Università degli Studi di Pavia

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

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Mauri Caterina

Su appuntamento
caterina.mauri (at) unibo.it
+39 382 984687
Sito web:
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Sez. di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata

Info e materiale didattico

Il materiale didattico per i corsi della Prof.ssa Mauri può essere scaricato dal sito: http://caterinamauri.wikidot.com (per le credenziali di accesso contattare la docente).

CurriculumResearch interests Research projects Publications


Elenco corsi


+ Altri anni accademici

Pragmatica e linguistica del testo
Laboratorio di analisi di dati linguistici (c.p.)
Pragmatica e linguistica del testo
Laboratorio di analisi di dati linguistici (c.p.)
Pragmatica e linguistica del testo
Laboratorio di analisi di dati linguistici (c.p.)
Pragmatica e linguistica del testo
Laboratorio di analisi di dati linguistici (c.p.)
Laboratorio di analisi di dati linguistici (c.p.)
Linguistica generale - a

Elenco appelli e prove

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She graduated in Modern Languages with a master thesis in linguistic typology concerning the modifying and predicative functions of prototypically nominal roots, based on Croft's theory of parts of speech  (main supervisor: Sonia Cristofaro, september 2003). In her PhD (2003-2006, University of Pavia), she carried out a typological research on the cross-linguistic coding of the three coordination relations of combination ('and'), contrast ('but') and alternative ('or'), based on a 74 language sample. During her PhD she also acquired computational skills and participated in the development of the Pavia Typological Database.

She was visiting student at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, at the Freie Universität of Berlin and at the University of Erfurt. From September 2006 until December 2010 she had a post-doc fellowship at the University of Pavia, and since December 2010 she is Assistant Professor at the University of Pavia. She is involved in both historical and typological research projects, concerning the grammaticalization of coordinating markers, the cross-linguistic coding and development of directives, and the typology of realis and irrealis. Her research interests focus on typology, historical linguistics, cognitive linguistics and computational praxis.



University of Pavia, Italy.
Assistant Professor

University of Pavia, Italy.
Post-doc Fellowship




Visiting guest at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Department of Linguistics, Leipzig, Germany.


University of Pavia, Italy.

Ph.D in Linguistics, awarded on the 19th of March 2007. Dissertation: ‘Coordination relations: a cross-linguistic study.’ Main supervisor: Prof. Sonia Cristofaro. Other supervisors: Prof. Paolo Ramat, Prof. Anna Giacalone Ramat, Prof. Silvia Luraghi, Prof. Michele Prandi.


Leipzig Spring School on Linguistic Diversity (LSSLD), organized by Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and the University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.

09/2005 - 12/2005   

Visiting student at the Freie Universität of Berlin, Germany.

11/2004 - 02/2005    

Visiting student at the University of Erfurt, Germany.


Visiting student at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Department of Linguistics, Leipzig, Germany.


Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Scuola Universitaria Superiore (S.U.S. Undergraduate Advanced Program), Pavia, Italy.

Undergraduate Advanced Diploma, awarded in November 2003. Thesis ‘Il linguaggio universale: tra capacità innate e funzioni comunicative ’ (‘The universal language: innate abilities and communicative functions’). Grade: Excellent with honours


University of Pavia, Faculty of Arts, Pavia, Italy.

BA/MA in Linguistics, awarded in September 2003.
Thesis ‘I lessemi nominali in funzione non referenziale: uno studio interlinguistico ’ (‘Nominal lexemes in non-referential function: a cross-linguistic study’). Main supervisor: Prof. Sonia Cristofaro. Other supervisors: Prof. Paolo Ramat, Prof. Anna Giacalone Ramat. Grade: 110/110 summa cum laude (with honours)


Grants and Awards

04-2009      ALT Greenberg Award 2009 for the best PhD thesis in Typology defended between the 01/01/2007 and the 31/12/2008

2006-now     Post-doc fellowship, Dipartimento di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata, University of Pavia

2003-2006     Ph.D. scholarship awarded by the Italian Ministry for Education

2003     Grant for outstanding undergraduate students (Scuola Universitaria Superiore, S.U.S.)

2002     Grant for outstanding undergraduate students (Scuola Universitaria Superiore, S.U.S.)


Teaching experience

2013 - now

'Pragmatica e Linguistica del testo' (6CFU, 36 hours) - BA in Humanities, MA in Linguistics, University of Pavia

2012 - now

'Laboratorio di Analisi di Dati Linguistici' (6CFU, 36 hours) - MA in Linguistics, University of Pavia

Spring 2011

'Applied Linguistics' (8 CFU, 64 hours). University of Milano Bicocca.


