-based models in typology: traditional assumptions and prospects
for future research', secondo convegno interannuale della Societa' di Linguistica Italiana su `Teorie e approcci usage-based in linguistica', Universita’ di Bolzano

2013 Seminar, l’Unite' CNRS `Language, Langues et Cultures d'Afrique Noire (LLACAN)', Paris

2013 Plenary talk ``Indirect report in Ancient Greek: A functional-typological perspective', Workshop `The language of reports', Radboud University Nijmegen

2012 `Routes to Insubordination: A Typological Perspective', Workshop `Dynamics of insubordination', Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

2012 `The referential hierarchy: reviewing the evidence in diachronic perspective', Anna Siewierska Memorial Workshop, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig

2011 `Typological universals in synchrony and diachrony: The evolution of number marking', 'Unite' CNRS `Language, Langues et Cultures d'Afrique Noire (LLACAN)', Paris

2011 Plenary talk `Embedding, subordination, and grammatical categories', Workshop `Main/embedded clause asymmetries in the Scandinavian languages', University of Lund

2009 `Grammatical categories and relations: universality vs. language-specificity and construction-specificity', Workshop `Recent developments in language typology', Amsterdam

2008 `Complex sentences and compositionality: complementation in Ancient Greek', Workshop `Typological and discourse perspectives on subordination', Helsinki

2007 `Grammatical categories and relations: universality vs.language-specificity and construction-specificity', Surrey Morphology Group, University of Surrey

2007 `Language universals and linguistic knowledge', Department of Linguistics, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London

2005 Relazione plenaria, `Grammatical categories and functional principles in cross-linguistic perspective: the case of
subordination', 38th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Valencia

2001 `Cross-linguistic coding of subordination and the dynamicization of typology', Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig

1999 `Complementation and the cross-linguistic coding of subordination', Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig


2020 Syntax of the World's Languages, Pontificia Univeridad Catolica del Peru, Lima (Chair of the scientific committee)

2019 Summer school `Language universals and language diversity in an evolutionary perspective', Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Como, Italy (Director)

2019 13th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, University of Pavia(local organizing committee)

2018 `Tipologia, acquisizione, grammaticalizzazione', Pavia (scientific committee)

2018 The shaping of transitivity and argument structure: theoretical and empirical perspectives', University of Pavia

2016 Syntax of the World’s Languages 7, UNAM, Mexico City (senior organizing committee)

2016 Workshop `The diachrony of nominalization and nominalizers', UNAM, Mexico City (convenor)

2015 11th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (program committee)

2015 XLIX Convegno Internazionale della Societa' di Linguistica Italiana, Universita' di Malta (scientific committee)

2014 Syntax of the World’s Languages 6, University of Pavia (local organizing committee)

2013 Workshop `Typological hierarchies in synchrony and diachrony', 10th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Leipzig

2010 Transalpine Typology Meeting, Pavia

2009 `Transalpine Typology Meeting', Bern

2004 `Languages in Europe and the Mediterranean: contact phenomena and typological databases', Pavia

1999 Workshop "Languages in the Mediterranean area: Typology and Convergence (Med-Typ)', Tirrenia (Pisa)

1998 Workshop `'Languages in the Mediterranean area: Typology and Convergence (MEDTYP)', Napoli,


2017-Present Director of the Ph.D. program in `Language Sciences', Universities of Pavia and Bergamo

2007-2013 Director of the MA program in `Theoretical and applied linguistics, linguistics of modern languages', University of Pavia

Temi di ricerca

Language typology, historical linguistics

Progetti di ricerca

2017-2019 Blue Sky Research Grant for Established Investigators, University of Pavia: `Implicational universals in diachronic perspective' (Principal Investigator)

2017-2020 PRIN: ` Transitivity and Argument structure in flux ’ (Protocollo 20159M7X5P_002, national coordinator Michela Cennamo)

2008 PRIN `Livelli di analisi nell'evoluzione delle lingue indoeuropee’ - Local coordinator, University of Pavia (Protocollo 2005100294_005, national coordinator Giorgio Banti).

2003-2006 FIRB `Europa e Mediterraneo dal punto di vista linguistico: storia e prospettive'- Local coordinator, University of Pavia (RBNE01X7E7_001, national coordinator Paolo Ramat)

2003-2005 PRIN ` Continuità e discontinuità nella trasmissione delle strutture linguistiche: cause e modalità - Local coordinator, University of Pavia (Protocollo 2003104341_005, national coordinator Marco Mancini)

2002 `Motivazioni in competizione nell'uso e nel divenire linguistico', Fondo d'Ateneo per la Ricerca, universita' di Pavia




2003 Subordination. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1996 Aspetti sintattici e semantici delle frasi completive in greco antico. Firenze: La Nuova Italia.


