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Formentelli Maicol

Professore associato
Il docente può essere raggiunto per email all'indirizzo maicol.formentelli@unipv.it
maicol.formentelli (at) unipv.it
+39 0382 984498
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Sez. di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata

Elenco corsi

Lingua inglese 2
Lingua inglese –b (Filosofia L e LM)
Lingua inglese –b (LM Linguistica e altre LM di [...]

+ Altri anni accademici

Lingua inglese 2
Lingua inglese –b (Filosofia L e LM)
Lingua inglese –b (LM Linguistica e altre LM di [...]
Lingua inglese 1 (cognomi A-L)
Lingua inglese –b (Filosofia L e LM)
Lingua inglese –b (LM Linguistica e altre LM di [...]
Lingua inglese 1 (cognomi A-L)
Lingua inglese –b (Filosofia, Linguistica)
Lingua inglese –b (LM Lettere)
Lingua inglese 1 (curr. Linguistico-filologico-let [...]
Lingua inglese ?a (Lettere)
Lingua inglese ?b
Lingua inglese 2

Elenco appelli e prove

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Academic position

October 2019: Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics, University of Pavia

May 2012 - September 2019: Assistant Professor of English Language and Linguistics, University of Eastern Piedmont. (Ricercatore Universitario)



2011: Doctorate in Linguistics, University of Pavia

2007: MA in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (Laurea Magistrale), University of Pavia

2005: BA in Modern Languages andCultures (Laurea Triennale), University of Pavia

Research and study abroad

January 2019: Invited Visiting Scholar, Gallaudet University, Washington DC.

September 2015 - January 2016: Appointed Visiting Scholar, School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne. 

October 2009 – March 2010: Miscellaneous Postgraduate Programme, University of Leeds. 

July – September 2009: Appointed Visiting Scholar, School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne. 

October 2006 – June 2007: Socrates-Erasmus Exchange Programme, University of Reading (UK). 

March – June 2005: Pavia-Konstanz exchange, Universität Konstanz.

Temi di ricerca

Current research themes

The pragmatics of interpersonal relations; address practices (English/Italian/ASL); native and non-native varieties of English; English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in the academia; linguistic aspects of English film dialogue; Dubbing (English/Italian)


Progetti di ricerca

Research projects

2010 - 2012: "English and Italian audiovisual language: translation and language learning" funded by Fondazione Alma Mater Ticinensis (University of Pavia) in collaboration with the University of Malta and Loughborough University. Project coordinator Prof. Maria Pavesi. (Participant with post-doctoral research grant)

2015 - 2016: "Inter- and intra-cultural communication in the classroom: understanding first and second language address practices in Australian and Italian academic settings”, (with prof. John Hajek), Research Unit for Multilingualism and Cross-Cultural Communication (RUMACCC), University of Melbourne.

2016 - 2018:  “Il parlato tra pragmatica e morfologia”, funded by the University of Eastern Piedmont. (with prof Miriam Ravetto and prof. Marina Castagneto).

2016 - 2019: Referent of the ‘PhD in Apprenticeship’ programme Apprendistato di Alta Formazione e Ricerca (XXXII ciclo), University of Eastern Piedmont, funded by Regione Piemonte and European Social Fund (ESF). (Budget 24000€)

2018 - 2020: "Address practices of deaf undergraduate students and deaf faculty: A study of language use, identity, and community", (with prof. Brenda Nicodemus and prof. Keith Cagle). 


Didactic projects

2012 - 2016: Coordinator of English Presentation Project, University of Eastern Piedmont, funded by the Chamber of Commerce of Biella and Vercelli, and Federmanager Vercelli. (Total budget 11000€)





Formentelli, Maicol (2017). Taking Stance in English as a Lingua Franca: Managing Interpersonal Relations in Academic LecturesNewcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4438-8638-3.

Pavesi, Maria, Maicol Formentelli & Elisa Ghia (eds) (2014) The languages of dubbing. Mainstream audiovisual translation in Italy. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-0343-1646-0.


Journal articles and book chapters

Formentelli, Maicol, Maria Pavesi (2022) The pragmatic functions of tu and lei. Converging patterns of address across translated and original Italian dialogue. Journal of Pragmatics, 201: 15-31. ISSN: 0378-2166.

Nicodemus, Brenda, Maicol Formentelli, Keith M. Cagle, Jay Pittman (2021) Address practices of Deaf undergraduate students and faculty: A study of language, identity, and community. Journal of Pragmatics, 176: 110-123. ISSN: 0378-2166.

Formentelli, Maicol, Elisa Ghia (2021) “What the hell’s going on?” A diachronic perspective on intensifying expletives in original and dubbed film dialogue. Textus, XXXIV, 1. English in Audiovisual Translation Research: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives. ISSN: 1824-3967.

