Università degli Studi di Pavia
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University of Genoa
Ph.D. in “Scienze dell’Antichità e Filologico-letterarie”
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan
BA-MA degree in “Lettere Classiche” (110/110 cum laude, grade average: 30/30)
Work experience
University of Pavia-Universität Erfurt
Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Humanities, Section of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, in Pavia for the project “Acquisition and development of computational resources for the study of argument structure in Ancient Greek”
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan
“Docente a contratto” of Latin language: lessons on Latin morphology, Latin word order, and computational resources for the study of Latin
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan
“Cultore della Materia” for the following courses: “Letteratura Latina” (2004– )
“Cultura e Forme della Comunicazione nel Mondo Antico” (2009– ), “Retorica e Forme della Comunicazione” (2007–2009), “Storia del Teatro Greco e Latino” (2004–2008)
Tufts University (Medford, USA)
Working with Text in a Digital Age. An NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities (Perseus Project)
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Segreteria amministrativa: Piazza Botta, 6 - 27100 Pavia
Segreteria didattica: Corso Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia
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Email: webmaster.lettere (at) unipv.it