Teaching Assistant for 'Introduction to Linguistics' (Prof. Anna Giacalone), University of Pavia.

Spring 2009

Teaching Assistant for the undergraduate advanced course ‘'Come cambia una lingua' (Prof. Paolo Ramat), IUSS (Institute for Advanced Studies), Pavia, Italy

Spring 2008

Teaching Assistant for the undergraduate advanced course ‘Language and memory’ (Prof. Maurizio Gnerre), IUSS (Institute for Advanced Studies), Pavia, Italy.

December 2007-January 2008

'La comunicazione e i suoi strumenti'. All'interno del corso IFTS Tecnico superiore per la comunicazione ed il multimedia nel comparto dei beni culturali. Busto Arsizio, Varese, Italy.

Spring 2007

Teaching Assistant for the undergraduate advanced course ‘Lectures on theoretical linguistics’ (Prof. Tullio De Mauro), IUSS (Institute for Advanced Studies), Pavia, Italy.


Teaching Assistant for ‘Historical Linguistics’ (Prof. Sonia Cristofaro) and ‘Introduction to linguistics’ (Prof. Paolo Ramat), University of Pavia, Italy.

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Temi di ricerca

Research interests 

Linguistic typology

Pragmatics and pragmatics in typology

Historical linguistics  

Cognitive linguistics  

Computational linguistics (annotation, corpus-based analyses)


I am especially interested in:

- connectives and other clause linkage devices, both from a diachronic and a typological perspective

- the relations between logical operators (and, or, if) and natural language 

- directives (imperative, hortatives, etc.) in a typological and diachronic perspective

- indefiniteness beyond pronouns, with special focus on exhaustive vs non exhaustive connectives (i.e.indefinite connectives) and on restricted indefinites (etcetera, and so on, or something...)

- realis vs irrealis

- categorization processes and their linguistic expression (ad hoc categories in particular)

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Progetti di ricerca

Research projects 


International Partner - LogPrag: The semantics and pragmatics of logical words, funded
by the Fond National Suisse (FNS), coordinated by Prof. Jacques Moeschler (Université de Genève).


PRIN research project ‘Rappresentazioni linguistiche dell'identità. Modelli sociolinguistici e
linguistica storica.' Project coordinator: Prof. Piera Molinelli.


PRIN research project ‘Mutamento e contatto tra varietà nella diacronia linguistica del Mediterraneo' Project coordinator: Prof. Marco Mancini. Research unit University of Bergamo ‘Contatti e mutamento nell'evoluzione di categorie funzionali: teoria e descrizione dal latino alle lingue romanze’, coordinator: Prof. Piera Molinelli


PRIN research project ‘Livelli di analisi nell’evoluzione delle lingue indoeuropee’. Project coordinator: Prof. Giorgio Banti. Research unit University of Pavia ‘Coordinazione e subordinazione nelle lingue indoeuropee’, coordinator: Prof. Paolo Ramat. 


FIRB research project ‘Europa e Mediterraneo dal punto di vista linguistico: storia e prospettive ’, University of Pavia. Project coordinator: Prof. Paolo Ramat. 

Collaborating with Andrea Sansò and Federica da Milano on the development of the Pavia Typological Database (http://www.unipv.it/paviatyp), a database of the morphosyntactic phenomena of the European and Mediterranean languages.

Events devised and organized 

9/2013      International workshop on "Natural-language connectives: Evidence from discourse, typology and grammaticization", 9-10/9/2013. 13° International PragmaticConference (IPrA), New Delhi. Co-organizer with Mira Ariel.

7/2013       International workshop on "The semantics and pragmatics of logical words: a cross-linguistic perspective", 25-26/7/2013. 19° International Congress of Linguists (19 ICL), Genève. Co-organizer with Johan van der Auwera and Jacques Moeschler.