2019a Nominalization in cross-linguistic diachronic perspective. In: Roberto Zariquiey Masayoshi Shibatani David W. Fleck. Nominalization in Languages of the Americas. p. 169-194, AMSTERDAM:John Benjamins, ISBN: 9789027202444

2019b Taking diachronic evidence seriously: Result-oriented vs. source-oriented explanations of typological universals. In: Karsten Schmidtke-Bode Natalia Levshina Susanne Maria Michaelis Ilja A. Ser?ant. Explanation in typology: Diachronic sources, functional motivations and the nature of the evidence. p. 25-46, Berlin:Language Science Press, ISBN: 978-3-96110-147-4


2019c From synchronically-oriented typology to source-oriented typology: Typological universals in diachronic perspective. In: Chiara Gianollo Caterina Mauri. CLUB Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 3. p. 52-68, Bologna:CLUB _ Circolo Linguistico dell'Universita' di Bologna, ISBN: 9788854970083, doi: 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6298

2018 Synchronic vs. diachronic approaches to typological hierarchies. In Sonia Cristofaro and Fernando Zúñiga (Eds.) Typological hierarchies in synchrony and diachrony. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins: 4-27.

2017 Dependencies and explanations of implicational universals. In: Nick Enfield (Ed.) Dependencies in Language: On the Causal Ontology of Linguistic Systems. p. 9-24 , Diversity Linguistics Series, Language Science Press.

2017 Typological approaches. In: Adam Ledgeway and Ian Roberts (Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Syntactic Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 664-686. [con Paolo Ramat]

2016. Routes to insubordination: A cross-linguistic perspective. In: Nicholas Evans and Honoré Watanabe. Insubordination. p. 393-422, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, ISBN: 978-90-272-0696-1, doi: 10.1075/tsl.115.15cri

2014 Cognitive explanations, distributional evidence, and diachrony. In Nicholas Gisborne and Willem Holman (Eds.). Theory
and Data in Cognitive Linguistics. p. 185-210, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2014 Competing motivations models and diachrony: What evidence for what motivations?. In: Andrey Malchukov Edith
Moravcsik and Brian MacWhinney (Eds.). Competing motivations in grammar and usage. p. 282-298, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780198709848, doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198709848.003.0017

2014 Is there really a syntactic category of subordination?. In: Laura Visapää, Jyrki Kalliokoski and Helena Sorva (Eds.). Contexts of subordination – cognitive, typological and discourse perspectives. p. 73-91, AMSTERDAM:John Benjamins, ISBN: 9789027269614, doi: DOI: 10.1075/pbns.249.03cri

2013 The referential hierarchy: Reviewing the evidence in diachronic perspective. In: Dik Bakker and Martin Hapelmath (Eds.). Languages Across Boundaries: Studies in the Memory of Anna Siewierska. p. 69-93, Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, ISBN: 978-3-11-033103-5

2012. Cognitive explanations, distributional evidence, and diachrony. STUDIES IN LANGUAGE, vol. 36, p. 645-670, ISSN: 0378-4177

2012 Descriptive notions vs. grammatical categories: unrealized states of affairs and `irrealis'. LANGUAGE SCIENCES, vol. 34,
p. 131-146, ISSN: 0388-0001

2012 Participial and infinitival complement sentences in Ancient Greek. In: Holger Diessela and Volker Gast (Eds.). Clause Linkage in
Cross-Linguistic Perspective. p. 335-362, BERLIN AND NEW YORK:Mouton de Gruyter

2011a Language universals and linguistic knowledge. In: Jae Jung Song (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Typology. p.
227-249, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780199281251

2011b The Georg von der Gabelentz Award 2009. Linguistic Typology 15: 1-3 (with Nikolaus P. Himmelmann, Nicholas R. Evans, Birgit Hellwig, Randy Lapolla and Hein Van Der Voort)

2010a Teaching and Learning Guide for: Grammatical Categories and Relations: Universality vs. Language-Specificity and
Construction-Specificity. LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS COMPASS, vol. 4, p. 1116-1125, ISSN: 1749-818X, doi: 10.1111/j.1749-818X.2010.00252.x [Rivista A/Isi/Scopus]

