Università degli Studi di Pavia
Home › Dipartimento › Docenti › Ramat Paolo
Il Frisone. Introduzione allo studio della filologia frisone. Sansoni, Firenze 1967, pp. 226. (2nd revised and enlarged version: Das Friesische. Eine sprachliche und kulturgeschichtliche Einführung. ('IBS' 14). Innsbruck 1976: 197 pages.
Grammatica dell'antico sassone. Mursia, Milano 1968: pp. VIII-230.
Friedrich Engels, Lingua e storia dei Germani. Scritti filologici a cura di Paolo Ramat. Editori Riuniti, Roma, 1974, pp. 240.
La tipologia linguistica, a cura di Paolo Ramat. Il Mulino, Bologna 1976, 352 pp.
D. Gambarara, P. Ramat (eds.), Dieci anni di linguistica italiana (1965-1975), Società di Linguistica Italiana, 12. Bulzoni, Roma 1977.
Einführung in das Germanische, M. Niemeyer, Tübingen 1980 ('Linguist. Arbeiten' 95). Ital. 2nd, enlarged ed.: Introduzione alla linguistica germanica. Il Mulino, Bologna 1986
P. Ramat, O. Carruba et al. (eds.), Linguistic Reconstruction and Indo-European Syntax. Proceedings of the Colloquium of the "Indogermanische Gesellschaft", Pavia, Sept. 1979. Benjamins, Amsterdam 1980 ("CILT" 19).
Guest Editor of "History of Linguistics in Italy", Historiogr. Linguist. vol. IX, no. 3 (1982) (and Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, III: Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, vol. 33).
M. - E. Conte, A. Giacalone Ramat, P. Ramat (eds.), Akten des 12. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Pavia 1977; Bd. 1: Wortstellung und Bedeutung, Bd. 2: Sprache im Kontext. Niemeyer, Tübingen 1978 ("Linguist. Arbeiten", 61 u. 62).
M. Harris, P. Ramat (eds.), Historical Development of Auxiliaries. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin - New York, Amsterdam 1987.
M.-E. Conte, A. Giacalone Ramat, P. Ramat (a c. di), Dimensioni della linguistica. Angeli, Milano 1990 ('Materiali Linguistici' 1).
A. Giacalone Ramat, P. Ramat (eds.), Le lingue indoeuropee. Il Mulino, Bologna 1993. New ed. 1994. Repr. 1997 [Span. transl..: Las lenguas indoeuropeas, Càtedra, Madrid 1995; Engl. transl.: The Indo-European languages, Routledge, London 1997]
(with Giuliano Bernini) La frase negativa nelle lingue d'Europa. Il Mulino, Bologna 1992, pp. 291. Engl. version: Negative Sentences in the Languages of Europe. A Typological Approach. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin - New York 1996, pp. xiii+274. (‘EALT’ 16).
Sintassi storica. Atti del XXX Congr. Intern.le della Società di Linguist. Ital., Pavia 26-28 sett. 1996 (ed. by Paolo Ramat and Elisa Roma). Bulzoni, Roma 1998 (SLI, 39).
Guest Editor of “Language Sciences”, vol.20, Number 3, July 1998: ‘Areal Typology’
(with Sonia Cristofaro), Introduzione alla tipologia linguistica. Carocci, Roma 1999.
Linguistica tipologica. Il Mulino, Bologna 1984 ('SLS' 21).French (partial) transl. Typologie linguistique, Presses Universitaries de France, Paris 1985. Engl. ed. Linguistic Typology. Mouton De Gruyter, Berlin - New York, Amsterdam, 1987 ('EALT' 1)
Mediterranean languages. Papers from the MEDTYP workshop, Tirrenia, June 2000. Ed. by Paolo Ramat & Thomas Stolz. Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer. Bochum 2002
Pagine linguistiche. Scritti di linguistica storica e tipologica. Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005, pp.viii+258.
Paolo Ramat and Elisa Roma (eds.), Europe and the Mediterranean as linguistic areas. Convergencies from a historical and typological perspective. J. Benjamins Publ. Comp. Amsterdam / Philadelphia 2007.