9/2012    International workshop on “Meaning and form of vagueness: a cross-linguistic perspective”, Stockholm (Sweden), 29 August-1 September 2012. 45° Annual conference of the  Societas Linguistica Europaea. Co-organizer with Miriam Voghera, Francesca Masini and Lucia Tovena.

5/2011     International workshop on “Gradualness in change and its relations to synchronic variation and use”, Pavia, 30-31 May 2011. Co-organizer with Anna Giacalone Ramat e  Piera Molinelli.

4/2010       International workshop on “Language contact and language decay: socio-political and linguistic perspectives”, Pavia, 8-9 April 2010. LETiSS - Center for Postgraduate Education and Research on “Languages of Europe: Typology, History and  Sociolinguistics”, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS), Pavia. Co-organizer with Andrea Sansò, Paolo Ramat, Anna Giacalone Ramat, Gabriele Iannaccaro, Emanuele Miola.

4/2009         International Spring School 2009 on “Standard and non-standard languages in Europe: future and vitality of dialects, language contacts and new linguistic scenarios in today's Europe”, Pavia, 6-10 April 2009. Professors: Bernd Kortmann (Università di Friburgo), Davide Ricca (Università di Torino), Suzanne Romaine (Università di Oxford), Thomas Stolz (Università di Brema). LETiSS - Center for Postgraduate Education and Research on “Languages of Europe: Typology, History and  Sociolinguistics”, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS), Pavia. Co-organizer with Andrea Sansò and Paolo Ramat.

19/9/2008    International workshop on “What do languages code when they code Realisness?”, 41° Annual conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (Forlì, 17-20 September 2008). Invited speakers: Johan Van der Auwera (Università di Anversa), Sonia Cristofaro (Università di Pavia), Ferdinand DeHaan (Università dell’Arizona).


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Updates on my publications can also be found here: http://unipv.academia.edu/CaterinaMauri


- (2008) Coordination relations in the Languages of Europe and Beyond. EALT series, Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 

- (to appear) with Giorgio Francesco Arcodia. La diversità linguistica. Roma: Carocci.


Edited Volumes

- (2012) with Andrea Sansò, Special Issue on “What do languages code when they code realisness?”, Language Sciences.

- (2013) with Anna Giacalone Ramat and Piera Molinelli, Synchrony and Diachrony - A dynamic interface. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Papers and reviews

-  (2006) Combinazione e contrasto: i connettivi congiuntivi e avversativi nelle lingue d’Europa. Archivio Glottologico Italiano XCI: 166-202.

-  (2007a)  Conjunctive, disjunctive and adversative constructions in Europe: some areal considerations. In Ramat P. e Roma, E. (eds.), Europe and the Mediterranean linguistic areas, 183-214. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

- (2007b) with F. Da Milano e A. Sansò. Documenting variation in Europe. The Pavia Typological Database. In Sansò, A. (ed.) Language Resources and Linguistic Theories, 67-79. Milano: Franco Angeli. 

- (2007c) with F. Da Milano e A. Sansò. Linguistica tipologica e prassi computazionale. L’esperienza del Pavia Typological Database. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata (SILTA): 311-329.

- (2008a)  The irreality of alternatives: towards a typology of disjunction. Studies in Language, 32/1: 22-55. [draft]

- (2008b) review of M. Haspelmath (ed.), Coordinating Constructions, Amsterdam, Philadeplhia: John Benjamins (2004). Archivio Glottologico Italiano XCIII-1: 110-123.

- (2008c) with A. Giacalone Ramat. From cause to contrast. A study in semantic change. In Studies on Grammaticalization, Elisabeth Verhoeven, Stavros Skopeteas, Yong-Min Shin, Yoko Nishina,  Johannes Helmbrecht (eds.), pp. 303-321. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [draft]

- (2008d) 'The parallelisms of coordination'. Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique, special issue on "Semantic aspects of coordination" (eds. Fréderique Lambert and Christian Bassac) 24: 145-175.