Pavesi, Maria, Maicol Formentelli (2019) Comparing insults across languages in films: dubbing as cross-cultural mediation. Special issue on AVT and cross-cultural pragmatics. Multilingua 38(5): 563-582. ISSN: 1613-3684.

Formentelli, Maicol (2019) What’s in a vocative? Address(ing) creativity in English film dialogue. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata, XLVIII, 1, pp. 27-50. ISSN: 0390-6809. 

Formentelli, Maicol (2019) Direct questions as strategies for the management of interpersonal relations in ELF lectures. In Veronica Bonsignori, Gloria Cappelli & Elisa Mattiello (eds.) Worlds of Words: Complexity, Creativity, and Conventionality in English Language, Literature and Culture (Volume 1). Pisa: Pisa University Press.

Formentelli, Maicol (2018) Strategies of address in English Lingua Franca (ELF) academic interactions. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 6(6), pp. 298-306. ISSN: 2331-6438.

Formentelli, Maicol, John Hajek (2016). Address practices in academic interactions in a pluricentric language: Australian English, American English, and British English. Pragmatics 26, pp. 631-652, ISSN: 1018-2101.

Formentelli, Maicol, John Hajek (2015). Address in Italian Academic Interactions: The Power of Distance and (Non)-Reciprocity. In Catrin Norrby & Camilla Wide (eds), Address Practice As Social Action. European Perspectives. pp. 119-140, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9781137529923. 

Formentelli, Maicol (2014) Vocatives galore in audiovisual dialogue: Evidence from a corpus of American and British films. English Text Construction 7:1, pp. 53-83, ISSN: 1874-8767.

Formentelli, Maicol (2014) Exploring lexical variety and simplification in original and dubbed film dialogue. In Maria Pavesi, Maicol Formentelli & Elisa Ghia (eds) The languages of dubbing. Mainstream audiovisual translation in Italy. pp. 141-166, Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-0343-1646-0.

Formentelli, Maicol, Silvia Monti (2014) Translating slanguage in British and American films: a corpus-based analysis. In Maria Pavesi, Maicol Formentelli & Elisa Ghia (eds)The languages of dubbing. Mainstream audiovisual translation in Italy. pp. 169-195, Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-0343-1646-0.

Pavesi, Maria, Maicol Formentelli, Elisa Ghia (2014) The languages of dubbing and thereabouts: an introduction. In Maria Pavesi, Maicol Formentelli & Elisa Ghia (eds) The languages of dubbing. Mainstream audiovisual translation in Italy. pp. 7-26, Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-0343-1646-0.

Formentelli, Maicol (2013) A model of stance for the management of interpersonal relations: formality, power, distance and respect. In Istvan Kecskes & Jesus Romero-Trillo (eds), Research Trends in Intercultural Pragmatics. pp. 181-218, Berlin/New York/Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter, ISBN: 978-1-61451-511-1.

Formentelli, Maicol, John Hajek (2013) Italian L2 address strategies in an Australian university setting: a comparison with L1 Italian and L1 English practice. In Bert Peeters, Kerry Mullan & Cristine Béal (eds.), Cross-culturally Speaking, Speaking Cross-culturally. pp. 77-106, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4438-5225-8.

Formentelli, Maicol (2012) English Lingua Franca: Reality or fiction? Assessing the debate on the status of English as language of global communication. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e ApplicataXLI, pp. 19-48, ISSN: 0390-6809.

Formentelli, Maicol (2009) Address strategies in a British academic setting. Pragmatics 19, pp. 179-196, ISSN: 1018-2101.

Formentelli, Maicol (2007) The vocative mate in contemporary English: A corpus-based study. In Andrea Sansò (ed.). Language resources and linguistic theory. pp. 180-199, Milano: Franco Angeli, ISBN: 9788846489449.

Cerini, Sabrina, Valentina Compagnoni, Alice Demontis, Maicol Formentelli, CaterinaGandini (2007) Micro-WNOp: A Gold Standard for the evaluation of automatically compiled lexical resources for Opinion Mining. In Andrea Sansò (ed.). Language resources and linguistic theory. pp. 200-210, Milano: Franco Angeli, ISBN: 9788846489449.


Forewords and reviews

Formentelli, Maicol (2019) Foreword. In Jennifer Lertola, Audiovisual translation in the foreign language classroom: Applications in the teaching of English and other foreign languages. pp. ix-xii, Research-publishing.net.

Formentelli, Maicol (2009) Recensione al volume Bombi, Raffaella (2005) La linguistica del contatto. Tipologie di anglicismi nell’italiano contemporaneo e riflessi metalinguistici. Roma: Il Calamo [ISBN 88-89837-03-9]. Linguistica e Filologia29, pp. 197-201, ISSN: 1594-6517. 

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Università degli Studi di Pavia
Segreteria amministrativa: Piazza Botta, 6 - 27100 Pavia
Segreteria didattica: Corso Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia
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