Emanuele Miola and Paolo Ramat (eds.), Language Contact and Language Decay. Socio-political and linguistic perspectives. IUSS Press, Pavia 2011.
210 Recens. di Giuseppe Brincat, Malta. Una storia linguistica. “Aljamía. Anuario de información bibliográfica” 17/2005: 340-345.
211 Italian negatives from a typological/areal point of view. In: Zhì. Scritti in onore di E. Banfi, a c. di N.Grandi e G. Iannàccaro. Cassa Italia, Cesena-Roma 2006: 355-370.
212 L’italiano come lingua esotica ?. In: Lo spazio linguistico italiano e le ’lingue esotiche’: rapporti e reciproci influssi. Atti del XXXIX Congr. Internaz. di studi della Soc. di Linguist. Ital., Milano, sett. 2005, a c. di E. Banfi e G. Iannàccaro. Bulzoni, Roma 2006: 545-564.
213 Marginalia sulla grammaticalizzazione. In: Studi linguistici in onore di Roberto Gusmani, a c. di R. Bombi et al. Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria, 2006: vol. iii,1435-1443.
214 (con Pierluigi Cuzzolin e Ignazio Putzu) The Indo-European Adverb in diachronic and typological perspective. Indogermanische Forschungen 111/2006: 1-38.
215 Review article: Brian D. Joseph / Richard D. Janda (eds.), The handbook of historical linguistics. Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics: 2003. Linguistics 45/2007: 349-372.
217 Presentazione di Edward Sapir, Il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica. Trad. it. Einaudi, Torino 2007, pp.ix-xxviii.
218 Review of Z. Frajzyngier, A. Hodges and D.S. Rood (eds.), Linguistic diversity and language theories. 2005. ‘Studies in Language’ 31/2007: 690-698.
219 Foreword to Europe and the Meditarrenean as linguistic areas. Convergencies from a historical and typological perspective, ed. by Paolo Ramat and Elisa Roma . Benjamins Publ. Comp. 2007: pp. ix-xxv.
220 The problem of (un)translatability. Rassegna Ital.di Linguist.Applicata 39/2007 (“Voices of translation.Linguistic Multimedia and Cognitive Perspectives” ed. by A. Baicchi): 21-32.
221 (con Andrea Sansò) Per una classificazione tipologica delle lingue mediterranee. In: Mediterraneo plurilingue. Atti del Convegno di Studi , Genova 13-15 maggio 2004, a c. di V. Orioles e F. Toso Numero monografico di “Plurilinguismo”, 14 /2007 [ ma 2009]: 241-253.
Recens. di Antonio Gramsci, Quaderni dal carcere. I: Quaderni di traduzione (1929-1932). A c. di Giuseppe Cospito e Gianni Francioni. Ediz. naz.le degli scritti di A.G. promossa dalla Fondaz. Istituto Gramsci: Istit.dell’Enclop.Ital., Roma 2007. Arch.Glottol. Ital. 93/2008 : 254-257.
223 Les adverbes latins du point de vue de l’indo-européen. In: M.Fruyt et S. van Laer (éd.), Adverbes et évolution linguistique en latin. L’Harmattan, Paris (Centre Alfred Ernout, Série ‘Grammaire et linguistique’, n°2) 2008 : 13-24.
224 How Universal are Linguistic categories?. In: S. Scalise /E. Magni / A. Bisetto (eds.), Universals of Language Today. Springer, Heidelberg (‘Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory’ 76) 2009: 1-11.
225 Once more on linguistic categories. In: J. Helmbrecht et al. (eds.), Form and function in language research. Papers in honour of Christian Lehmann. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin / New York, 2009: 151-156.
226 (con E. Ježek) On parts-of-speech transcategorization, Folia Linguistica 43 / 2009: 391-416
227 Recensione di Peter Muysken (ed.), From Linguistic Areas to Areal Linguistics. Benjamins, Amsterdam / Philadelphia 2008. —Peter Siemund / Noemi Kintana (eds.), Language Contact and Contact Languages. Benjamins, Amsterdam / Philadelphia 2008. — K. David Harrison / David S. Rood / Arienne Dwyer (eds.), Lessons from documented endangered languages. Benjamins, Amsterdam / Philadelphia 2008. Arch. Glottol. Ital. 94/2009: 108-123
228 Uno sguardo d’insieme. In: Lingue, ethnos e popolazioni: evidenze linguistiche, biologiche e culturali. Atti del Convegno della Soc. Ital. di Glottol., Verona ottobre 2007 (a c. di P.Cotticeli Kurras e G. Graffi). Il calamo, Roma 2009: 11-31.