- (2009a) with G. Manzelli. Mappe semantiche tra sincronia e diacronia: l’evoluzione delle strategie congiuntive e avversative nelle lingue slave. Linguistica e Filologia 26: 75-103

- (2009b) with F. Da Milano e A. Sansò. La variazione linguistica in Europa attraverso un database tipologico. L’esperienza del Pavia Typological Database. In Giacomo Ferrari, Monica Mosca, Ruben Benatti (eds.), Linguistica e modelli tecnologici di ricerca, pp. 249-266. Roma: Bulzoni.

- (2009c) with Anna Giacalone Ramat 'Dalla continuità temporale al contrasto: la grammaticalizzazione di tuttavia come connettivo coordinativo'. In Angela Ferrari (ed.) Sintassi storica e sincronica dell'italiano. Subordinazione, coordinazione e giustapposizione, Vol. I, pp. 449-470. Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore. [draft]

- (2010a) Semantic Maps or Coding Maps? A unified account of the coding degree, coding distance and coding complexity of coordination relations. Linguistic Discovery 8/1: 210-232 (special issue edited by Martin Haspelmath, Andrej Malchukov and Michael Cysouw). [read or download the paper]

-  (2010b) The added value of the Connectivity Hypothesis for the map of parts of speech. Comment on ‘An implicational map of parts of speech’ by Kees Hengeveld and Eva van Lier (2010).Linguistic Discovery 8/1: 157-159 (special issue edited by Martin Haspelmath, Andrej Malchukov and Michael Cysouw). [read or download the paper

- (2010c) with Gianguido Manzelli "I connettivi congiuntivi e avversativi dall’antico russo di Novgorod al russo moderno". In Lingue slave in evoluzione: studi di grammatica e semantica, Rosanna Benacchio e Luisa Ruvoletto (eds.), 119-137. Padova: Unipress. [draft]

- (2011a) with Andrea Sansò. "How directive constructions emerge. Grammaticalization, constructionalization, cooptation." Journal of Pragmatics 43: 3489-3521 . [preprint] Link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378216611002189

- (2011b) with A. Giacalone Ramat. The grammaticalization of coordinating interclausal connectives. In Heiko Narrog e Bernd Heine (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization, pp. 653-664. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [preprint]

-  (2012a) with Johan van der Awera, "Connectives". In Kasia Jaszczolt and Keith Allan (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics, pp. 347-402. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [preprint]

-  (2012b) with Andrea Sansò "What do languages encode when they encode reality status?". Language Sciences 34: 99-106. [preprint] Link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0388000110000963

-  (2012c) with Andrea Sansò "The reality status of directives and its coding across languages". Language Sciences 34: 147-170.  [preprint] Link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0388000111001240.

-  (2012d) with Anna Giacalone Ramat. "The development of adversative connectives: stages and factors at play". Linguistics 50/2: 191-239 . [preprint]

- (2012e) with Anna Giacalone Ramat. "Gradualness in Grammaticalization". Folia Linguistica 46/2: 483-512. [preprint]

- (2013a) "Coordination". In Silvia Luraghi and Claudia Parodi (eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Syntax, pp. 292-310. London, New York: Continuum. [draft]

- (2013b) with Anna Giacalone Ramat and Piera Molinelli. Synchrony and Diachrony. Introduction to a dynamic interface. In Anna Giacalone Ramat, Caterina Mauri and Piera Molinelli (eds), Synchrony and Diachrony - A dynamic interface, pp. 1-26. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [draft]

- (2013c) Caterina Mauri, Malvina Nissim, Paola Pietrandrea, Andrea Sansò, “Which units for modality annotation?”, in H. Bunt (ed.), Proceedings of the 9th Joint ISO - ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (isa-9), pp. 7-14.

- (2014a) with Andrea Sansò. “Go and come as sources of directive constructions”. In Maud Devos and Jenneke van der Wal (eds.), Come and go off the beaten grammaticalization path, pp. 165-184. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [proofs]

- (2014b) Mauri, C. 2014. ‘What do connectives and plurals have in common? The linguistic expression of ad hoc categories' . In J. Blochowiak, S. Durrlemann-Tame, C. Grisot and C. Laenzlinger (eds.) Linguistic papers dedicated to Jacques Moeschler. Genève: University of Geneva Publication. [preprint]

- (2014c) with Andrea Sansò. “Tipologia Linguistica”. In Gabriele Iannàccaro (ed.) La linguistica italiana all’alba del terzo millennio (1997-2010), Bulzoni, Roma

-  (in press) with Andrea Sansò. 'Subjunctive and Irrealis'. To appear in Jan Nuyts and Johan van der Auwera (eds.), Handbook of Mood and Modality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

- (submitted) with Mira Ariel. 'To include or to exclude: Or is that the question'.