2010b. Positing grammatical categories: linguists' vs. speakers' generalizations. LINGUISTIC DISCOVERY, ISSN: 1537-0852

2010c Semantic maps and mental representation. LINGUISTIC DISCOVERY, ISSN: 1537-0852

2010d What multifunctionality patterns tell us (Author's reply to Croft 2010 and Van Trijp 2010). LINGUISTIC DISCOVERY, ISSN:

2010e Language Universals. In: Kirsten Malmkjær (Ed.). Routledge Linguistics Encyclopedia. London:Routledge

2010f Edward J. Vajda: Subordination and coordination strategies in North Asian Languages. Studies in Language 34: 680-88.

2009 Grammatical categories and relations: Universality vs. Language-Specificity and Construction-Specificity. LANGUAGE AND
LINGUISTICS COMPASS, vol. 31, p. 441-479, ISSN: 1749-818X

2008 A constructionist approach to complementation: evidence from Ancient Greek. LINGUISTICS, vol. 46, p. 571-606, ISSN: 0024-3949

2008 Asymmetric events, subordination, and grammatical categories. In: Barbara Lewandowska-Tomasczyck (Ed.).
Asymmetric events. p. 151-172, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, ISBN: 978-90-272-3899-3

2008 La tipologia tra sincronia e diacronia: sulle implicazioni teoriche delle mappe semantiche. In: Romano Lazzeroni,
Emanuele Banfi, Giuliano Bernini, Marina Chini, Pierluigi Cuzzolin, Giovanna Marotta (A cura di). Diachronica et Synchronica: Studi linguistici in onore di Anna Giacalone Ramat. p. 159-172, Pisa:ETS

2007 Relativization strategies in the languages of Europe. In: Paolo Ramat and Elisa Roma (Eds.). Europe and the
Mediterranean as Linguistic Areas. p. 63-93, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins [With Anna Giacalone Ramat]

2007 Deconstructing categories: Finiteness in a functional-typological perspective. In: Irina Nikolaeva (Ed.). Finiteness:
Theoretical and Empirical Foundations. p. 91-114, Oxford:Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780199213733

2006 Linguistic universals (Chomskyan). In: K. Brown (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. p. 222-224, Oxford: Elsevier.

2006 Linguistic universals (Greenberghian). In K. Brown (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. p. 225-227, Oxford: Elsevier.

2006 The organization of reference grammars: a typologist user's point of view. In: Felix Ameka, Alan Dench and Nicholas
D. Evans (Eds.). Catching Language: The Art and Craft of Grammar Writing. p. 137-170, BERLIN:Mouton de Gruyter

2005 When clauses. In Bernard Comrie, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Martin Haspelmath (Eds.), World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2005 Purpose clauses. In Bernard Comrie, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Martin Haspelmath (Eds.), World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2005 Reason clauses. In Bernard Comrie, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Martin Haspelmath (Eds.), World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2005 Utterance complements. In Bernard Comrie, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Martin Haspelmath (Eds.), World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2005 Relativization in Sardinian. SPRACHTYPOLOGIE UND UNIVERSALIENFORSCHUNG, vol. 58, p. 163-175 [con Anna Giacalone Ramat; Rivista A/Isi/Scopus]

2004 Past habituals and irrealis. In Yura A. Lander, Vladimir A. Plungian and Anna Yu. Urmachieva (Eds.), Irrealis and Irreality. p. 256-7, Moscow: Gnosis.

2002 Tipologia linguistica. In Cristina Lavinio (A cura di), La linguistica italiana alle soglie del 2000. p. 455-471, Roma, Bulzoni.

2001 Relativization patterns in Mediterranean languages, with particular reference to the relativization of time circumstantials. [With Anna Giacalone Ramat]. In: Paolo Ramat and Thomas Stolz (Eds.), Mediterranean Languages. Papers from the Med-Typ Workshop, Tirrenia, June 1-3, 2000. p. 99-112, Bochum: Brockmeyer.

2000 Linguistic areas, typology and historical linguistics: an overview with particular respect to Mediterranean languages. In
S. Cristofaro and I. Putzu (Eds.), Languages in the Mediterranean: Typology and Convergence. p. 65-81, Milano, F. Angeli.