229 (con I.Putzu) Morfologia dei ‘casi spaziali’ e sistema della deissi in greco antico: considerazioni preliminari. In: I.Putzu et al. (a c.di), La morfologia del greco tra tipologia e diacronia. FrancoAngeli, Milano 2010: 406-429.
230 (con P. Cuzzolin) A typological outline of Classical Greek and Latin. AIΩN 30, IV 2008 [ma 2010]: 189-22
231 Review of Muriel Norde, Degrammaticalization. Oxford University Press 2009. Language 86/2010: 979-982.
232 (con Chiara Fedriani e Gianguido Manzelli) Experiential constructions in the Circum-Mediterranean area. In M. Frascarelli (ed.),Structures and meanings: cross-theoretical perspectives. L’Harmattan Italia, Torino 2011: 21-37.
233 Prefazione a Dialoghi sulle lingue e sul linguaggio, a c. di Nicola Grandi, Pàtron, Bologna 2011: p.9sg.
234 Comparative identity of linguistic minorities. In: Tiziana Migliore & Paolo Fabbri (eds.), The Architectures of Babel. Creation, Extinctions and Intercessions in the Languages of the Global World. Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Olschki, Firenze 2011: 81-97.
237 Review of Gabriele Diewald & Elena Smirnova, Evidentiality in German : Linguistic realization and regularities in grammaticalization. Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton 2010. Linguistic Typology 16/2012 : 169-177.
238 Review of Gabriele Diewald & Elena Smirnova (eds.), Linguistic realization of evidentiality in European languages. Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton 2010. Linguistic Typology 16/2012: 177-183.
239 (con Chiara Fedriani e Gianguido Manzelli) Gradualness in contact-induced constructional replication: the Abstract Possession construction in the Circum-Mediterranean area. In Anna Giacalone, Caterina Mauri & Piera Molinelli (eds.), Synchrony and Diachrony: A dynamic interface. Amsterdam / Philadelphia, Benjamins, 2013: 391-418.
240 ‘Are All Languages Equally Complex?’In Sull’origine del linguaggio e delle lingue storico-naturali. Un confronto fra linguisti e non linguisti, a c. di E. Banfi. Atti del 1° Convegno interannuale di studi della SLI, 2012. Roma, Bulzoni 2013: 87-104
241 Recens. di Adam Ledgeway, From Latin to Romance. Morphosyntactic Typology and Change. Oxfrod Univ. Press 2012. Arch. Glottol. Ital. 98/2013:103-120.
Voce 'Negation' in The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Editor- in- Chief R.E. Asher. Pergamon Press, vol. 5, 1994, 2769-74. [2nd ed. , Editor-in-Chief Keith Brown: Elsevier 2006; vol. 8: 559-567].
Voce ‘Grammaticalization’ in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Editors-in-Chief Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes. Pergamon Press 2004: Pages 6353-6357.
The (Early) History of Linguistic Typology, in The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Typology. Ed. by Jae Jung Song. Oxford UP 2011: Chapt. I, pp. 9-24.
The impact of migrations on the linguistic landscape of Europe, in The languages and linguistics of Europe. A comprehensive guide. Ed. by Bernd Kortmann and Johan van der Auwera. ‘The World of Linguistics’ ed. by Hans Henrich Hock, vol. I. De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin/Boston 2011: 683-696.
Adverbial grammaticalization, in The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization. Ed. by Heiko Narrog and Bernd Heine. Oxford University Press 2011: 502-510
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Born in Florence, 3 Aug.1936.
