Università degli Studi di Pavia
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Parlamento, Monarchia, Impero, Religione e Civil Society nella cultura Britannica dal Cinquecento a oggi.
1) A. Marzola (a cura di), Englishness. Percorsi nella cultura britannica del novecento, Carocci, 2000
2) J. Harris (ed), Civil Society in British History. Ideas, Identities, Institutions, Oxford University Press, 2007 (2003)
3) K. Kumar, The Making of English National Identity, Cambridge University Press, 2003
4) J. Paxman, The English. A portrait of a people, Penguin, 1999 (1998)
Gli sudenti che non frequentano sono invitati a prendere contatto col docente. Ecco, comunque, una lista di volumi che permettono di integrare la bibliografia critica:
1) S. Brigden, New Worlds, Lost Worlds. The Rule of the Tudors 1485-1603, Penguin, 2001 (2000)
2) C. Hill, The Century of Revolution (1603-1714), Routledge, 1980 (1961)
3) F. O’Gorman, The Long Eighteenth Century. British Political & Social History 1688-1832, Arnold, 2009 (1997)
4) R. Porter, Towards Industrial Society, in R. Porter, English Society in the 18th century, Penguin, 1990 (1982) pp. 310-339
5) L. Colley, Britons. Forging the Nation 1707-1837, Yale University Press, 2005 (1992)
6) R. Price, British Society 1680-1880: dynamism, containment and change, Cambridge University Press, 1999
7) M. Paterson, A brief History of Life in Victorian Britain. A Social History of Queen Victoria’s Reign, Running Press, 2008
8) L. James, The Rise and Fall of the British Empire, Abacus, 1998 (1994)
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