1999 Introduzione. In S. Cristofaro e Paolo Ramat (A cura di), Introduzione alla tipologia linguistica. p. 15-32, Roma: Carocci. [With Paolo Ramat]

1999 Premesse dei curatori. In S. Cristofaro e Paolo Ramat (A cura di), Introduzione alla tipologia linguistica. p. 33-38, 61-3, 75-8, 107-11, 141-3, 171-5, 215-17, 247-51, Roma: Carocci. [con Paolo Ramat]

1998 Deranking and Balancing in Different Subordination Relations: A Typological Study. SPRACHTYPOLOGIE UND UNIVERSALIENFORSCHUNG, vol. 51.1, p. 3-42.

1998 Aspetti diacronici e sincronici della subordinazione infinitiva in alcuni dialetti calabresi e pugliesi e nelle lingue balcaniche: una prospettiva tipologico-funzionalista. In Paolo Ramat ed Elisa Roma (A cura di), Sintassi storica. Atti del XXX Congresso della Società di Linguistica Italiana. p. 495-518, Roma, Bulzoni.

1998 Grammaticalization and clause linkage strategies: a typological approach with particular reference to Ancient Greek. In A. Giacalone Ramat and P. Hopper (Eds.), The Limits of Grammaticalization. p. 59-88, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins,.

1997 Aspetti semantici e pragmatici della distribuzione di hoti e hos: un'analisi fondata sul concetto di categoria prototipica. In
E. Banfi (A cura di), Studi di linguistica greca. II. p. 57-70 , Milano, Franco Angeli.

1997 Modalita’, grammaticalizzazione e iconicita’: proposta di alcune gerarchie implicazionali. ARCHIVIO FLOTTOLOGICO ITALIANO, vol. LXXXII.II, p. 129-170.

1995 La complementazione frasale dopo verbi di ``dire'' e ``pensare''. In Pierluigi Cuzzolin (A cura di), Studi di linguistica greca. p. 91-112, Milano, Franco Angeli.

1995 Lo sviluppo dei complementatori come modello di grammaticalizzazione: il caso del greco antico. {ARCHIVIO GLOTTOLOGICO ITALIANO, vol. LXXX.I/II, p. 102-121.


2018 Typological hierarchies in synchrony and diachrony. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [With Fernando Zúñiga]

2000 Languages in the Mediterranean: Typology and Convergence. Milano, Franco Angeli. [With Ignazio Putzu]

1999 Introduzione alla tipologia linguistica. Roma: Carocci. [With Paolo Ramat]


2000 Review of `F. De Haan, The Interaction of Modality and Negation. New York / London: Garland. 1997'. SPRACHTYPOLOGIE UND UNIVERSALIENFORSCHUNG, vol. 53.2, . 211-226.

2000b Review of `R. D. Van Valin and R. J. LaPolla, Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 1997'. archivio glottologico italiano, VOL. LXXXV.I, P. 121-34.


2018 `The diachronic emergence of alignment patterns: Towards a database' [with Vittorio Ganfi], International Conference `The shaping of transitivity and argument structure: theoretical and empirical perspectives', University of Pavia

2018 `Processing explanations of word order universals and diachrony: relative clause order and possessor order', 8th International Conference `Syntax of the World's Languages', Paris

2018 `Processing explanations of word order universals and diachrony: relative clause order and possessor order', 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn

2017 `Typological explanations in synchrony and diachrony: overt marking and alienability', 12th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Canberra, Australia

2016 `Two ways in which diachronic evidence challenges classical functional explanations of typological universals' 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Napoli.

2016 `Nominalizations in diachronic perspective: some theoretical implications'.Workshop `The diachrony of nominalization and nominalizers', UNAM, Mexico City.

2016 `Alignment splits in case marking and the referential hierarchy: reassessing the evidence in diachronic perspective', 7th International Conference `Syntax of the World's Languages', UNAM, Mexico City.

2015 `From synchronically oriented typology to source oriented typology: Implicational universals as emergent phenomena'. `Transalpine Typology Meeting', Universite' de Lyon.

2015 `Frequency as an explanatory factor in typology: reassessing the evidence in diachronic perspective'. 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leiden.

2015 `From synchronically oriented typology to source oriented typology: Implicational universals as emergent phenomena'. 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.

2015 `Diachrony and explanations for typological universals, with particular regard to the animacy/referential hierarchy'. 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Napoli.

2015 `Synchronic vs. diachronic explanations of typological universals: redefining the role of frequency'. International conference `Diversity Linguistics: Retrospect and Prospect', Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.

2014 `Complementation hierarchies and the development of complement constructions'. 36. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), Philipps-Universität Marburg.