- PhD in Glottologia (Linguistics) at the University of Florence (Dec. 1958)
- Lektor for Italian Language and Culture at the University of Saarland: Saarbrücken, Oct. 1961- Sept. 1962
- Research Assistant of Linguistics at the University of Cagliari (Nov.1962- Jan.1968)
- Assistant Professor of Germanic Philology at the University of Cagliari ( Nov. 1963- Jan. 1968)
- Full Professor of Germanic Philology at the Universities of Cagliari (Febr. 1968-Oct. 1971) and Pavia (Nov. 1971-Oct. 1974)
- Full Professor of Linguistics (Univ. of Pavia: Nov. 1974 – Oct. 2007)
- Doctor ‘honoris causa’ of the University of Erfurt, Germany (2.May 2006)
- Full Professor of Linguistics (IUSS [Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori],Pavia (Nov. 2007-09)
- Retired 31. Oct. 2009
Academic duties:
- Direttore dell’Istituto di Lingue e Letterature straniere, Univ. of Cagliari: 1968 - 1971.
- Direttore dell’Istituto di Germanistica, Univ. of Pavia: 1971 - 1974
- Direttore dell’Istituto di Glottologia, Univ. of Pavia: 1974 - 1985
- Direttore del Dipart.to di Scienze dell’Antichità, Univ. of Pavia: 1989-1991
- Direttore del Dipart.to di Linguistica, Univ. of Pavia: 1994- 2002.
Studies abroad:
- Amsterdam (1964, 1966, 1968, 1970 and 1972: Frisian, Old Saxon and Low German)
- Oslo (1967: International Summer School on Norwegian Language)
- DAAD (Deutscher Akadem. Austauschdienst) : study of Germanic Philology, Sanskrit, Old Iranian: Univ. of Würzburg, Oct. 1960- Sept. 1961
- DAAD: University of Konstanz, Fall 1973
- CNRS (Conseil National de la Recherche Scientifique): study of general linguistics and Culioli’s theory: University of Paris VII, Oct.- Dec. 1977
- Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung: work in the frame of Seiler’s UNITYP-Project (Febr.-
Nov. 1978)
- Middlebury, Vermont (USA): Summer School 1969: Visiting Professor at the Italian School
- Univers. München (Sommersemester 1981): Visiting Professor at the Institut für Deutsche Philologie.
- Paris (a.a. 1981/82): Professeur Associé à l’Université de Paris IV - Sorbonne, Institut d’Etudes Germaniques.
- Los Angeles (Fall Quarter 1987): Visiting Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Italian Department
- Prague, November 1997: Lecture series for the Vilém Mathesius Center for Research and Education in Linguistics and Semiotics (Universitas Carolina)
- Paris, Mai 2001: leçons au Collège de France.
Selection of teaching activities in Italy outside of Pavia :
- Università di Roma III: Corso di perfezionamento in linguistica, giugno 1996: ‘Linguistica areale e comparazione tipologica’
- Società Italiana di Glottologia, Scuola estiva di Udine / S. Daniele, settembre 1999: ‘Lezioni di tipologia’.
- Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa ; febbr.-marzo 2002: “Avviamento alla tipologia linguistica”
- Ist. Univers. Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli; maggio 2003: ciclo di lezioni per il Dottorato in Linguistica e Letterature
- Univ. di Cagliari. Summer School of the ‘Association for Linguistic Typology’; Settembre 2003: Lessons on “Typology of the Classical Languages (Ancient Greek and Latin)” by Pierluigi Cuzzolin and Paolo Ramat
- Societas Linguistica Europaea (Member of the Executive Committee: 1984-86; President of the Society: 1994/95)
- Società di Linguistica Italiana (President of the Society: 1973-1977)
- Società Italiana di Glottologia (Member of the ‘Consiglio direttivo’:1985-1987 and 1989-1990; President of the Society: 1988-1989)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the “Scientific Program on Language Typology” (‘EUROTYP’) funded by the European Science Foundation (1990-1994)
- Executive Committee of the Comité International Permanent des Linguistes (1992 - 2008);
chairman of the CIPL Nominating Committee (1993-1997). Vice-President since 2000. ‘ad interim’ President up to the XVII CIL Congress (Prague,July 2003). Vice-President until the next Congress (2008).
- Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: Member of the Committee for the Humanities (1994-1998, and President of the Committee (1995 -1998)
- Member of the Executive Committee of the Association for Linguistic Typology (1999-2001)
- European Science Foundation (Strasbourg): Representative of the Italian CNR in the Governing Council of the ESF (1999-2005)
- European Science Foundation (Strasbourg): Member of the Review Panel of the EUROCORES Program (2003-2007) ‘Origin of Man, Language and Languages’
- Responsible for the Scientific Committee of the Class for Humanities (A1) of the Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS, Pavia) since Jan. 2006.
- European Research Council: Member of the 4th Panel for Human Sciences (SH4:'The Human Mind and its Complexity'). Starting Grant 6th Call. 2012-2013
Congresses, meetings, round tables etc. (more or less) recently organized:
- Sept. 1985: ‘workshop’ on ‘Historical development of auxiliaries’ in the frame of the 7th
International Conference on Historical Linguistics (in collaboration with M. Harris; Proceedings published in the series ‘Trends in Linguistics’, Studies and Monographs, 35: Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin 1987);
- Sept. 1988: Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia ‘Modelli esplicativi della diacronia
linguistica’ (Proceedings published in the ‘Biblioteca della SIG’, vol.13: Giardini, Pisa 1989);
- Sept. 1993: ‘workshop’ of the 5th working group of the EUROTYP project (‘Adverbial relations’) funded by the European Science Foundation
- Sept.1996: XXX Congr. Intern. di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana sul tema ‘Sintassi storica’ (Proceedings ed. by P.Ramat, published in the ‘SLI’ series, vol. 39: Bulzoni, Roma 1998).
- June 2000. Workshop su Mediterranean languages (Proceeedings: Mediterranean
languages. Papers from the MEDTYP workshop, Tirrenia, June 2000. Ed. by Paolo Ramat & Thomas Stolz. Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer. Bochum 2002).
- Sept. 2003. Summer School of the ‘Association for Linguistic Typology’, University of Cagliari.
Member of the Scientific Committee. Lessons on “Typology of the Classical Languages (Ancient Greek and Latin)” by Pierluigi Cuzzolin and Paolo Ramat
Coordinatore responsabile del Dottorato Internazionale di Ricerca in Linguistica, in cooperazione con le Università di Erfurt e Berlino (Freie Univers.), negli anni accad. 2003/04 – 2006/07, con cicli di lezioni svolte a Erfurt (2004) e Berlino (2005).
Coordinatore responsabile del Dottorato di Ricerca in Linguistica (sedi consorziate: Univ. di Bergamo, Univers. di Cagliari, Univ. di Torino; Libera Univ. di Bolzano;sede amministrativa Univ. di Pavia) , cicli XIX-XXIII cicli (2003/04 – 2006/07 )
Coordinator of the International Spring School 2009 (Centro IUSS di ricerca LETiSS (Lingue d’Europa: Tipologia, Storia e Sociolinguistica) : “Standard and non-standard languages of Europe: future and vitality of dialects, language contacts and new linguistic scenarios in today’s Europe” (6-10 April 2009).
Coordinator of the LETiSS workshop “Language contact and language decay: socio-political and linguistic perspectives” (IUSS, Pavia, 8-9 April 2010).
►Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: „Universalien und Typologie“ (’UNITYP’) Project, directed by Hansjakob Seiler (Febr.- Nov. 1978)
► European Science Foundation “Scientific Program on Language Typology” (‘EUROTYP’) (1990-1994)
►Progetto coordinato CNR (coordinatore centrale Romano Lazzeroni, Univ. di Pisa): „Le lingue del Mediterraneo: tipologia e convergenza“
►Progetto MIUR cofinanziato (2003-2005, coordinatore centrale Marco Mancini):” Continuità e discontinuità delle strutture linguistiche: cause e modalità”
►Progetto MIUR cofinanziato (2005-2007, coordinatore centrale Giorgio Banti, Univ. degli studi di Napoli, ‘L’Orientale’): “Livelli di analisi nell’evoluzione delle lingue indoeuropee”.
see above 'Books and edited books', 'Articles and Reviews since 2005'
Università degli Studi di Pavia
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