Presentations and talks


1. ‘Semantically prototypical nouns used as modifiers and predicates: a cross-linguistic study’. International Colloquium ‘Word Structure and Lexical Systems: models and applications’, University of Pavia, December 16.


2. ‘Prototypical nouns used as modifiers and predicates: a typological study’. Department of Linguistics, University of Erfurt, January 20. 

3. ‘Alternative relation: towards a typology of clausal disjunction’. Department of Linguistics, University of Erfurt, January 27.

4. ‘Le costruzioni congiuntive e avversative nelle lingue d’Europa’. Institut für Romanische Philologie, Freie Universität, Berlin, November 29.

5. ‘Combination, alternative and contrast: conjunctive, disjunctive and adversative constructions in -and outside- Europe’. Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, December 1.

6. ‘Combination and contrast. Conjunctive and adversative constructions in Europe’.Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, December 6.


7. ‘Costruzioni congiuntive, disgiuntive e avversative nelle lingue d’Europa’. Presented at the final meeting of FIRB project Europa e Mediterraneo dal punto di vista linguistico: storia e prospettive, University of Siena, February 17-18.

8. ’Costruzioni congiuntive, disgiuntive e avversative a confronto: uno studio interlinguistico.’“Dottorato: Lavori in corso. Un incontro tra dottorandi”, SITLeC Department, Polo scientifico-didattico di Forlì, University of Bologna, March 10. 

9. ‘Conjunctive and adversative constructions in the languages of Europe’. Presented at the Leipzig Students Conference in Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, March 25-26.

10.  ‘Le relazioni di coordinazione: costruzioni congiuntive, disgiuntive e avversative a confronto’. Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, University of Bologna, May 22.

11. with F. Da Milano e A. Sansò ‘La variazione linguistica in Europa attraverso un database tipologico. L’esperienza del Pavia Typological Database’. Poster presented at the XL Congresso internazionale di studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana Linguistica e modelli tecnologici di ricerca, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli, September 21-23.


12. Mauri, C. e G. Manzelli ‘Le strategie congiuntive e avversative nelle lingue slave: uno studio diacronico comparativo’, presented at the Workshop Le lingue slave tra innovazione e conservazione: grammatica e semantica, University of Bergamo, May, 4-5. Hand-out

13. ‘How hierarchical may a conceptual space be? The case of coordination relations’, presented at the 2nd Conference of the UK-Cognitive Linguistics Association. New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics, 27-30 August 2007, University of Cardiff. Hand-out | poster

14. with A. Sansò ‘Person/number and modality: a two-way model of interaction between grammatical systems’, presented at the 7th Biennial Meeting of the Association of Linguistic Typology, Paris, September 25th-28th.

15. ‘The twofold conceptual space of coordination relations’, presented at the Workshop Semantic maps: methods and applications, CNRS, Centre André-Georges Haudricourt, Villejuif, September 29th.


16. (with Andrea Sansò) 'The (ir)reality of directives', Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, February 12th.

17. (with Anna Giacalone Ramat) 'Paths of semantic change leading to contrast markers', presented at the International Conference Levels of Analysis in the History of Indo-European Languages, Trieste, May 22nd-24th.

18. (with Anna Giacalone Ramat), 'Dalla continuità temporale al contrasto: la grammaticalizzazione di tuttavia come connettivo coordinativo'. Presented at the X Congresso della Società Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana (SILFI), Sintassi storica e sincronica dell'italiano. Subordinazione, coordinazione e giustapposizione. BASILEA, 2008, 30 giugno-3 luglio.

19. (with Andrea Sansò) 'The grammaticalization of directive modality', presented at the Conference  NEW REFLECTIONS ON GRAMMATICALIZATION 4, Leuven, 16-19.

20. (with Andrea Sansò) 'The reality status of directives and its coding across languages'. Presented at the Theme Session What do languages code when they code Realisness?, Forlì, 19th September 2008 (41st ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETAS LINGUISTICA EUROPAEA, Languages in Contrast: Grammar, Translation, Corpora. Forlì, 17-20 September 2008).