2013 `Typological explanations in synchrony and diachrony: the evolution of adnominal possession'. 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Split.

2013 `The referential hierarchy: reviewing the evidence in diachronic perspective', 9th Biennal Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.

2012 `Typological explanations in synchrony and diachrony: the evolution of adnominal possession'. 5th International Conference `Syntax of the World's Languages', Dubrovnik

2012 `Typological universals in synchrony and diachrony: the evolution ofvnumber marking'. 45h Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea,

2010 `Competing motivations and diachrony: What evidence for what motivations?' Transalpine Typology Meeting', Pavia.

2010 `Competing motivation models and diachrony: what evidence for what motivations?' Workshop `Competing motivations', Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig

2010 `Complementation hierarchies and the development of complement constructions',6th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference, Berlin

2010 `Typological explanations and diachrony: iconicity vs. semantic extension in the distribution of complementizers'. 4th International Conference `Syntax of the World's Languages', Lyon

2010 `What data can tell us: cognitive explanations, distributional evidence, and diachrony'. 43rd Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea,

2010 `Linguistic evidence and mental representation - the case of semantic maps'. 3rd UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, University of Hertfordshire

2008 `Grammatical categories and relations: universality vs. language-specificity and construction-specificity'. `Transalpine Typology Meeting', Bern

2008 `Argument encoding in Ancient Greek infinitive and participial complement clauses', 3rd International Conference `Syntax of the World's
Languages', Berlin`The
organization of reference grammars: A typologist user’s point of view'

2008 `The typology of actuality: realis vs. irrealis as grammatical categories', 41st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Forli'

2007 `Semantic maps, conceptual spaces, and mental representation', Workshop `Semantic Maps: Methods and Applications', Paris

2007 `Defining subordination: conceptual situations vs.grammatical categories', 10th International Pragmatics Conference, Gothenburg

2006 `The organization of reference grammars: A typologist user’s point of view', 28. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), Bielefeld

2005 `The bleaching model vs. the radical construction grammar model in grammaticalization: evidence from the development of Ancient Greek optatives', International conference `New reflections on Grammaticalization 3', Santiago de Compostela

2004 ` Relativization patterns in some languages of Europe' [with Anna Giacalone Ramat], `Languages in Europe and the Mediterranean: contact
phenomena and typological databases', Pavia

2004 `A construction-based approach to complement sentences: evidence from Ancient Greek', 3rd International Conference on Construction Grammar, Marseille

2003 `Past habituals and irrealis', 5th Biennial Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Cagliari

2003 `The bleaching model vs. the (radical) construction grammar model in language change: Evidence from the development of Ancient Greek optatives', 16th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Copenhagen

2001 `The cross-linguistic coding of subordination: A Cognitive Grammar Perspective', 4th Biennial Conference of the Association for Linguistic
Typology, University of California at Santa Barbara

2001 `Finiteness and the cross-linguistic coding of subordination', Workshop `Finiteness', Konstanz

2000 `Relativization patterns in Mediterranean languages' [with Anna Giacalone Ramat]

1999 `Complementation and the cross-linguistic coding of subordination', Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig

1998 `La linguistica areale: metodi, problemi e possibili applicazioni al caso delle lingue mediterranee', Workshop `Le lingue del Mediterraneo: tipologia e convergenze (MEDTYP)', Pisa

1998 `Subordination strategies: A typological study', Workshop `'Towards a Typology of subordination strategies', Pavia

1996 `Grammaticalization and the expression of modality: a functional-typological approach', ALT Regional Workshop on Modality, Antwerp

1996 `Aspetti diacronici e sincronici della subordinazione infinitiva in alcuni dialetti calabresi e pugliesi e nelle lingue balcaniche: una
prospettiva tipologico-funzionalista', XXX Congresso Internazionale della Società di Linguistica Italiana, Pavia

1996 `Categorie modali e grammaticalizzazione: una prospettiva tipologico-funzionalista', `Genesi ed evoluzione di categorie grammaticali', Universita' di Pisa

1995 `Aspetti semantici e pragmatici della distribuzione di hoti e hos: un'analisi fondata sul concetto di categoria prototipica', `Secondo incontro internazionale di linguistica greca', Trento

1995 `Grammaticalization and clause linkage strategies: a typological approach with particular reference to Ancient Greek', 28th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leiden

1993 `La complementazione frasale dopo verbi di «dire» e «pensare»', `Primo incontro di linguistica greca', Pavia

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