21. (with Andrea Sansò) 'The reality status of directives and its coding across languages', presented at the Conference Syntax of the World's Languages III Free University of Berlin, September 25-28, 2008.

22. 'The cross-linguistic coding of coordination relations', presented at the Conference Syntax of the World's Languages III Free University of Berlin, September 25-28, 2008.


23.  'How basic is the notion of alternative? A diachronic typology of disjunction', presented at the Transalpine Typology Meeting, Berne, Switzerland, 22-24th January 2009.

24.  (with Andrea Sansò) 'Irrealis and clause linkage', presented at the 8th Biennial Meeting of the Association of Linguistic Typology, Berkeley, 23rd-26th July 2009.

25.  'Coordination Relations in the Languages of Europe and Beyond', plenary talk at the 8th Biennial Meeting of the Association of Linguistic Typology, Berkeley, 23rd-26th July 2009.

26.  (with Andrea Sansò) 'The diachrony of (ir)realis markers', presented at the 19th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Nijmegen, 10th-15th August 2009.

27.  (with Anna Giacalone) 'The grammaticalization of interclausal connectives: the case of adversatives', presented at the 19th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Nijmegen, 10th-15th August 2009.

28.  (with Anna Giacalone) 'Gradualness in Grammaticalization', presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Lisboa,  9 - 12 September 2009.


29. (with Andrea Sansò) 'Interclausal relations and reality status – a typological survey (and bits of a diachronic puzzle)' presented at Syntax of the World's Languages IV. Lyon, 23-26 September 2010.

30. (with Anna Giacalone Ramat). 'The grammaticalization of coordinating interclausal connectives'. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea 2-5 September 2010. Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania

31. (with Andrea Sansò). 'Reality status and interclausal relations: synchronic and diachronic variation'. 2nd Transalpine Typology Meeting. Pavia, 11-12 December 2010.


32. (with Andrea Sansò) 'Go and come as sources of directive constructions', presented at Workshop 'Come and go off the beaten grammaticalization path', 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea 8-11 September 2011, Logrono, Spain.

33. (with Anna Giacalone Ramat) 'Restricted indefiniteness: the case of Italian piuttosto che', presented at Workshop 'Indefinites in diachronic and comparative perspective', 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea 8-11 September 2011, Logrono, Spain.

34. 'Coordinating connectives across the world’s languages. Typological variation as a frame for multilingual databases'. Presented at the workshop 'Towards a multilingual database of connectives', MULDICO project, 31 August - 2September, Les Diablerets, Swizterland.


35.  (with Andrea Sansò) 'Sempre che and casomai: the grammaticalization of two conditional connectives in Italian'. Presented at New Reflections on Grammaticalization (NRG) 5, ?Edimborough 16- 19/7/2012 .

36. (with Anna Giacalone Ramat), 'Scalar connective operators: a focus on Italian pur di'. Presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Stockholm, Sweden. ?29/8/2012 – 2/9/2012 ?

37.  (with Francesca Masini and Paola Pietrandrea) 'The role of lists and list markers in the coding of vagueness: a cross-linguistic analysis '. Presented at 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Stockholm, Sweden. 29/8/2012 – 2/9/2012


38. (with Malvina Nissim, Paola Pietrandrea and Andrea Sansò) 'Which units for modality annotation?'. Presented a ISA-9, "Ninth Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation", 19/3/2013 ?Potsdam.

39. (with Mira Ariel) 'Non-connecting functions of connectives. Focus on non-exhaustive connectives'. Presented at the 13° IPRA Conference (International Pragmatic Conference, IPrA), New Delhi. ?9/9/2013  

40. (with Elisa Ghia, Malvina Nissim, Paola Pietrandrea and Andrea Sansò) 'Parallel corpora and the cross-linguistic annotation of modality'. Presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Split. ?18-21/9/2013 ?



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Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Università degli Studi di Pavia
Segreteria amministrativa: Piazza Botta, 6 - 27100 Pavia
Segreteria didattica: Corso Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia
Sezioni del Dipartimento
Email: webmaster.lettere (at) unipv.it